Bonding and Nomenclature Review

Grade 11 Chemistry
Bonding Review:
1) Why do atoms bond?
2) Which electrons in an atom are involved in bonding?
3) What is the quickest way to determine the number of valence electrons in an atom?
4) What is a stable octet?
5) What does isoelectronic mean?
6) What is an ionic bond?
7) What is a covalent bond?
8) What is the difference between polar covalent bonds and pure covalent bonds?
9) How does an ionic compound stay together?
10) How do the atoms in a covalent compound stay together? How do molecules of a
covalent compound stay together?
11) Which element is written first in an ionic bond?
12) What kinds of elements usually form covalent bonds?
13) What kinds of elements usually form ionic bonds?
14) What is a polyatomic ion?
15) List all the differences in physical properties between ionic and covalent compounds.
16) What is a double covalent bond? Give one example of a molecule that possesses one.
17) What is a diatomic molecule? List all the diatomic molecules that exist.
18) How can you determine numerically whether a bond will be pure covalent, polar
covalent or ionic?
19) Describe the bonding that will occur between the following elements, discussing:
A) the kind of elements that make up the formula of the compound.
B) the name of the compound.
C) the difference in electronegativity between the two elements.
D) whether the bond is ionic, polar covalent or pure covalent.
a) Li and I
f) Ra and F
b) N and Ga
g) O and Zr
c) La and P
h) O and O
d) Mg and Cl
i) In and S
e) As and Na
j) H and F
20) For the following molecules:
a) Draw a Lewis Dot Diagram
b) Show the bond polarity with arrows on the polar covalent bonds.
c) Guess the overall dipole of the molecule with a dipole arrow.
a) H2
c) I2
p) PH5
g) H2O2
i) NF3
e) H2O
m) Cl2O
o) PH3
k) H2S
s) SiO2
d) HF
q) OH-1
b) O2
j) N2
f) CO2
h) BF3
r) NP
l) CCl4
21) List three atoms that are stable even when they break the octet rule.
22) Use the metallic bonding model to explain why sodium is softer than magnesium.
23) Do page 107, #2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 14
24) Do page 108, #17 – 19
25) Redo your nomenclature practice tests without looking at the answers!