Supplementary Information Yajie Lei and Yongsheng Leng Simulation Methods 1. Liquid-vapor molecular dynamics (LVMD) simulations Liquid-vapor molecular dynamics (LVMD) simulations have been performed in previous studies. These include capillary wave, surface tension and other interesting phenomena at water liquid-vapor interfaces 1-5 . In our LVMD simulation, the simulation system consists of a liquid droplet of argon and two face-centered cubic (f.c.c.) crystal walls with (111) surfaces. For liquid argon, force parameters in simple Lennard-Jones (LJ) atomic potential are given in the literature ( = 0.2381 kcal/mol and = 0.3405 nm) 6. Each confining wall is composed of a central wall that has the same interaction strength as the argon-argon interaction (i.e., wf = ff = , where w and f stand for “wall” and “fluid”, respectively), and two side walls on which the wall-fluid interaction is decreased to ¼ to keep argon molecules in this region in a liquid phase. Without the loss of generality, we assume wf = and the f.c.c. wall lattice constant a = 0.5405 nm, giving the first neighbor distance of f.c.c. wall particle as a/(2)1/2 = 0.3822 nm. This value is in fact the argon LJ equilibrium distance6, i.e., (2)1/6 . Thus, the ratio of the wall particle radius to that of argon equals 1.0 (This commensurate wall geometry is slightly different from those in early studies7, 8 based on wall-fluid equal-density parameters). We find that different wf and wall lattice constant a yield qualitatively similar force profile (see Discussion 1), though the critical layer number, nc, below which the liquid-to-solid phase transition is different. A standard cutoff distance of 2.5 is used in simulations. The sizes of MD simulation box along the x-, y-, and z-directions are 76.59, 11.42, and 3.71 nm, respectively. The central wall of interest has a length of 10.7 nm along the x-direction. The simulation system contains 4319 liquid argon atoms and 8823 solid wall atoms. The Nose-Hoover thermostat 9, 10 is used to control the temperature at 85K, corresponding to a liquid state of argon. 2. Determination of vapor pressure in LVMD simulation 1 In our previous study11, we showed that when a liquid droplet confined between two solid walls becomes quite elongated during squeeze out, artificial oscillatory waves in the lateral direction arise if the conventional pressure-control technique is used. This problem comes from the scaling of MD particle coordinates and simulation box lengths in the elongated direction. By introducing vapor phases around the liquid phase, the lateral pressure can be maintained to a very low vapor pressure without any coordinate scaling that leads to artificial oscillatory waves. Figure S1 shows a snapshot of the equilibrium configuration of the molecular system at zero normal force. The separation between the two surfaces stabilizes around 4.67 nm. The liquid film is slightly squeezed out, while one or two layers of fluid molecules crystallize near central wall surfaces, consistent with early results in MD simulations 8. This typical one- or two-layer of liquid molecules crystallized near wall surface are also seen for different wall structure (not shown in the figure). FIG. S1. Snapshot of the equilibrium configuration of an argon droplet confined between two solid walls. Liquid and vapor phases are clearly seen in the confined region. The lateral dimension of confining wall is 76.59 3.71 nm. Argon molecules are in blue, the central and side wall atoms are in red and grey. The vapor pressures at different layer thickness are calculated based on a simple thermodynamic definition of pressure, which is given by 12 pg f B 2 mkT (S1) where fB is the frequency or the number of particles going through a unit cross-sectional area per unit time, and m, k, and T are the mass of argon (m = 6.632×10-23g), the Boltzmann constant, and temperature, respectively. Equilibrium MD runs for different layers are preformed to calculate fB in a time span of 0.5 ns. 2 Under extreme confinement, when a large portion of argon droplet is squeezed out during normal compression, the far-end argon molecules have to be removed from the simulation system to maintain a proper liquid-vapor interface. We find that the removal of these argon molecules does not influence the static solvation pressures and subsequent layer transitions. Figure S2 shows the variation of vapor pressure versus wall separation. The mean value around 15 atm is a vanishingly low pressure compared with the normal repulsive pressures of solid phase, indicating that the layered solid phase is a strongly anisotropic material under nanoconfinement. FIG. S2. Variation of vapor pressure versus wall distance. The numbers in the figure indicate different layers of confined film. Discussion 1. Comparison between results using different wf and wall lattice constant a In order to see how the wall-fluid geometric parameter wf and wall lattice constant a influence the force