Outline for Cell structure and membranes

Outline for Cells and Cell Membranes
Honors Biology -- Mr. Ausema
Gonzaga home page | Biology overview | Mr. Ausema's page | links
I. History of cell-related discoveries
A. 1600’s Hooke – first to describe cells (dead plant cells in cork)
B. 1600’s Van Leewenhoek – first to describe one-celled microorganisms
C. 1800’s Schleiden and Schwan – proposed the theory that all living things are
made of cells.
D. 1800’s Virchow – proposed the theory that all cells come from pre-existing
cells (how does this tie in with Redi and his maggots?)
Why are living things organized into cells?
We will explore the answer to this question in lab. See p. 54-55, fig. 4.2
why are cells so small?
How small are they? See p. 54, fig. 4.2. Also check out microscope
information p. 52-54 | more here
Tutorial on Scanning Electron Microscopes
Virtual microscope
cell videos
II. Cell organization: organelles Also see overview chart p. 67 in your book.
explore plant, animal, and bacterial cells with "iCell"
explore the interior of a cell
check out the virtual microscope
fact sheet on cells - what we know and what we hope to learn in the future.
animated cell anatomy and how it works
Amazing cells - interactive exploration of cell interior and how cells work
Animated video of cell activity | another animated video
A. manufacture
1. nucleus – p. 58, fig. 4.5
2. ribosomes
3. endoplasmic reticulum (rough and smooth)
4. golgi apparatus – fig. 4.10, p. 61
5. flow of manufacture and processing – see fig. 4.13, p. 63
explore how vesicles work
B. breakdown/catabolism
1. lysosomes – p. 62, fig. 4.11
2. vacuoles – p. 62, fig. 4.12
3. peroxisomes
C. Energy processing
1. chloroplast – p. 64, fig. 4.15
2. mitochondria – p. 63, fig. 4.14
D. Support and movement
1. walls
2. cytoskeleton – p. 65, fig. 4.17
3. external matrix
4. junctions – p. 68, fig. 4.22
5. cilia/flagella – p. 66, fig. 4.18
How do cells communicate with each other?
Organelle-related links
III. Membrane structure: (see p. 74, fig. 5.1) | animated membrane structure | another animation
exploration of membranes
A. phospholipid bilayer - fig. 5.1
B. proteins – for transport and other functions – fig. 5.1B
C. glycoproteins (carbo/protein combination) - serve as cell markers
IV. Movement across the membrane: compare the membrane to a chain link fence (see p. 7579 in your book)
Pictures and diagrams of movement across the membrane and membrane structure
A. diffusion
1. definition: movement of particles across the membrane; results
explained by kinetic molecular theory – p. 75, fig. 5.3
2. goes in the direction of the "gradient" – from higher to lower
3. only small, uncharged particles diffuse without assistance
(examples: water, carbon dioxide, oxygen)
B. osmosis - diffusion of water
1. also goes in the direction of higher to lower concentration; note
that this means water tends to flow toward areas where solutes are
more concentrated. (see fig 5-4, p. 76)
2. note results when cells are in solutions of greater or lesser
concentration – sometimes the cells burst or collapse. (see fig. 5-5,
p. 77)
C. Facilitated diffusion (passive transport) (see fig. 5-6, p. 77)
1. involves particles moving across the membrane in the natural
direction (high to low)
2. particles move through the protein "gates" because they are too
large or too polar to diffuse through the lipid layer.
3. examples: sugar, some hormones, ions such as K+ and Na+
D. Active transport (see fig. 5-8, p. 78)
1. involves movement of any particle from low to high
concentration ("against the gradient"), using the protein gates
2. called "active" because energy is needed
*practice predicting which direction particles will flow
E. Phagocytosis/Pinocytosis (see p. 79, fig. 5.9)
IV. Variety of cells
not all cells look like the "model cells" shown in your book. Some examples:
A. Secretory cells (such as in stomach and intestines)
B. Red blood cells
C. Muscle cells
D. Fat cells
E. Nerve cells
F. Leaf "pallisade" cells – photosynthesis
G. Leaf transport cells
V. Eukaryotic vs. Prokaryotic cells (see p. 55-57)
A. Prokaryotic – bacteria – no "membrane-bound" organelles
B. Eukaryotic – everything else.
did mitochondria and chloroplasts used to be bacteria? (see p. 331, fig. 16.12)
VI. Enzymes (p. 84-85)
A. enzymes are proteins, so they are made of amino acids and have complex
three-dimensional structure
B. enzymes are biological catalysts. They lower the "activation energy" needed to
start a reaction, so they make the reactions go faster. Enzymes control every
chemical reaction that takes place inside living things.
how do they do this? See fig. 5.12 and 5.14
C. enzymes are specific for particular reactions. Each step in a reaction process
has its own enzyme. For example, getting the energy out of sugar (respiration)
requires more than 20 separate enzymes.
D. Enzymes can be sped up or slowed down by changing conditions such as
temperature, pH, and concentration of reactants and products. (inhibitors - see fig.