Are we crossing our limits? Student Multimedia Presentation Evaluation Tool The following information should help you create an excellent project. Please read over the grading criteria as we discuss it and ask any questions you may have Examine the trends of chemical fertilizers and pesticides used for agricultural production Identify the causes for less yield Do comparative study between organic & inorganic farming and its yield Collect information by conducting survey 1 Survey conducted and collected data of past 6 years but analysis is not clear 2 Survey conducted and collected data of past 6 years for comparative analysis. The data collected is not analyzed to give a clear picture of the use of chemical fertilizer and pesticide / organic fertilizer and pesticide on agricultural production 3 Conducted survey and collected data of past 6 years for comparative analysis. Analyzed the data collected to study the impact of the use of chemical fertilizer and pesticide / organic fertilizer and pesticide on agricultural production Weight X2 Total Weight X3 Total Study the adverse effects of chemical fertilizers and pesticides 1 Explained the adverse effects of chemical fertilizers and pesticides without considering roles assigned to the group 2 Explained the adverse effects of chemical fertilizers and pesticides on soil focusing only on one of the roles assigned to the group 3 Explained the adverse effects of chemical fertilizers and pesticides on soil, human health, and biological balance of environment clearly as per the role specific observations Analyze the problems faced by the farmers in their day to day agricultural activities 1 Questionnaire does not include questions on problems faced by farmers in the questionnaire for study. 2 Questionnaire includes questions on problems faced by farmers in the questionnaire for study. Analyzed the problems but failed to study the reasons for the same 3 Questionnaire includes questions on problems faced by farmers in the questionnaire for study. Analyzed the problems and studied the reasons for the same Weight X2 Total Your design/presentation elements 1 2 3 Graphics or other enhancements are present but distract from the learning experience or are inappropriate Graphics or others enhancements are present but do not always enrich the learning experience. In some instances, they are inappropriate Graphics and other enhancements enrich the learning experience and significantly contribute to the intended meaning Weight X1 Total Weight X2 Total Weight x2 Total Team work Worked as per roles assigned Addressed the Essential and Unit Question effectively 1 No Team effort was noticed. Only few members worked to complete the project. The students failed to note role specific observations. The essential and unit question not addressed at all. 2 3 The members shared resources and information within the group but some members dominated the project. Students did not clearly contribute in the project as per the roles assigned. The essential and unit question address in only some slide. Excellent team work among the members. Shared resources and information within the group. Students contributed in the project as per the roles assigned. Made role specific observations during the field trip. Entire presentation addresses the essential and unit question effectively Presentation skills 1 2 3 Are not very confident and thorough with the content of the presentation. And are unable to answer most the questions. Have not used voice modulation skills to prove their beliefs. Are fairly confident and thorough with the content of the presentation. And are able to answer most of the questions. Use voice modulation skills fairly to prove their beliefs. Are very confident and thorough with the content of the presentation. And are able to answer all the questions. Use voice modulation skills to prove their beliefs and are able to convince the audience. Total Points (36 Possible)