2012-11-08 Minutes - Seaford Medical Practice

1. Minutes of last meeting/ Matters arising
1.1 Last meeting minutes were agreed by all.
1.2 The issue with the receptionist discussed in the last meeting has been dealt with by
Phil. There is to be a seminar around call handling/customer service which all
receptionists will be attending in the near future.
1.3 The issue of repeat prescriptions by the Saturday GP has been clarified and will be
carried out if required.
1.4 The effort to encourage younger members to join the group has not been fruitful.
Kate Parkinson will ask the members of Seaford Youth Forum ( SYF) if they would be
interested – PA suggested that a few members of the PPG go to a SYF meeting to obtain
views of the younger patients. Graham Wetherill will ask young carers if there is any
interest in joining and Maggie Chitty will speak with the Young Mayor.
Action KP/GW/MC
1.5 Sue Smith contacted Old School PPG – their group is run very differently to ours and
there has been no further contact.
1.6 The concerns raised by staff for the PPG were around counter queues, on-line
services and pharmacy prescription pick up.
1.7 Newsletter content is an agenda item for this meeting.
1.8 The Suggestion box is now on the wall in the waiting room and with leaflets for
patients to complete.
1.9 The CCG document was sent to members after the last meeting.
1.10 Fasting blood test forms to be amended to state that patients can drink water.
Action PA
1.11 There is now a new sign for the front door.
1.12 Text messages to shared mobile numbers – there is an issue with confidentiality
where various family members have given the same number for contact we are not able to
use names in the messages.
1.13 Invoice passed to Maggie Chitty to arrange payment to Richard Whitington for the
Suggestion Box.
Action MC
2. Progress Updates
2.1 There is a new floorplan now in the waiting room showing the surgery layout for
patients to view.
3. GP phone in times
3.1 Drs Elliott and Steward have been piloting a different scheme which means a longer
phone in time but with pre-booked times. The pilot started mid-September and will last
for 2 months. At the end of each week 5 patients of each GP are phoned to get feedback
on how they felt about the service. To date, the feedback is very positive. At the end of
the pilot feedback will be obtained from patients, GPs and reception staff which will be
shared at the next meeting.
Action PA
4. Overview from PA/MHB
4.1 On-line repeat prescription ordering will be available in the next few weeks. Staff
are still to be trained in its use. PA to investigate if the software will handle speech
Action PA
4.2 The Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is currently seeking patient input to the
services required from PPGs.
4.3 The provision of health services closer to Seaford is still to be discussed within the
4.4 There was an appraisal of clinical strategy options in Lewes recently where 20
participants were scored – it was generally higher for general surgery and strokes in
Eastbourne and orthopaedics in Hastings. The main interest in Seaford is for stroke
services. Discussion and agreement still to be made by the various boards.
5. Computerised Patient Calling System
5.1 The GPs prefer to use the calling system as they feel that a visual and audio system
are required. There is a notice on the waiting room TV to advise Reception if a name is
pronounced incorrectly.
5.2 A question was raised as to the volume of do not attends (DNAs) – despite
appearances, there are a low percentage of DNAs and approx. half of the non-reactions to
the calling system are due to late arrivals. There was a conscious decision by the practice
to stay with the no-check in process.
5.3 Generally the practice recognises that although the calling system process for
patients is not perfect, they are happy to live with the imperfections.
5.4 Two names were requested to change the pronunciation – Kate Parkinson and
Graham Wetherill.
Action PA
6. Newsletter items
6.1 The following items were suggested for inclusion in the next newsletter:
Prescriptions – on-line ordering and getting multi item prescriptions in synch –
order in time and direct to pharmacy
Avoiding queues at reception – book on-line, out of hours telephone, prescription
pick up at pharmacy
National survey results – 700 patients completed and a very positive response
showing improvements. SMP has been rated second in East Sussex in relation to
overall patient satisfaction.
Handy hints for on-line booking
Suggestion Box feedback
Christmas opening hours
Action plan from patient survey – items still outstanding – ease of talking to GP at
phone in times; speak to telephone supplier re queueing system for calls; clearer
instructions for on-line bookings on the website; A4 floorplan to be put into the
new patient pack
6.2 SMP to carry out a survey of why people queue at reception.
Action JM
7. Communication with neighbouring PPGs
7.1 There has been no response from the Old School PPG. Sue Smith will review other
surgeries PPG websites and bring findings to the next meeting.
Action SS
8. News, views and comments from around the group
8.1 The Eastbourne Rethink Summit was attended by one of the members where it was
recommended that the mental health annual check is given a double appointment by
practices. This is done at SMP for nurse and GP appointments and approx. 90% of the
patients are seen. Exercise referrals for mental health patients also made.
8.2 Annual dementia reviews are done on an ad hoc basis.
8.3 East Sussex male >65y scans for abdominal aortic aneurysms will be starting shortly.
Patients can request such a scan.
8.4 Sussex network groups for heart/strokes etc would like to present to patient groups if
required. Sue Smith to liaise.
Action SS
8.5 The local Lions recently held a diabetic diagnostic meeting where 3 people were
diagnosed without any previous awareness.
9. Patient Survey
9.1 Action plan from patient survey – items still outstanding – ease of talking to GP at
phone in times; speak to telephone supplier re queueing system for calls; clearer
instructions for on-line bookings on the website; A4 floorplan to be put into the new
patient pack.
9.2 The next PPG Patient survey was discussed - the survey will be distributed in
January 2013. The contents of the previous survey were reviewed and the group were
keen to keep the content the same as the previous survey. If anyone identifies any
subsequent changes please contact Jane Macefield in the next week. (There were no
requests received for any additions/deletions).
Action ALL
9.3 Sue Smith will contact PPG members re distribution of the patient group survey and
look into some id for distributors.
Action SS
10. AOB
10.1 By April 2013 all practices will be required to register with the Care Quality
Commission. There are 16 essential standards that need to be adhered eg. Respecting
patients, care and welfare of patients, vulnerable patients, cleanliness of premises, etc.
SMP is already compliant with 13 of the standards.
10.2 Two members have not attended a number of meetings (J Breeds & D Lawrance). J
Breeds has been written to and not responded. D Lawrance to be contacted re continuing
membership of the group.
Action ?
10.3 It was agreed that the signs for the PPG noticeboard need improvement. Paul
Lambert will organise and Paul Burchett will approach the Lions for funding.
Action PL/PB
10.4 It was suggested that a Lioness sticker should be put onto the suggestions box as
they so kindly provided the funding.
Action MC
10.5 Next meeting will be 29/12/12 at 9.30am
Sue Smith (Chair)
Paul Lambert
Paul Burchett
Beryl Whitington
Hugh Creamer
Roy Dobson
Graham Wetherill
Veronica Holden
Kate Parkinson
Sue Gales
Maggie Chitty
Jane Macefield (SMP)
Phil Abbott (SMP)
Dr Mark Barnes (SMP)
Jon Breeds
Denise Bartholomew
David Lawrance
Wendy Webster
Barry Smith