January 25, 2014 - Cuyamaca Woods Fire Safe Council

Cuyamaca Woods Fire Safe Council Meeting
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Pine Hills Fire Station
Colleen Manzer, President
Susan Carter, Vice-President
Bonni Cogan
Ken Overmiller
Terri Groth, Treasurer
Marcy Diehl
Mary Ann Miller
Mary Hart, Secretary
Not present: Matt Wilson
Attending: Bob Eisele
Susan Carter opened the meeting and was presented with an orchid and card as thanks for her time as
Bonni Cogan moved to approve the minutes for November 23rd, Colleen Manzer seconded, motion
Bonni moved to amend notes from November 23rd to include discussion about an SDG&E grant for up to
$2,500 for insurance, chipping, etc. Colleen moved to approve, Mary Ann seconded, all approved.
Minutes from August 24th; Mary Ann moved to approve, Marcy Diehl seconded. All approved.
Bonni reviewed the treasurer’s report; Marcy Diehl moved to approve, Colleen seconded, all approved.
Elections - Ken Overmiller was voted in for a one year assignment as Board member with voting rights.
For 2014, Colleen Manzer was voted as President; Susan Carter voted in as Vice-President; Terri Groth
voted in as Treasurer; Mary Hart voted in as Secretary.
Motion to reelect Matt to board, Colleen Manzer moved, Ken Overmiller seconded. All approved.
Motion to add new president and treasurer as signers on bank account. Mary Ann moved, Susan Carter
2nd. All approved.
Grant Status; only RCD received $200K. CWFC did not receive renewal of their grant.
Lawsuit against Pope Tree Service: Chris Pope instigated a lawsuit against CWFSC stating that they had
a contract for $26,000 and that Pope Tree Service intended to complete. There is currently no update.
Old Business – Meet with the Fire Department, Ken Moffett, Adam Lambert. Mary Hart will reach out to
Adam Lambert.
New Business and proposed projects
 ISO (Insurance Services Office) rates areas which impact insurance rates.
 Educational Events for the community
o Fire Gel demo
 Scripps Ranch booklet idea for CW
 Community Wildlife protection plan
Continuing brush clearance/chipping programs
Organizing work parties
Become a Firewise Community
Motion moved by Ken to adopt the following projects, seconded by Terri.
 Educational Events
o Fire Gel Demo at The Red Barn or the VFW – Colleen Manzer & Mary Ann
 Booklet for home owners based on Scripps template – Susan Carter
 Work Parties – Mary to coordinate with POA
o Send out flyer 6 weeks in advance
 ISO information and Insurance generally
Action: Colleen will send Lysa Keepper news about the RCD.
SDG&E Grant Info: Susan has contact information regarding Penny Newell at SDGE. Bonni will call and
find out what might be applicable to CWFSC.
Next meeting: February 22nd – 9am at Pine Hills Fire Station