
ROSA, The UK Fund for women and girls
Rosa, the first and only UK-wide women’s fund, was launched in 2008 further to
years of research and consultations which established a critical need for a UK-wide
fund to mobilise resources for women’s rights and equality. Although we
acknowledge that many women and girls in the UK do enjoy extensive freedom to
pursue success in their lives, this is simply not true for all. And given the current
climate of austerity, life is getting harder and harder for many women, whilst
women’s organisations are finding it increasingly difficult to raise funds to support
the women they work with.
Rosa raises money for women’s projects and organisations. These funds are
raised from (a) charitable foundations and funds; (b) corporate and individual
philanthropy and (c) the efforts and ingenuity of individual women.
Rosa has three main spheres of operation:1. We champion funding for women and girls – we can help inform,
influence and advise other funders to promote greater investment in
organisations working with women and girls. We are particularly concerned
to work with funders who have not hitherto recognised the importance of
supporting women’s activities in the UK.
2. We raise funds and invest in change – Rosa raises money from
individuals, companies, foundations and statutory donors so we can make
grants to initiatives and groups that tackle specific issues around women’s
safety, economic justice, health and wellbeing, and representation in
3. We act as a connector and advocate – by promoting awareness of
women’s organisations and the issues they tackle, showing how donations
will help create lasting change, and bringing donors closer to the causes
they support.
Appointment of new Chair of Rosa
Rosa has been chaired since its inception by a highly principled and charismatic
feminist – Maggie Baxter who has applied extensive experience in the international
and UK based poverty and women’s sector to the task of raising funds and
awareness of the importance of achieving equality and justice for all women and
girls in the UK. She has been supported by a Board of Trustees comprising seven
women who bring a wealth of skills, experiences and backgrounds both related to
running our charity (governance and charity law, PR and fund-raising, management
and human resources, finances and all aspects of grant-making) and as regards
our business, including activism for women’s rights and equality. Rosa currently
has two part-time workers, an Executive Director and Coordinator, and employs a
fundraising consultant on a part-time basis. All staff members report to the
Executive Director.
As Rosa has grown its influence, grant portfolio, institutional capacity and
extended its funding sources, we are now at a crucial point in the organisation’s
development. The Board and present Chair consider that this is the right time to
appoint a new chair of trustees who can provide the leadership and direction to
the organisation. The new Chair will play a key role in increasing Rosa’s profile
and influence, as well as working with the ED and other trustees in extending its
fundraising and involving more organisations and individuals both in contributing
to the fund. Also the new Chair will oversee grants to organisations working
towards achieving economic and social justice for women in terms of their
economic opportunities, political representation, legal status and individual
Essential attributes
 Experience and knowledge of fundraising, and philanthropy
 Commitment to Rosa’s vision of furthering women’s rights, opportunities
and wellbeing in the UK
 Experience as a trustee or patron or ambassador
 Willingness to work in a collaborative way with a range of stakeholders
and funders
 Time and enthusiasm to offer to Rosa over a minimum of a three year
December 2012
Roles and responsibilities of the Board, Chair and Trustees.
