Cell Analogy Project

Name:____________________________ Period: ___________ Due Date For Project: _________________
Unit 3
Cell Analogy Project
Now that you have learned about the structures in a cell, you will create an analogy that compares
the cell and its organelles to something of your choice just like we did with the factory. (You may
NOT use the factory example!) Choose an analogy that focuses on the cell as a whole made up of
many parts working together. Other examples include the cell as a…
sailing ship
football stadium
ant colony
Peabody High School
North Shore Mall
You will create a poster that illustrates your analogy. Posters must be in color and at least 8.5” x
11” big (standard page). All organelles must be labeled clearly with the appropriate names (see
grading guidelines below). The first part of this assignment is to complete the Cell Analogy Project
Worksheet (attached). You may also want to sketch a rough draft of your poster, as you will be
graded for neatness as well as accuracy.
Grading Guidelines
Project Size
o Poster at least 8.5 x 11 inches
Organelles/Cell Structures
o All 12 organelles included
o Each organelle is labeled TWICE: with the organelle name and the analogy part (for
example, the power generator is labeled both “Mitochondrion” and “Power Generator”)
o Organelles are labeled accurately – the analogy makes sense!
Neatness and Organization
o Project has a title
o Organelles are labeled neatly
o Project is well-organized and illustrations are neat
o Project is in full color
o Project is unique and creative!
o Project displays a high level of effort
Name:____________________________ Period: ___________ Due Date For Project: _________________
Unit 3
Cell Analogy Project Worksheet
For my analogy, I will compare my cell to ___________________________________.
Choose either a Plant or Animal cell (not both!) to use for your analogy, and check off each
organelle as you add it to the chart below:
Plant Cell
Animal Cell
 Nucleus
 Nucleus
 Cell wall
Cell membrane
 Flagellum
Cell membrane
 Chloroplast
Golgi apparatus
 Cytoskeleton
 Ribosome
Endoplasmic reticulum
 Golgi apparatus
Endoplasmic reticulum
 Vacuole
 Vacuole
 Cytoplasm
 Centriole
A. Cell Structure
B. Function
C. Analogy Part
D. Function
A. Cell Structure
B. Function
C. Analogy Part
D. Function