Summer 2015 - Great Witley Primary School

Cedar Curriculum Newsletter Summer Term 2015
Properties and changes of materials
 compare and group together everyday
materials on the basis of their properties,
including their hardness, solubility,
transparency, conductivity (electrical and
thermal), and response to magnets
 know that some materials will dissolve in
liquid to form a solution, and describe how to
recover a substance from a solution
 use knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to
decide how mixtures might be separated,
including through filtering, sieving and
 give reasons, based on evidence from
comparative and fair tests, for the particular
uses of everyday materials, including metals,
wood and plastic
 demonstrate that dissolving, mixing and
changes of state are reversible changes
 explain that some changes result in the
formation of new materials, and that this kind
of change is not usually reversible, including
changes associated with burning and the
action of acid on bicarbonate of soda.
Children will be experimenting with texture to
produce robot artwork. Artwork will also incorporate
French artists traditional Mayan techniques.
I hope you have all had an enjoyable Easter break.
Mrs Enefer will support Cedar from Monday to Thursday. She
will continue to teach Cedar Thursday afternoon for my PPA
time. Mrs Lisseman will support Cedar on a Thursday afternoon.
We have a busy summer term ahead of us, with a variety of
activities planned. I will keep you informed of these.
Mrs Braznell 
Our focus for the summer term is for children to become more
independent in selecting the most appropriate writing formats
for their written work. For example, we will be asking them to
write a document that would persuade somebody’s mind. This
could be in the format of a letter, leaflet or a newspaper article.
In addition to this, we will also be giving the children the
opportunity to extend their narrative writing skills.
Friday – Indoor dance / Indoor Gymnastics
House colour PE T-shirt, black shorts, pumps.
Thursday –Outdoor Games:
House colour PE t-shirt, black shorts or tracksuit bottoms and
trainers. A plain sweatshirt (preferably in a dark colour) is also
useful for those windy/colder days!)
Please ensure all kit is named and is in school on a Thursday!
Cedar 5/6
The theme this term is ‘Ideas about God’, where the
children will be discovering different ideas, perspectives,
and opinions from both Christian and other faith points of
As you know, the Summer Term is a very busy one for Cedar
Class with bikeability and high school liaisons for those
children in Year 6.
However, we will still have a main topic for the term which
will be ‘Rise of the Robots’.
This topic will involve a cross curricular approach
throughout the term. Our main focus will be on the film
‘Robots’ and the book ‘Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. Their trip
to ‘At-Bristol’ will involve participation in a robotics
Additionally, we will be having mini-topics involving special
days/weeks based on ‘The Mayans’ and ‘France’.
Children will be learning how to make robotic sounds
using instruments and create music compositions using a
computer package, ‘Audacity’. Children will also be
performing songs.