Legal objects of the company
“The objects of the Charity are to further any purposes which are
charitable under the laws of England and Wales from time to time,
including to promote the efficiency and effectiveness of charities and the
effective use of charitable resources, with particular reference to charities
working with women or addressing issues that affect women”
Vision of Rosa: Equality and justice for women and girls in the UK
Mission of Rosa: to build investment in social change to help create a society in
which women and girls: are free from fear and violence; achieve economic
justice; enjoy health and wellbeing; and have an equal voice
The role of the Board is to:
develop and regularly review the strategic objectives of Rosa, in
collaboration with the Executive Director
take legal and financial responsibility to safeguard the assets and the
continuity of Rosa
be satisfied that financial information is accurate and that controls and
systems of risk management are robust and defensible
recruit the ED when necessary
safeguard the wellbeing of the employees
ensure that Rosa complies with its Articles of Association, charity law, and
any other relevant legislation or regulations
ensure that the policy and practices of Rosa are in keeping with its
charitable objects and Rosa strives to achieve best practice
follow the Code of Conduct at all times, particularly when exercising the
functions of the trustees, or any of the committees, sub committees,
further the charitable objects of Rosa
The role of the Chair – main tasks:
To ensure that the Board of Trustees fulfils its responsibilities for the
governance of the organisation
To manage and support the Executive Director, helping her achieve the
mission of the organisation
To work with the Executive Director and other staff to maximize income
generation and the diversity of Rosa’s sources of funding
To optimise the relationship between the Trustee body and its
The responsibilities of the Chair will include:
provide leadership for the Board in their role of setting the strategy and
policy of the charity
setting agendas for Board meetings and ensuring the provision of
accurate, timely and clear information to trustees
ensure individual trustee and Board effectiveness
liaise with, and provide support to, the Executive Director with regard to
Rosa’s affairs overall
plan the annual cycle of Board meetings and chair them
ensure that decisions taken at Board meetings are implemented
with at least one other trustee, appraise the Executive Director annually
when necessary, lead the process of recruiting the Executive Director
sitting on appointment and disciplinary panels
representing Rosa at functions, meetings, and acting as a spokesperson
as appropriate
Person specification
In addition to the qualities needed by all trustees, the Chair should also possess
the following:
 leadership skills
 experience of committee work
 tact and diplomacy
 good “people” skills
 impartiality, fairness and the ability to respect confidences
 availability and flexibility to meet the needs of Rosa
In carrying out the collective responsibilities of the Board, the role of the
individual trustee (including the Chair) is to:
contribute to the development of strategy through constructive challenge
and contributing ideas
scrutinise performance of management in meeting agreed goals and
objectives, and monitor the reporting of performance
be satisfied that financial information is accurate and that controls and
systems of risk management are robust and defensible
declare conflicts of interest, and exercise independent judgment at all
be an active advocate for Rosa
represent the company at meetings and events, and act as spokesperson
when requested by the Executive Director
regularly attend Board meetings
Person specification:
a commitment to Rosa
a willingness to devote the necessary time and effort (normally attendance
at four-six board meetings per annum as well as an annual away-day and
trustee training sessions)
a strategic vision
good, independent judgement
an ability to think creatively
a willingness to speak her/his mind
an understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and
liabilities of trusteeship
an ability to work effectively as a member of a team
a commitment to Nolan’s seven principles of public life: selflessness,
integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership –
as set out in the attached Code of Conduct
Rosa’s Board of trustees requires skills and experience in the following
setting targets, monitoring and evaluating performance in all areas of
Rosa’s activities
financial management, including investment
the grant-making work of Rosa
knowledge of the women’s voluntary sector across the UK
legal matters
marketing, media and public relations
information technology
human resource recruitment and management
December 2012
Trustees of Rosa have a general duty to act in the best interest of Rosa as a
whole. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other material benefits
for themselves, their family, their friends or the organisation they come from or
Rosa’s Trustees:
 Should not place themselves under financial or other obligation to outside
individuals or organisations that might seek to influence them in the
performance of their role;
 As well as avoiding actual impropriety, should avoid any appearance of
improper behaviour;
 Should avoid accepting gifts and hospitality that might reasonably be though
to influence their judgment.
In carrying out their role, including making appointments (including trustee
appointments), awarding contracts, recommending individuals for rewards and
benefits or transacting other business, Rosa trustees should ensure that
decisions are made solely on merit.
Rosa trustees
 Have a duty to comply with the law on all occasions in accordance with the
trust placed in them and in such a way as to preserve public confidence in
 Are accountable for their decisions and actions to the public, funders and
beneficiaries, they must submit themselves to what scrutiny is appropriate to
their role.
Rosa trustees
 Should ensure that confidential material about individuals, is handled with due
 Should be as open as possible about their decisions and action that they
take. They should give reasons for their decision and restrict information only
when the wider interest clearly demands.