Candidates Package for Homecoming Court 2013 On behalf of the

Candidates Package for Homecoming Court 2013
On behalf of the Student Government Association, I would like to thank you for taking this
opportunity to consider representing our university as a member of the 2013 Homecoming Court. The
deadline to turn in your completed application is Friday, September 20, 2013 at 12:30 pm in the Student
Government Association Office in Mims Hall Room 118. Online elections will take place Monday,
September 30, 2013, beginning at 7:30 am, and will last until Wednesday, October 2, 2013, at 5:00 pm.
The results for Homecoming Court will be posted in the Student Government Association Office
Wednesday, October 2, 2013, no later than 5:30 pm.
According to the Election Code of Southeastern Louisiana University’s Student Government
1. To be eligible to run for Homecoming Court, a candidate must be in compliance with the
criteria set forth by the Election Code, which are:
A candidate must have a minimum 2.5 semester and cumulative grade point average,
unless a freshman.
A candidate must be a member of at least two (2) registered campus organizations.
A candidate must be a full time student (minimum of 12 hours), unless a graduating
A candidate must be free of any academic and/or disciplinary probation.
2. Each candidate must attend one (1) mandatory candidate’s meeting to remain eligible for
Homecoming Court. These meetings will be held on Wednesday, September 18, 2013, at
5:00pm and also on Thursday, September 19, 2013, at 3:30pm in Student Union Room 222.
3. Campaigning for homecoming will begin on September 24, 2013, at 8:00am. Campaigning will
be allowed as follows:
Campaigning will be VERBAL CAMPAIGNING ONLY.
1. No signs, giveaways, etc.
2. No money may be spent on campaigning materials of any kind.
3. Campaigning via telephone and social networking sites (Facebook, MySpace, etc.) is
Candidates Package for Homecoming Court 2013
Violations of verbal campaigning should be reported to the Election Board Chairman
1. A warning will be given for the first offense.
2. Removal from the ballot will result if any further offenses occur.
All qualified candidates for Homecoming Court 2013 running in the election must attend the
candidate’s meeting prepared to take a photograph that will be placed on the Homecoming 2013 Election
website. No other photos will be accepted. Once again, the deadline to file your completed application for
Homecoming 2013 Elections is by Friday, September 20, 2013 at 12:30 pm, in the Student Government
Association Office. Enclosed in this packet you will find the 2013 Homecoming Elections Schedule and the
application for Homecoming Court 2013. Thank you for your time and service to the university, and I am
looking forward to working with you in the very near future. If you have any questions, comments, or
concerns, please do not hesitate to e-mail me at or call me at (985) 549-2296.
Lion Pride,
Tim Reling
Associate Chief Justice
Election Board Chairman
The Student Government Association
Candidates Package for Homecoming Court 2013
Homecoming 2013 Election Schedule
Applications available on the Southeastern website under the Student Government
Association for the 2013 Homecoming Court.
Mandatory Candidates Meeting at 3:30 pm in Student Union Room 222 (choose one
Mandatory Candidates Meeting at 3:30 pm in Student Union Room 222 (choose one
Deadline to file all paperwork for Homecoming 2013 at 12:30 pm to the Student
Government Association Office Mims Hall Room 118.
Verbal Campaigning begins at 8:00am
Voting opens for 2013 Homecoming Court at 7:30 am.
Voting closes for 2013 Homecoming Court at 5:00pm
Announcement of Homecoming King and Queen during halftime of the Homecoming
football game.
* Homecoming Courts results will be posted in SGA Office and announced in the Student Union at
5:30pm following the close of elections *
Candidates Package for Homecoming Court 2013
Homecoming 2013 Application
(As you want it to appear on the ballot).
Classification: ____________________________
Major: _________________________ Sex: M F (circle one)
Current Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Cell Phone Number: ______________________________
Work Phone Number: _______________________________
Two Organizations You are an Active Member of :
1. _________________________________________
2. _________________________________________
(Will be verified through the Fall 2013 Organization Recognition Packets)
Deadline to file application for Homecoming is September 23, 2012 at 5:00 pm, in the Student Government
Association Office.
(Mims Room 118)
All candidates MUST attend one (1) mandatory candidates meeting in order to qualify for elections.
Meetings are scheduled for Wednesday, September 18th and Thursday, September 19th at 3:30PM. Please
be prepared to take a photo for the website.
I certify that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and I agree to the SGA Election
Board to check into my records for the purpose of qualifications. I shall abide by all the rules of the election
Date: _______________ Initials: __________________ Qualified:______________