Cuyamaca Woods Fire Safe Council Meeting Minutes Date: Saturday, February 28, 2015 9:00 AM Place: Cuyamaca Volunteer Fire Station: 34560 Engineers Rd. Time: 9:00 AM 1. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM 2. ATTENDANCE/INTRODUCTIONS Colleen Manzer Susan Carter Terri Groth Matt Arsena Mary Ann Miller Matthew Wilson Mateo McCarthy Steve Nankervis Chief Rick Marinelli President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Board Member Member at large/Property Owner Property Owner Member at large/Property Owner JCFPD 3. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES MOTIONED (Matt W), SECONDED (Matt A), CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY to approve the minutes of 7/2014 and 10/2014 as presented. 4. Treasurer’s Report- $8,435.00 Balance at time of meeting. Discussion regarding changing the bank account from Rabobank to Wells Fargo took place and motion was made by Susan and seconded by Matt W. to close old account and open new as current bank is closing. All approved. Terri Groth will take care of organizing this. Motion was made by Matthew Wilson that Colleen Manzer, Susan Carter and Terri Groth should be authorized signers on the new account, since they were authorized signers on the old account. 2nd by Matt Arsena, all approved. 5. Old Business: a. Educational Events: i. Meet our Fire Protection Partners: Colleen volunteered to try and pull something together. ii. Defensible Landscaping: Terri Groth and Mary Ann Miller will lead this event . Considering having it in the fall 2015 b. Community Clean-up Events, Spring & Late Summer: Colleen will lead a clean-up event May 2— Wildfire Community Preparedness Day. Matt Arsena will lead a clean-up day in September 26, 2015. There was a motion by Matt Wilson, seconded by Susan Carter to spend $500 to offer free chipping at this event. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY to approve. We will offer chipping on property in May and determine if we want to do the same in the Fall. We will have a party the evening of the event. c. Networking: Next FSCSDC meeting: March 12. Terri Groth, Mary Ann Miller volunteered to attend and report back. We agreed to try and organize a meeting within Julian: Colleen to reach out to Greater Julian, Fireplugs, Harrison Park contact to organize a meet and greet event to understand who all the players are and how we can better share resources. d. Fund Raising i. Wildfire Prep Day Grant: Colleen Manzer volunteered to apply for the $500 grant ii. Local outreach: Kenny Overmiller offered to visit local businesses to ask for donations. He requested business cards for this purpose. It was motioned by Terri Groth and seconded by Susan Carter and CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY to buy business cards without individual names so anyone can use them. Colleen will try and get at least 100 printed prior to the next meeting. iii. Research large grant efforts: Mary Ann Miller volunteered to research grants, rules, deadlines for future discussion. Terri Groth and Mary Ann will focus on this topic at the FSCDC meeting as well. iv. Interface with POA: it was discussed how best to interface with Cuyamaca Woods POA. Colleen volunteered to reach out to the POA and set-up a meeting to share what we were working on this year and see if there were overlaps or additional needs from the POA that we would consider working on. 6. New Business a. Chief Marinelli gave the group an overview of Julian Cuyamaca Fire Protection district and how they work with other agencies. He answered many questions and provided encouragement to CWFSC on what we are working on. Chief Marinelli is working on a grant from the annual property fire fees. The grant funds are for the purpose of defensible space. He also applied for a public education grant in which was denied, however he is working on getting a grant for $100,000.00 for free community chipping which is pending approval. This grant would allow a paid staff member to market/advertise the free chipping and complete inspections etc. Chief Marinelli also has offered the use of the fire station for future meetings. Very informative 45 minutes. b. CERT Event April 23, Julian Library 6:00 – 8:00 PM: Sheana Fry, with Julian CERT is organizing monthly educational events. April 23 will be on Defensible Space. She asked Colleen to speak on this topic. Colleen recommended she reach out to Mike Rogers as an expert. Colleen offered to share what our group is doing with regard to defensible space and other projects as a Fire Safe Council. c. Fire Outside My Window by Sandra Millers Younger, which is a book about the Cedar Fire. NBC will be airing a two hour documentary on the survivors of the 2003 fires at 9pm on Sunday March 8. d. A new P.O. Box needs to be opened in order to receive bank statements. Matt A motioned, Terri second. Colleen will obtain new box. 7. Announcements: no announcements 8. Confirm next meeting date: April 25, 9:00 AM at the Cuyamaca Volunteer Fire Station 9. Adjournment: meeting was adjourned at 11:45 AM Submitted by, Colleen Manzer, President