Water Pollutant Source Analysis

Water Pollutant Source Analysis
Refer to the map of the Cedar River, the following descriptions of the sampling sites, and the data table of
water pollutant types to answer these questions about the sources of particular water pollutants.
Map Information
Site A: Future well site – this particular well is under construction and that causes high sediment levels
and a restricted flow rate
Site B: Ellis Golf Course – the downward slant of the land causes fertilizers and pesticides to run
through a small creek and into the river
Site C: Water treatment plant – occasional flooding causes wastewater from the plant to contaminate
the river
Site D: Quaker Oats /
Penford factories – water used for industrial and cooling processes and returned to the river;
inorganic chemicals are also added to the water
Site E: Roller dam – the purpose of this dam is to hold back water to control flooding; it is also used to
generate electricity from the falling water
Site F: Landfill – litter is found on the ground and in the water; many birds and other animals
congregate in this area
1. Which site has the…
a) highest dissolved oxygen level? Why?
b) highest nitrate level? Why?
c) highest turbidity level? Why?
d) highest temperature? Why?
e) lowest pH? Why?
2. Near which site would there possibly be a fish kill as a result of an oxygen sag? Why?
3. Explain where along the Cedar River one would find point source pollution.
4. Explain where along the Cedar River one would find nonpoint source pollution.
5. Which site along this river is probably the most polluted? Why?
6. You tested the water at one of the sites and got the following results:
River Average
Test Site
40 cm
60+ cm
15˚ C
20˚ C
From which site was the data collected? Explain your reasoning.
2 ppm
4 ppm
6 ppm
6 ppm
The Cedar River as it passes through Cedar Rapids, IA
A = Future well site
B = Ellis Golf Course
C = Waste water treatment plant
D = Quaker Oats / Penford
E = Roller dam
F = Landfill
Note: the water flows from the NW to the SE