1.2 - Rothesay Primary School

Primary 3
1st Join
- acdehiklmnstu
these letters join to
2nd Join
- acdehIklmnstu
these letters join to
Break Letters
Reinforce that these letters never
- bgjpqxyz
In all writing tasks form letters and
space words legibly in linked script
Punctuation and
Can use adjectives and
descriptive phrases for detail
and emphasis e.g. ‘the roaring
crowd’ as opposed to ‘the big
Recognise a simile
Can make a simile
Begin to recognise alliteration
and the purpose for which it is
Recognise and use more
complex connectives (but, then,
so, when) to join two sentences
Can begin to link ideas and
events using strategies to create
‘flow’ at the beginning of a
sentence e.g. last time, also,
after, then, soon, at last, and
another thing
Primary 3
Recognise that capital letters are
used for names, place names
Recognise and use question
marks appropriately
Understand how commas are
used in lists
Understand and use simple
contractions (it’s, don’t, can’t,
isn’t, wasn’t)
Recognise that spoken words
are marked off from the rest of a
sentence by speech marks
Introduce the uses of
paragraphs e.g. separate
different parts of a story
Understand how commas are
used in lists
Recognise that spoken words
are marked off from the rest of a
sentence by speech marks
Can use speech marks in a
simple sentence
Knowledge of Language
Use dictionary or word book
with confidence
Begin to order words to the
second letter
Begin to use a thesaurus
Introduce the term proper noun
Understand the terms plural and
singular (link to spelling)
By the end of Primary 3 can
order the alphabet without the
use of a visual aid
Understand the terms: planning,
drafting, re-drafting
Phonics and
- Riming – care, pare, dare
- Children should recognise the
analogy and be able to use
when developing their own
Primary 3
Phonics and
lists of words in reading and
spelling activities
- Rhyming – pair, tear
- Children should recognise the
analogy and be able to use
when developing their own
lists of words in reading and
spelling activities
- Homophones – pair, pear
- Children should recognise the
analogy and be able to use
when developing their own
lists of words in reading and
spelling activities
Compound Words
- Recognise and use more
complex compound words
- E.g. – roundabout,
playground, paintbrush
Fry’s Spelling List
- Can accurately spell
commonly used words from
Fry’s List and/or High
Frequency word list
- Can use
Block 1/2
- Revision of P2 sounds
Block 3
- Alphabetical order by initial
Block 4
- Alphabetical order (to 2nd letter)
Block 5
- a/e, e/e, i/e, o/e, u/e (magic ‘e’)
Block 6
- ie (pie), ea (pear), ae, aw, au, ue,
ew (blew)
Primary 3
Phonics and
Block 7
- y (sky), y (windy), ce, ge, le, dge
Block 8
- tch, igh, ight, eigh, augh, ough
Block 9
- k, w, g, p (silent initial), mb, lk
(silent letters in blends)
Block 10
- simple compound words
Phonics and
(From Schofield and Sims, Spelling 2)
Magic –e (a-e, i-e, o-e, e-e)
Adding ing
Adding ed
Doubling letters before ing and ed
Adding ing and ed to words ending y
Compound words
Adding s and es
Adding s to words ending y
Soft g (makes a j sound)
Adding the suffix y
Adding er and est
Adding ful and less
Adding the prefix un
Adding the prefix dis
Tricky consonants ph and ch
Tricky consonants kn, wr, mb
Soft c (makes a s sound)
Creating Texts
- extend use of ambitious
vocabulary (e.g. joy,
Primary 3
happiness, vehicle, shelter,
bravely, massive, enormous,
- extend use of connectives to
join two simple sentences
(e.g. and, so, but, then, when,
next, after)
- extend use of openers to
describe where, when, what
and who (e.g. At Granny’s
house, Last night, First,
Another time, A party, My
friend, My brother Paul)
Reading and
See appropriate punctuation
and grammar
Enjoyment and Choice
- Regularly select and read
texts which I enjoy and I can
explain why I prefer certain
texts and authors
- Can differentiate between a
wide variety of authors and
explain personal preferences
Tools for Reading
- Can use knowledge of
phonological awareness to
recognise and decode
unfamiliar vocabulary ie.
Consonant and vowel
diagraphs, short/long vowels,
segmentation, prefixes and
- Can recognise and
understand the different
layouts and punctuation
found in various texts e.g.
Primary 3
plays, poetry, prose and nonfiction
Can use punctuation correctly
when reading aloud, to aid
expression, intonation and
Finding and Using Information
- Can recognise the difference
between notes and prose
- Can recall/remember key
information from a text
- Can highlight the main ideas
and sequence information
- Can select information from
various appropriate resources
independently e.g. reference
books, maps, websites etc.
Understanding, Analysing and
- Can identify and consider the
purpose of fiction/non-fiction
texts across the curriculum
and can explain the features
of these texts based on title,
blurb, author, illustrations,
contents, index and/or menu
- Can answer questions about a
text and justify the answers,
including prediction
Listening and
Listening for Information
- Should be able to listen to
and respond appropriately to
three or more instructions.
- Be able to listen to a short,
straight forward text or story
containing more than 2 items
of information or instruction
and show understanding
through responding to
questions and discussing
Primary 3
Listening in Groups
- Be able to listen to others in
groups (e.g. circle time,
co-operative learning) and be
able to respond with relevant
- Face audience and make eye
- Talk clearly and audibly to
peer group and adults with
appropriate pace and tone
- Be able to answer questions
relating to the topic
- Can recount and experience
of their own or another
- Can begin to offer their
opinion on occasion
- Can talk about their own
feelings confidently
- When talking in groups they
can share ideas, opinions,
information and experiences
respectfully and confidently
(co-operative learning)