2012-12-29 Minutes - Seaford Medical Practice

1. Minutes of last meeting/ Matters arising
1.1 Last meeting minutes were agreed by all.
1.2 Graham Wetherill is following up with Care For Carers any young carers interested
in joining. Maggie Chitty has spoken with the Young Mayor, Amy Gough – JM to email her re membership.
Action GW/JM
1.3 Fasting blood test letters state that water can be consumed at any time. Forms are
generated centrally from the hospital.
Action PA
1.4 Richard Whitington has been paid for the Suggestion Box.
1.5 GP phone in pilot outcome was relayed to the meeting. In summary 45 patients who
had used the pilot were phoned for feedback – all found the system easy and much better.
The GP experience was better than the previous system and the 2 pilot GPs will be
encouraging the other GPs to take up the system. The PPG added that they would
encourage the GPs to take up the revised system.
1.6 PA to investigate if the on-line repeat prescription ordering software will handle
speech recognition.
Action PA
1.7 The names incorrectly pronounced have been changed.
1.8 SMP to carry out a survey of why people queue at reception. Action JM
1.9 There has been no response from the Old School PPG. Sue Smith will review other
surgeries PPG websites and bring findings to the next meeting.
Action SS
1.10 NHS Sussex Heart Network presenting at this meeting.
1.11 The January PPG survey discussed at this meeting – see minutes below.
1.12 J Breeds to be removed from the PPG membership
1.13 It was agreed that the signs for the PPG noticeboard need improvement. Paul
Lambert will organise and Paul Burchett will approach the Lions for funding.
Action PL/PB
1.14 It was suggested that a Lioness sticker should be put onto the suggestions box as
they so kindly provided the funding.
Action MC
2. Presentation by NHS Sussex Heart Network
2.1 Lisa Forward from SHN gave a presentation on the work of the network. The
network welcomes comments from patients in order to help shape the services and also
patient feedback.
3. Forthcoming patient survey
3.1 The meeting agreed that distribution should be as last year – text all mobile numbers
held, post to all housebound and about 500 patients of various gender and ages, distribute
face to face in the waiting room by members of the PPG.
3.2 It was suggested that receptionists and practice phlebotomists also distribute the
survey. Subsequent to the meeting the practice feels that this is too onerous for the staff
involved and distribution should be only by PPG members who can explain fully the
purpose of the survey.
4. Update from Practice
4.1 The meeting were disappointed that there was no representative other than JM from
the practice to provide an update.
5. News, views and comments from around the group
5.1 Time to process repeat prescriptions was raised as an issue. It was suggested that this
be included in the survey and if the survey results show it to be a bigger issue,
appropriate action could then be taken.
5.2 Roy Dobson is a member of the Sussex Integrated Stroke Services. Please pass to
Roy and views /comments regarding this service.
6. Latest Update on Patient Survey (2012) Action Plan
6.1 The latest update is attached to the minutes for your information. Please note the
comments re the GP phone in pilot in response to the difficulties raised around GP phone
in times.
7. AOB
7.1 Next meeting will be Saturday 2nd March at 9.30am.
Sue Smith (Chair)
David Lawrance
Roy Dobson
Graham Wetherill
Veronica Holden
Maggie Chitty
Jane Macefield (SMP)
Wendy Webster
Barry Smith
Paul Lambert
Paul Burchett
Beryl Whitington
Phil Abbott (SMP)
Dr Mark Barnes (SMP)