homecoming 2001 - University of Wisconsin

UW-Whitewater’s Homecoming Court is intended to be a celebration of many of the best
students we have on our campus. At its simplest, the student body can be broken into two
categories: Those who identify as male (49% of campus) or female (51% of campus). To
represent the campus’ best, the committee has chosen to judge each candidate separately
and select 5 men and 5 women who are involved in campus life, committed to their
academics and have shown true Warhawk spirit. The top scoring (by popular vote,
interview, and application) male and female candidates will be the 2013 UW-Whitewater
Homecoming Royalty.
A. All recognized campus organizations may enter candidates.
1. Candidates must have completed at least one semester at UW-Whitewater unless
prior approval is granted. Minimum GPA of 2.0 is required. Candidates must be
enrolled at full-time, undergraduate status. Each organization can enter up to 2
candidates who will choose to identify as either male or female (1 male, 1
female). Individuals representing any organization can only participate if they
were not members of any prior UW-Whitewater Homecoming Court (regardless
of whom they represented).
2. To be eligible, candidates must be sponsored by at least one recognized campus
a. Student Organizations – Up to 2 people can be sponsored by either one or two
b. Greek Organizations – Two people will separately represent the Greek
organizations and shall consist of a candidate sponsored by Interfraternity
Council and a candidate sponsored by the Panhellenic Council.
c. Residence Hall Complexes – Up to 2 people can be sponsored by one
complex (candidates do not need to be from separate halls within the
B. There is a MANDATORY meeting of all candidates and their campaign managers
on Tuesday, October 15, 2013 at 9:15pm in UC-261. Please bring pencils/pens and
paper. Candidates will sign up for interviews (male and female interviews will be
separate) and have their photos taken at this time. Attendance will be taken.
C. Each candidate must have a Campaign Manager who will attend the mandatory
meeting with the candidate. Campaign managers may not also be current
candidates, but may serve for more than one candidate if candidates are
representing the same group.
D. All forms will be due by 11:55pm on Wednesday, October 16, 2013. Forms are
submitted electronically at
E. Additionally, all candidates must supply a complete list of organizations they
currently belong to, as well as your Res hall name if you live on campus. A form
will be provided for this step at the mandatory meeting. It must be turned in at the
interviews on Sunday, October 20th.
F. The Homecoming Court shall consist of five females and five males selected by
vote and by interview/application points. Should any individual be disqualified for
not meeting the requirements, the individual with the next highest number of points
will move into the open position.
A. Interviews of all candidates will be held on Sunday, October 20, 2013 in 15 minute
scheduled time slots. Individuals from each gender with the top eight scores (16 in
total; 8 males and 8 females) from the interview will appear on the ballot. The
2013 Court will be determined by the interviews/application review (counting as
60%) and through the popular vote of the student body (counting as 40%).
The interview committee shall consist of faculty, staff and HSC alums.
III. SELECTION OVERVIEW (Vote deductions per violation)
A. There will be two voting locations:
1. The election will take place on Thursday, October 24, 2013. A physical voting
area will be located in the University Center from 11am until 6pm. Online
voting through uww.edu/join will also take place from 11am until 9:30pm.
Individuals may only vote once. Candidates will not be permitted to campaign
inside the building where physical voting is occurring. This includes those
students running the voting areas. (20 votes)
2. REQUIRED ATTENDANCE: All candidates on the ballot will be introduced
on Tuesday, October 29th, at the dance in the Hamilton Room, University Center.
The ten candidates who will make up the 2013 Homecoming Court will also be
announced at that time.
3. REQUIRED ATTENDANCE: The 2013 Homecoming Court, as announced
Tuesday night, will be introduced again on Thursday, October 31st at the Variety
Show. The male and female candidates with the most points will then be
introduced as the 2013 Homecoming Royalty. Attendance of the entire 2013
Homecoming Court is required. Each member of the court must have a
ticket to watch the variety show, or may choose to attend just for the
Royalty unveiling (please arrange this option with Meg).
A. Starting on Monday, October 21st at 7:00 am, all candidates will be permitted to
campaign with their literature, buttons, handouts, etc. Candidates may campaign
on the mall, at meetings and at various functions on campus. No campaigning
(except by word of mouth) may be done prior to that time. (20 votes)
B. Campaigning in Esker and Drumlin Halls will be limited to one poster (4' x 4'
maximum, must be posted in designated areas), per individual in each dining hall.
