Kilgarvan Parish, Church of St. Patrick, A Parish of the Kenmare

Kilgarvan Parish, Church of St. Patrick, A Parish of the Kenmare Pastoral Area.
Priests of the Parish: Fr. Con Buckley and Fr. Donal O’Neill,
Mobile: 087 2998191 Parish Office Landline: 064 6685313. Office hours Monday and Friday 9.30am – 1.30pm Parish email:
Masses on Sundays and Feasts: Vigil: 6.30pm, Morning: 10.30am. Weekday masses: Monday and Thursday 10am, Wednesday and Friday 7.30pm. Sacrament of Reconciliation by request after
mass. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament every Friday from 9am to 9pm. Diocesan news at and more parish news under Kilgarvan Parish on the website.
Church Notices:
Saturday 27th June Intention: Florence O’Sullivan, Curraglass
Sunday 28th June Intention: Daniel, Barabara and Jerry O’Sullivan, Mangerton 10.30am
Monday 29th June Intention: Private Intention
Wednesday 01st July Intention: Donal and Mary Kelleher, Coolnoohill
Thursday 2nd July Intention: People of the Parish
Friday 3rd July
Intention: Richie and Mary Purcell, Railway Road
Saturday 4th July Intention: Joe Purcell, Railway Road
Sunday 5th July
Intention: Connie Kelleher, Gortlehard
Liturgy next week-end: Readers: 6.30pm Maria Traynor 10.30am Martina O’Shea
Eucharistic Ministers: 6.30pm Catherine Randles, Pat Kelleher 10.30am Margaret
Twomey, Dermot Coffey Altar Servers: 6.30pm Jake Casey, Clodagh Casey (Bella Casey)
10.30am Luke Scanlon, Michael O’Donoghue (Martina O’Shea).
Priest on Sunday duty this week-end: Fr. Liam O’Brien 064 66 45141 / 087 348 0050
Email :
Parish Collections: The Parish Collection last weekend was €555. Many thanks for
your generosity. There will be a Diocesan Collection for Sick and Retired Priests next
week-end 4th/5th July.
Next Friday is the First Friday of the month and visits will take place as usual. If you
wish to add anyone to the list please contact Fr. Con
Funeral: We pray for the repose of the soul of Joan O’Sullivan, Ardtully who died during
the week and we sympathise with her family and friends. May she rest in peace.
Cemetery Mass: The annual cemetery mass will be held on Wednesday 22nd July at
7.30pm (weather permitting). The Collection taken up at the offertory at this mass is for
future projects in the burial ground. The Annual Kilgarvan Church Gate Collection held
later in the year helps with the day to day maintenance of our burial grounds.
The Pope's Encyclical on the Environment - Laudato Si': This is the first time a pope
has devoted one entirely to environmental issues. The pontiff unambiguously accepts
the scientific consensus that changes in the climate are largely man-made, and also
laments a loss of biodiversity and growing scarcities of safe water. Francis is especially
strong on the link between environmental problems and poverty, arguing that
developing nations will bear the brunt of today’s ecological crisis and that poor people
are ill-equipped to adapt to a changing climate. It’s essential, he insists, “to hear both
the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.” For Christians, Francis says, there’s a
special obligation to care for “our common home” rooted in the Biblical idea of nature
as God’s creation. Yet he says the message of Laudato Si’ is intended for all, because no
one is exempt from the consequences when, as he puts it, the Earth begins “to look
more and more like an immense pile of filth.” Fr. Donal Dorr, will be speaking on the
Pope's Encyclical in Killarney on the evening of 28th September.
The LATIN MASS (1962 Missal) will be offered in Holy Cross Dominican Church, Tralee
on Sun 5th July and Sun 26th July at 1.30pm. More info :
There is an open public A. A. meeting for the Kerry area on Sun June 28th at 2.30pm in
the Listowel Arms. We are celebrating 60 years of A.A. in Kerry. All are welcome.
Community Notices:
Kilgarvan Tidy Towns: Animation of Rural Communities Programme - Follow Up
Meeting. Under the LEADER programme, South Kerry Development Partnership
supported Kilgarvan in identifying the tourism potential in the community and develop
an action plan to capitalise on this potential. The action plan identified a number of
specific projects for support. A meeting will be held in Kilgarvan Community Centre on
Monday 29th June at 7pm to discuss the possibilities open to our community. There
are many attractions in our parish and now would be a good time to explore the options
and the prospect of offering employment in the locality. EVERYONE WELCOME,
particularly the various organisations in the parish and anyone involved in tourism.
There will be a clothing recycling drive in aid of Kilgarvan Bord Na nog on Wed 8th
July. Items can be dropped to GAA field between 9.30-11.30am on the day. Please
donate all your clean unwanted clothes also bed linen, blankets, towels, curtains, shoes,
bags belts and soft toys. No household bric a brac, dirty or wet clothes, mats, carpets,
duvets, pillows or books. Bags can be dropped to GAA field from 29th June to 3rd July
from 10-2pm and we will call to houses on Tuesday 7th July. Please contact Joann
Murphy 087 9893133 to make arrangements for collection of items. Thank you for your
support and for taking the time and effort to support our fundraising drive.
Kilgarvan Tidy Towns wish to thank Donal and Cathy Twomey and Danny Healy-Rae
for their contributions to tidy towns work.
Historical Outing to Mt. Trenchard & Foynes led by Tom Donovan on Sunday, 28th
June. Meet at Parish Church, Loughill, Co. Limerick at 2.30pm. All are welcome.