oscillation and phase transition, we further investigate wf = 0.887 and a = 0.408 nm (the same geometric parameters used in previous studies7), while keeping the wall-fluid interaction wf =. Note that in this case, the first neighbor distance of f.c.c. wall particle is reduced to a/(2)1/2 = 0.288 nm, corresponding to a very high number density of wall ( = 0.0588 Å-3) (the number density of liquid argon at 85 K is 0.02 Å-3). The ratio of the wall particle radius to that of argon is also decreased to ~ 0.75. Figures S3 shows force oscillations and structure factor variations for different geometric parameters. The force profiles are qualitatively similar (Fig. S3 A). However, the critical 3 layer number, nc, at which the liquid-to-solid phase transition is different: we find that this transition happens at nc = 7 for commensurate contact, and nc = 5 for incommensurate contact. This is also shown in Fig. S3 B the very low structure factors at larger distances (n = 6 and 7) for the incommensurate case. Figure S4 shows the snapshots of the solid phases of the commensurate and incommensurate systems at n = 5 layers at the force minima (negative pressure). The figure clearly shows that the liquid-tosolid phase transition is confinement-induced, rather than pressure- or surface-crystallineinduced, although the commensurate contact usually promotes the earlier transition. A B FIG. S3. Comparisons of (A) force oscillations and (B) structure factor variations for different wall-fluid geometric parameters (wf) and wall lattice constants (a). Number n indicates different layers of confined film. 4 A B FIG. S4. The 5-layered solid phases of (A) commensurate system at D=19.1 Å and p = 0.5 MPa, and (B) incommensurate system at D = 18.7A and p = 16.9 MPa. 2. Force profiles using different spring force constants In order to understand how the spring force constant influence the force profiles, we further carried out normal approach and retraction simulations using additional two spring constants. The results from very soft (ky = 7.5 N/m) and very hard (ky = 1500 N/m) springs, as well as that from ky = 150 N/m, are shown in Fig. S5. The figure clearly shows that the unstable regions explored by different springs are quite different. Soft spring (ky = 7.5 N/m) yields a slightly early jump (a* b*), while the force minima are all repulsive, which can be calculated as Qk = Pk – ky, where Pk and Qk are the k-th force peak and valley, respectively, and is one monolayer thickness of the film (roughly 0.357 nm, which is a little larger than the argon LJ parameter ). It turns out that the spring force constant (ky) plays a dominant role in determining the depths of force valleys during one swipe of approach. As shown in Fig. S5, the force profile measured by very hard spring (ky = 1500 N/m) during normal approach almost touches down the maximum adhesion forces obtained from retraction simulation with ky = 150 N/m. This indicates that very hard springs can access more force regions in which the spring force constants are greater than the force profile gradient F/D. This result is consistent with early analysis in surface force measurements 13 . However, the force signal using hard spring are much 5 noisy than that of soft spring. In other words, the soft spring gives smoother force profile with higher force resolution. The force profile in retraction using the soft spring also has an early jump (the blue line corresponding to c* d* or 3 4 transition in Fig. S5). Adhesion force is decreased by ky during this transition. MD animation analysis shows that this unstable transition proceeds so quickly that liquid film has no time to fully reorganize into a solid phase. The transition is simply from a three-layer solid phase to a four-layer liquid phase, in contrast to the case of ky = 150 N/m, in which repulsive force was obtained in solid phase (Fig. 3B and 3D). FIG. S5. Comparison of the force profiles measured by different springs. The different spring force constants give qualitatively the same force maxima. The force profile measured by the soft spring has higher force resolution but less accessible force regions due to unstable jumps, while the force profile measured by the hard spring has lower force resolution but larger accessible force regions. Force segments ab and cd correspond to ky = 150 N/m unstable transitions during normal approach and retraction, while a*b* and c*d* correspond to the case of ky = 7.5 N/m. The numbers 2 - 7 indicate different layers of confined film. 3. Structures of the solid phases at low and high pressures before the n n - 1 layer transition When the solid phase of confined film is formed, further compression of the film before n n - 1 layer transition results in more compact ordered phase. This is shown in Fig. S6 for n = 6 commensurate system, in which the in-plane number-density distribution of argon increases as the pressure is increasing. 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