Yard and Garden - Solid Waste Management

Campaign Materials - Article
Yard and Garden
Pesticides and fertilizers can have a big impact on people, animals and the environment.
Always use pesticides and fertilizers according to label instructions. Leftover products may
require special disposal.
Pesticides are used to kill or control unwanted organisms. Never throw them in the trash.
Pesticides include:
Insecticides: Ant killer, flea collars, roach spray
Herbicides: Crabgrass, dandelion and weed killers
Rodenticides: Rodent poison, mole bait
Fungicides: Fruit sprays
Take pesticides to your county household hazardous waste (HHW) drop-off site for disposal.
Only household fertilizers that contain a pesticide are hazardous. Fertilizers known as
“weed and feed” fertilizers contain weed or bug killers. If a fertilizer contains a pesticide,
manage and dispose of the product as a pesticide. Do not put the product in the trash or
pour it down the drain.
Dry, granular fertilizer that does not contain herbicides, pesticides or insecticides may be
placed in the trash. Try to use up liquid fertilizer/plant food that does NOT contain
herbicides, pesticides or insecticides; or it may go down your sink (if your sink drains to a
sanitary sewer, not a septic system). If you have a septic system, don't pour liquid fertilizer
down the drain. Instead, mix the fertilizer with water and apply it to your lawn.
Visit RethinkRecycling.com/hhw to find your county’s HHW drop-off site and to learn about
other common household items that should be brought to a county HHW drop-off site for
July 2010 - This article was provided by the Solid Waste Management Coordinating Board
as a part of the Household Hazardous Waste Education Campaign. Please help us track the
use of this campaign by sending an e-mail to Info@RethinkRecycling.com with a description
of how the article was used, the date it will be published, and the estimated circulation of
the publication.