Key Stage 2 SATs

Key Stage 2 SATs
 Nationally,most children are expected to
achieve Level 4.
 Some children may achieve Level 3. This
does not mean they have ‘failed’. For some
children Level 3 is a tremendous achievement.
 Some children are working at a higher level
and achieve a level 5 or 6.
The Tests
 SATs week begins on Monday 12th May 2014.
 This year there are two areas being tested in
the SATs: Numeracy and Literacy, each with
two or three papers of varying length.
 We will work closely with pupils to ensure they
are familiar with the different formats.
This test has three papers:
 Paper 1 (calculator not allowed) – 45 minutes
 Paper 2 (calculator NOT allowed) – 45 minutes first
major change to this year’s test
 Mental Arithmetic – 5, 10 or 15 seconds per question
 Some of the questions require the children to show
their processing skills
 Many of the questions require the children to show
their skill in using and applying maths in a variety of
 The questions can be read to the children so that it is
only their mathematical ability that is being tested
 Consists of three tests including a spelling test:
 Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar test (45 minutes)
- second year of this test which was introduced last
 Reading Test (One hour to answer questions on 3
different unrelated texts) - major change this year
 Spelling test (approx. 15 minutes)
 Handwriting is assessed in the writing tasks.
The Reading Test
There are several different answer formats.
 Short answers
 Several line answers
 Longer answers
Some responses require them to tick, draw lines
or put a ring around the answer.
The aspects of reading to be
• Retrieval
• Deduce and infer
• Text style and
• Interpreting imagery
• Authorial technique
• Understanding language
• Time given
One hour to complete
questions on 3 different
unrelated texts.
Children may choose the
order in which they read
and complete the
English grammar, punctuation and spelling
45 minutes grammar and punctuation.
15 minute spelling test. Spelling is now heavily
weighted in this test and counts for a higher percentage of overall
marks. Copy
available to browse.
This new test was introduced last year. As a result,
we have introduced a weekly ‘stand alone’ grammar
lesson to revise ALL of the work covered in Key
stage 1 and 2.
Extra weekly homework tasks were introduced at
the start of the year.
Writing this year will be based purely on teacher
assessment and the evidence that we have gained over
the year. Children will need to show consistency in the
following areas:
• Sentence structure and punctuation
• Text structure and organisation
• Composition and effect
How Can You Help?
 Praise and encourage your child, leading up to and
during SATs week and when the results come out.
 Your child will need to be in school for each test
in SATs week.
 Your child should go to bed early prior to SATs –
including Friday and Saturday
 Make sure they have a good breakfast and a snack
for break time may also help. Water during the test
also helps.
 We will be arranging a Breakfast Club from 8.30 8.50 (Mainly to allay any nerves)
What can you do to
prepare your child?
 Revision – help your child to revise & practise skills.
 Daily reading and discussion about their books.
 Learn & practise spellings – lists have been given out at the
start of each new term.
 Learn & practise times tables.
 Discuss with your child's teachers - areas to work on at
home/specific activities/concerns.
 Ensure your child completes all their homework tasks.
 We politely request that you DO NOT administer past SAT
papers at home.
How to revise
• Routines.
• Concentrate on areas of weakness, not what
they can do easily.
• Short bursts (20minutes).
• Revision guides
• Internet
• E.g. BBC Revise Wise
And finally...
 Any questions?
 Thank you for your time this morning
 You have all been given copies of the revision
guides and have had an opportunity to look at
past papers.