500 sccm 200 sccm Flow rate Pure Nitrogen CO2 1028 ppm 200 sccm TGS 4161 Figaro- co2 Range: 350 ppm -10000ppm Atmospheric concentration: 350-400 ppm Calibrated range: 350-900 ppm PPM is inversely proportional to o/p voltage Emf’s at 350 ppm is consistent (Column B) Transition from synthetic air to 350 ppm is consistent.(Column E) But, transition from base value of 350 ppm to test gas concentration is not the values that we are looking for.(Column G) the value’s should have slightly higher as per data sheet. Note: The maximum change in emf that we noticed is around 12 mv. These should have been little bit higher as per data sheet. 14 12 10 8 6 Series1 4 2 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 X-axis Y-axis 600 Δ PPM Δ EMF THANK YOU