PPG Notes May 2015 - Lyngford Park Surgery

Patient Participation Group - Monday 18 May 2015, 1.30 – 2.30pm
Notes - DRAFT
Present: Jeanette Keech, PPG Chairman (JAK), Valerie Young (VY), James Hicks (JH), Sigurd Reimers (SR)
Trudi Mann, Practice Manager (TM), Lynn Davies, Deputy Practice Manager (LD), Pat Lodge, Medical Secretary (PL)
Apologies: None
1. Welcome
JAK welcomed Sigurd Reimers
as a new member of the PPG
2. Video –
Wisely (5
Shared Decision Making –
Choosing Wisely - “There are
tests, treatments and procedures
you really don’t need”
3. Notes of
meeting of 23
March 2015
It was agreed that it would be helpful to watch short relevant videos at the start
of future PPG meetings
(Action: TM)
The notes of the meeting of 23 March 2015 were agreed. Update on actions:
It was agreed that JH would assist TM in carrying out a review of
prescription problems experienced by patients in the last few months
(Action: TM/JH)
TM updated on discussion with GPs about DNAs – the GPs had advised
that the current level of DNAs was not disruptive to their clinic and did
not reduce availability of appointments as it was relatively easy for GPs
to switch tasks when patients did not attend appointments
TM advised that the Federation Long Term Conditions project was due
to start in June and that Dr Sells and TM had attended a recent training
session on the new Care Plan approach.
4. CQC Inspection
Wed 27 May
To update on programme and
PPG/patient involvement
TM updated on the planned programme which had just been finalised with
the CQC Inspector. The Inspector is due to meet with JAK and JH at 13.30
– 14.00hrs.
Post Meeting Note
The final CQC Inspection Report and ratings will be published on the
CQC Website on 2 July 2015.
5. PPG Chair
update including
attendance at
Headway (Mind the GAP)
Conference 19 May 2015
Consultation on Children’s
Epilepsy Services
Somerset Falls Pathway event
– 16 June 2015
Somerset Practice Quality
Scheme evaluation focus
JAK updated on a number of forthcoming events that PPG members would be
welcome to attend. It was agreed that JH would try to attend the Somerset
Falls Pathway event (SR may be able to assist with transport). PPG members
to feedback to July PPG meeting.
(Action: JH)
6. Triage in
Latest evidence and Case Study
General Practice
TM responded to JH’s question about the use of telephone triage in general
practice advising that it can sometimes be successful as a model to
manage patient demand but had not worked at Creech where TM is also
7. New 111 and
OOH service
To clarify new arrangements
TM responded to a query from JH and clarified the new arrangements.
8. Friends and
Family Survey
Update on results for March and
April 2015
TM updated the group on the most recent survey results:75% of patients would be extremely likely or likely to recommend the surgery
to friends and family
9. Any Other
Fun Day Blood Pressure
VY advised that the Wellsprings Fun day in June had previously been
attended by doctors and surgery staff. It was agreed that given the
short notice, it would not be possible for surgery staff to attend this
year but that if sufficient notice was given (8 weeks minimum), it would
be possible to attend in future years. VY to advise LD of 2016 date so
that LD can secure surgery staff attendance
(Action: VY/LD)
Over 75s – to confirm current
contractual requirements
TM advised that it was currently a contractual requirement for practices to ensure that each patient on their practice list aged 75 and over is
assigned a named, accountable GP. The practice already offered
same-day appointments for urgent cases and the GPs would need to
prioritise the needs of all patients, if the conservative pledge to offer
guaranteed same day appointments to over 75s were to be introduced.
Direct access to physio
services (Torbay)
Reasons for changing patient
8-8 services – Lyngford Park
response to Conservative
GP attending PPG meetings
Direct access to physio services (in place in Torbay) depended on
agreed contracts with commissioners
TM confirmed that medication changes could be made for a number of
different reasons including suitability and cost
TM advised that the GP partners were not currently in support of
offering an 8-8 service
It was agreed that it would be helpful if a GP were able to attend PPG
Post Meeting Note
Dr John Edwards will be attending the next PPG meeting on
Monday 13 July to present the final CQC Inspection Report