No other posters, flyers or table tents of any kind will be allowed in the dining
halls. Postings may be removed at the discretion of the Homecoming Steering
Committee. (10 votes)
C. Campaigning in all other campus buildings other than your own residence hall is
limited to posters no larger than 17" x 22" which may only be placed on bulletin
boards in designated areas. Posters are subject to approval guidelines in all
university buildings following campus posting policy. (10 votes)
D. Beginning at 7:00 am Monday, October 21st, campaigning in your own residence
hall is unlimited, subject to the approval of the Complex Director. You need not be
representing your residence hall to campaign there. (Discretion of HSC)
E. No outside banners will be allowed anywhere on or off campus with the exception
of a candidate's own house or chapter house. (20 votes)
F. All posters and banners must be removed from public space by 11:00 am, Friday,
October 25th. Please keep track of where each posting is hung! (10 votes per
G. Personal appearance campaigning is only permitted on the mall (exterior areas
from the Library to the Bookstore) or at meetings as approved by the meeting
sponsors. (30 votes)
H. There may not be any door-to-door solicitation; this includes but is not limited to
slipping fliers under doors, or writing messages on dry erase boards or doors. (20
I. Flyers may be posted only on bulletin boards where allowable in campus buildings.
(10 votes)
J. Animals may not be used in campaigning other than in photographs. (10 votes)
K. Publicity expenditure will be limited to $100 per individual on the ballot. A
complete budget must be kept and all receipts kept for proof of purchases. Any
over-spending or mishandling of books will result in immediate disqualification.
The budget and receipts must be turned in to Career & Leadership Development,
UC Room 146, by 4:00 pm on Friday, October 25th. The $100 maximum shall
include organizational funds, donations (private or corporate/business) and
corporate/business sponsorship. Corporate/business donations or sponsorship must
follow the University Policy on corporate/business sponsorship. Career &
Leadership Development will NOT be reimbursing you. (Disqualification) An
electronic version of the budget form will be provided to all candidates and
their managers.
L. There will be NO campaigning through ANY campus media source (Cable
TV, WSUW, Royal Purple, Mass E-mail, Electronic Message Board,
Signboards, etc.). The candidates and their campaign manager may only send
e-mails or Facebook messages to members of groups the candidate belongs to.
M. Chalking with washable chalk will only be permitted on cement sidewalks (i.e.,
NO chalking on buildings, benches, campus signs, classroom chalkboards, or
on any vertical surface). The chalk must be in an area where rainfall will
remove it. No spray chalk. (20 votes)
N. Defacement or removal of campaigning material of any candidate is prohibited.
(30 votes)
A. Any UW-Whitewater student, faculty or staff may submit a complaint about a rule
B. All complaints in regard to rule violations must be presented in writing to the
Homecoming Court Coordinator (Meg), Career & Leadership Development,
UC146, describing in detail the incident in question. This must be done within 24
hours of the infraction. The complaint must also include the reporting
individual(s)’ name(s) and phone number(s). Complaint forms are available at
Career & Leadership Development or from the Court Coordinator.
C. The Homecoming Steering Committee Court Review Board will rule on the
complaint. Decisions made by the Homecoming Steering Committee Review
Board are FINAL.
A. The top 8 male candidates and the top 8 female candidates will be placed on the
ballot. Names will be alphabetized on the ballot by last name.
B. Voting for the election will be held Thursday, October 24, 2013, from 11:00 am –
6:00 pm in the University Center. In addition, students will have the option of
voting online on Thursday, October 24, 2013 from 11:00 am - 9:30 pm. Each
student may submit one ballot. Assistant Hall Directors, as they are Graduate
Students, are eligible to vote.
C. Students will be permitted to vote for up to three female & three male candidates.
D. A member of HSC will be present at the voting booth to oversee voting operations.
A. The Homecoming Court will be announced at the Homecoming Dance, Tuesday
October 29th. Top 16 court candidate’s attendance is required at the Homecoming
B. Top 10 court candidate’s attendance is required at the Variety Show, October 31st.
C. The Homecoming Court candidates (top 8, excluding Royalty- see D) are invited
and highly encouraged to participate in the Parade on Saturday, November 2nd.
Court candidates’ transportation will not be provided. Candidates collectively may
choose to walk next to the Royalty’s transportation or provide their own vehicle, to
be placed near their sponsoring organization.
D. The court royalty is required to participate in the Homecoming Parade. Their
vehicle and sign will be provided by the Homecoming Steering Committee.
E. The Homecoming Court will be required to be at the halftime and postgame
activities of the Homecoming Football Game on Saturday, November 2nd.
F. Court individuals are required to be on time for each of the events. If a person is
late for an event, points will be deducted from that candidate's organization
championship point total (Discretion of HSC).
G. Court participants are prohibited from using alcohol or other drugs during
Homecoming events. (Disqualification)
Any questions concerning the Homecoming Court should be directed to Meg at
homecoming@uww.edu or call Career & Leadership Development, 262-472-1471.
Please Note: Spirit points may be awarded to candidates’ sponsoring organization(s)
to reward positive attitude and behavior by court candidates.