Broad-band color filters with arbitrary spectral transmittance using a Liquid Crystal Tunable Filter (LCTF) Satoru Toyooka, Kazuhiko Kurashiki, Kanae Miyazawa, and Markku Hauta-Kasari * Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University, 255 Shimo-okubo, Urawa-shi, Saitama-ken 338-8570, Japan * Department of Computer Science, University of Joensuu, P.O.Box 111, FIN-80101 Joensuu, Finland We propose a rewritable transparent broad-band color filter system whose transmitting wavelengths can be changed arbitrarily using a Liquid Crystal Tunable Filter (LCTF). Holding -time for each transmitting wavelength of the LCTF is controlled corresponding to a computationally designed filter function, and a time-integrated intensity image is taken with a CCD camera. The optically implemented filter functions and the expected ones corresponded well. The filter system is easy to carry and can be controlled only electrically. 1. Introduction The spectral based color image analysis has recently been progressed rapidly, and it is used, for example, for machine vision, 1 telemedicine, 2 agrobiology, 3 and art painting reproduction. 4 Spectral images can be obtained, for example, with a CCD camera through narrow-band interference filters, an acousto-optical tunable filter, a liquid crystal tunable filter, a prism-grating-prism based line camera, or Fourier-transform-based methods. In these multispectral methods, spectral images are measured precisely for each wavelength range. In any case, however, many images have to be taken, depending on spectral resolution, and a large number of image data have to be processed and stored. For spectral image compression, there are techniques for designing a low-dimensional color filter set, which can be directly used in optical implementations. 5 The color filters are broad-band filters and they are adaptive to various applications. The optical implementation of these color filters makes the acquirement of the compressed component image set possible. 6,7 This low-dimensional component image set can be directly used in optical pattern recognition tasks. In this study we present the experimental setup for the imaging system to implement the broad -band color filters with arbitrary spectral transmittances using the LCTF. The experimental results of the filter implementation are presented and they are compared with the expected ones. 2. Experimental setup An experimental setup for a proposed rewritable broad -band color filter system using the LCTF (CRI, VariSpec) is shown in Figure 1. An intensity image of an object illuminated by a white light source is taken with a monochrome CCD camera through the LCTF. The CCD camera, a lens and the LCTF are attached together. A standard white board was placed on the object plane and it was illumina ted by a white light source. The purpose of this experiment is to check the accuracy of the optically implemented broad -band color filters. In order to implement broad-band filters with arbitrary spectral transmittance, we controlled the holding -time for each narrow-band corresponding to a computationally designed filter function, and a time-integrated intensity image was taken with the CCD camera. For one broad-band color filter used in our experiments, the LCTF was controlled at the wavelength range from 450nm to 650nm as follows: First, the central wavelength of transmitting light of the LCTF was set to 450nm, and held for 16 seconds. The shutter of the CCD camera was open during the holding time and a time-integrated intensity image was taken with the camera. Then the LCTF was set to 460nm, and held for 11 seconds and the time-integrated intensity image was taken with the camera. The holding times were calculated computationally for each narrow-band a priori and then the similar procedure was repeated until 650nm. In this experiment, total exposure time was 120 seconds. ccd camera vision freezer lctf object white light source computer Figure 1: Experimental setup for a broad-band color filter system using the LCTF. Finally, the optically implemented 21-component color filter functions were constructed by averaging the 10 x 10 pixels areas in each of the 21 intensity images. The accuracy of this system was comparable to that of the systems proposed in Refs. 8, 9. 3. Conclusions We presented a new optical setup for implementing broad -band color filters with an arbitrary spectral transmittance using the LCTF. The optically implemented color filters corresponded well with the expected ones. This system can implement arbitrary spectral transmittances, and therefore, the computationally designed color filters for various applications can be implemented optically. The system can be used to acquire the low -dimensional component image set for representing the spectral data. The low-dimensional component image set can be also directly used in pattern recognition tasks. REFERENCES 1. T. Hyvarinen, E. Herrala, and A. Dall'Ava, "Direct sight imaging spectrograph: a unique add -on component brings spectral imaging to industrial applications," in IS&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging, Proc. SPIE 3302-21, 165-175 (1998). 2. M. Yamaguchi, R. Iwama, Y. Ohya, T. Obi, N. Ohyama, and Y. Komiya, "Natural color reproduction in the television system for telemedicine," in Medical Imaging 1997: Image Display, Y. Kim, ed., Proc. SPIE 3031, 482-489 (1997). 3. M. Takeya, N. Tsumura, H. Haneishi, and Y. Miyake, "Estimation of transmittance spectra from multiband micrographs of fungi and its application to segmentation of conidia and hyphae," App. Opt. 38, 3644-3650 (1999). 4. H. Maître, F. Schmitt, J.-P. Crettez, Y. Wu, and J. Y. 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