Notes Intro CH 11

Name:____________________________ Mods:_________ Date:____________
CH 11 Reading guide:
Read the introduction to the chapter. Be prepared to discuss the farming practices with your class.
11.1 Human nutritional requirements are not always satisfied
Before reading the section, guess how many people die per year of starvation?_____________ What is the actual
number?_____________ Why has the global number of malnourished gone up recently? ____________________
Match the vocabulary word with the description below: undernutrition, malnourished,2,200, food security, food
insecurity, famine, anemia, over nutrition, vitamin A
______________ a condition in which people have access to sufficient , safe and nutritious food
_____________ the amount of calories that should be consumed by the average person
_____________Tim eats one meal a day that consists of a variety of nutrients but feels sluggish and is constantly sick
____________ Jane suffers from a condition because she can only afford processed foods with high levels of high
fructose corn syrup
____________ Susan lives in an area where they don’t have enough food for the population
___________ is a condition caused by the lack of iron in their diet from grain, herbs, vegetables and meat.
___________the lack of this nutrient causes 250,000 children per year to become blind
___________ can also be caused by malaria, AIDS, and parasite infections
____________ is a condition that affects over 1 billion people in the world
What three foods account for 60% of the human diet?_____, _______, _______ followed by _________.
Reasons for Undernutrition and Malnutrition Currently we have enough food to feed the human race.
What is the primary reason for undernutrition and malnutrition?________________
How do politics affect undernutrition?
How does it affect violence?
Why is it wasteful, in terms of energy, to feed 40% of the world’s grain to livestock?
Do you think it is feasible to greatly expand food production?_____ Discuss both sides of the argument.
The Green Revolution and industrial farming methods have transformed agriculture
The abundance of food has led to exponential human population growth. What is meant by the idea that food
production has led to a positive feedback loop?
Define industrial agriculture or agribusiness:
Explain energy subsidy in terms of ordering the steak or chicken at a restaurant. Look at figure 11.4 to help you.
Where do we get the energy for modern agriculture?_________________
Why is it better to eat a locally grown apple as opposed to a mango or pineapple?
The Green Revolution involved ____________, _____________, ___________, ___________ , ________________,
_____________, and ___________________. How did it begin?
What are some negative impacts of irrigation?
Fertilizers contain nutrients such as ___________, ___________ and ________________.
How are organic fertilizers produced?
How are synthetic or inorganic fertilizers produced?
What are some negative impacts of synthetic fertilizers?
What are the two main problems with monocropping?
Pesticides: Match the term with the correct definition or fact.
______targets insects
______is when an organism is no longer affected by pesticide
________ kills and controls pests
_________is meant to kill plants that compete with crops
_________ kill a variety of pests, ________ are used for a narrow range of organisms
__________ is when a substance does not break down quickly and stays in the environment for a long time
__________ is when a substance builds up in the body
__________ is an example of persistence and bioaccumulation
_________is a pesticide that will breakdown within a few weeks like Roundup
What is the pesticide treadmill?
Pesticides can cause wider environmental effects. Explain them.