Phase 4 - Week 3 Objectives and criteria for success: Practise

Phase 4 - Week 3
Objectives and criteria for success:
Practise recognition and recall of Phase 2 and 3 graphemes p109–110.
Teach and practise spelling CCVC words p113.
Teach spelling the tricky words they, are p119.
Practise reading sentences p122.
Revisit and Review
Practise recognition and recall of
Phase 2 and 3 GPCs p109–10.
Practise reading and spelling all
high frequency words learned so
far in this phase p118–9.
Practise recognition and recall of
Phase 2 and 3 GPCs p109–10.
Practise reading and spelling all
high frequency words learned so
far in this phase p118–9.
Practise recognition and recall of
Phase 2 and 3 GPCs p109–10.
Teach and practise reading CCVC words p111.
Teach reading the tricky words some, come, there p119 and decodable word help p119.
Practise reading and spelling high frequency words p118.
Practise writing sentences p124.
Teach reading tricky words some, come p118.
Explain that it can be hard to hear the sounds of some
letters when put together with others. This week you
are going to show them these tricky combinations.
Show the children the ‘st’ poster and explain how it
sounds like ‘sd’ but words don’t start with these two
letters together.
Teach reading tricky word there p118 and decodable
word help p119.
Show the children the ‘sk/sc’ poster and explain how it
sounds like ‘sg’ but words don’t start with these two
letters together.
Blending for reading:
Play Snowball Sounds (Appendix 1): skip, scoop, skill.
Teach spelling they p119.
Show the children the ‘tr’ poster and explain how it
sounds like ‘chr’ but isn’t spelt that way.
Blending for reading: Countdown p114: tree, trash,
trick, tram, truck.
Teach spelling are p119.
Show the children the ‘dr’ poster and explain how it
sounds like ‘jr’ but words don’t start with these two
letters together.
Blending for reading: Play Snowball Sounds
(Appendix 1): drip, drum, drop, dress.
Show the children the ‘sp’ poster and explain how it
sounds like ‘sb’ but words don’t start with these two
letters together.
Blending for reading: Buried Treasure p115 speeth,
spot, spin, sparm, spoon.
* Children may need some help on whether to use ‘sc’ or ‘sk’ but the focus is not using ‘sg’.
Segmentation for spelling:
Play Filling in the Blanks
(Appendix 2): stop, start,
stick, stack.
Segmentation for spelling:
Quickwrite words p117,
scarf, scab, skid, skin.*
Reading sentences
Yes/no questions
p123: Can you start
the car?
Do you stop at a
green light?
Did you get a sticker?
Writing sentences
p124: The scarf was
black and red.
Give the sound when shown
any Phase 2 and 3 grapheme.
Find any Phase 2 or 3
grapheme, from a display,
when given the sound.
Be able to blend and read
words containing adjacent
Be able to segment and spell
words containing adjacent
Segmentation for spelling:
Play Filling in the Blanks
(Appendix 2): train, trip,
track, trap.
Reading sentences,
Drawing p122: The
truck got stuck in the
Be able to read the tricky
words said, so, have, like,
some, come, there.
Segmentation for spelling:
Quickwrite words p117,
droop, drag, drain, dragon,
Writing sentences
p124: I got a drop of
my drink on my dress.
Be able to spell the tricky
words he, she, we, me, be,
was, you, they, are.
Segmentation for spelling:
Play Filling in the Blanks
(Appendix 2): sport, spoil,
spark, speck.
Shared reading p124.
Phase 4 - Week 4
Objectives and criteria for success:
Practise recognition and recall of Phase 2 and 3 graphemes p109–110.
Practise spelling words containing two adjacent consonants p113–115.
Teach spelling the tricky words my, her p119.
Practise reading sentences p122.
Revisit and Review
Practise reading and spelling all
high frequency words learned so far
in this phase p118–9.
Practise recognition and recall of
Phase 2 and 3 GPCs p109–10.
Practise reading words containing two adjacent consonants (CCVCC words) p113–115.
Teach reading the tricky words when, what p119 and decodable word children p119.
Practise reading and spelling high frequency words p118.
Practise writing sentences p124.
Teach reading tricky words when, what
Blending for reading - Play Snowball
Sounds (Appendix 1): plump, crept,
crunch, craft.
Segmentation for spelling Quickwrite words p117: brand,
frost, cramp, plump, stamp,
Reading sentences - Yes/no
questions p123: Did you
drink milk?
Can you stand on your chin?
Are frogs from Mars?
Teach reading decodable word children
Blending for reading - Countdown p114:
blend, stunt, crust, tramp, grunt.
Segmentation for spelling Play Filling in the Blanks
(Appendix 2): drift, slept,
skunk, blink.
Writing sentences p124:
I like crisps.
Practise reading and spelling all
high frequency words learned so far
in this phase p118–9.
Teach spelling my p119.
Blending for reading - Play Snowball
Sounds (Appendix 1): drank, blank,
trunk, crust.
Segmentation for spelling:
Quickwrite words p117, spark,
thrust, traps, stomp, shrink.
Reading sentences Drawing p122: The children
Practise recognition and recall of
Phase 2 and 3 GPCs p109–10.
Teach spelling my p119.
Blending for reading - Buried Treasure
p115: clost, clamp, brist, speet, street.
Segmentation for spelling Play Filling in the Blanks
(Appendix 2): prowl, scoop,
frown, scrunch, crisp, stand.
Writing sentences p124:
A wasp can sting.
Blending for reading - Countdown p114;
drown, drink, stink, plank, thank, stamp.
Segmentation for spelling Quickwrite words p117: trust,
brand, frost, blend, grasp,
Shared reading p124.
Practise reading and spelling all
high frequency words learned so far
in this phase p118–9.
Give the sound when shown
any Phase 2 and 3 grapheme.
Find any Phase 2 or 3
grapheme, from a display,
when given the sound.
Be able to blend and read
words containing adjacent
Be able to segment and spell
words containing adjacent
Be able to read the tricky
words said, so, have, like,
some, come, there, when,
Be able to spell the tricky
words he, she, we, me, be,
was, you, they, are, my, her.