Fundamentals of M e a s u r e m e n t Te c h n o l o g y Problem Book Wang Boxiong Luo Xiuzhi Dept. of Precision Instruments and Mechanology Tsinghua University November, 20 Preface This problem book is compiled and used for the course “ Fundamentals of Measurement Technology”. All problems contained in this book are designed for the students with the aim of strengthening their understanding of theories of measurement technology and enhancing their capabilities in analyzing and solving problems relating measurement technology. The authors Chapter 2 Signal Representations 2-1 Two time sequences: (1) xn e n j 8 (2) xn e cos 2 10n Are they periodic functions? If so, what are the periods? 2-2 A periodic signal x(t ) has its Fourier coefficients a n , bn , cn . Prove that a time-delayed signal x(t t 0 ) has the following expression of Fourier series: 1 xt t a a cos n t b sin n t 0 0 n 1 c n where : an n n 0 n 0 e jn 0t an cos n 0 t 0 bn sin n 0 t 0 bn an sin n 0 t 0 bn cos n 0 t 0 cn cn e jn0t0 2-3 Determine the Fourier series of the following periodic signals and plot their spectra. (1) x(t) sawtooth wave +1 … … T 2 T 2 0 t x(t ) 2 / T t T / 2 t T / 2) -1 Fig 2-1 (2) x(t) square wave A T 2 … T 2 … 0 -A Fig 2-2 (3) 2 A x(t ) A t T/ 2 t 0 0 t T/ 2 x(t) full-rectified sinusoidal A x(t ) A sin 0 t … … 0 t T Fig 2-3 (4) x(t) exponential function … … 1 0 T 2 t T 2 x(t ) e at a 0 T / 2 t T/ 2 Fig 2-4 (5) rectangular impulse for T 3 and T 5 x(t) 1 … … 2 0 2 t T Fig 2-5 2-4 Determine the Fourier transforms of the following nonperiodic signals , and plot their spectra. x(t ) Ae at (a 0, t 0) ; (1) exponentially-decaying function (2) signum function(Fig (a)), and unit-step function (Fig (b)). 3 x(t) x(t) 1 1 t 0 t 0 -1 (a) (b) Fig 2-6 Hint :a signum function is symbolized as Sgn(t ) ,Make first the Fourier transform of the function e t x(t ) t e t 0 t 0 0 and let λ→0 to obtain the Fourier transform of Sgn(t ) . A unit-step function u (t ) can be obtained by shifting a signum function along the ordinate. (3) x(t) 1 t 0 T T’ Fig 2-7 truncated cosine wave cos 0 t x(t ) 0 t T' t T' Using graphic method to discuss the effect of different T0 s on the spectrum for 4 T0 T ' , T0 T ' , T0 T ' . (4) exponentially-decaying x(t ) e at cos 0 t (5) triangular impulse with time shift (Calculate with one method and present two other ideas for solutions) x(t) 1 t τ 0 W . Fig 2-8 (6) Two rectangular impulses, one centered at origin and the other centered at x(t) 1 0 t τ T Fig 2-9 (7) Plot the waveform of time signal x(t ) A cos(2 f 0t ) k ,and its Fourier spectrum. (8) Find the spectrum of cosine impulse. x(t) cost τ x(t ) 0 1 -τ/2 τ/2 0 Fig 2-10 5 t τ / 2 t τ / 2 t (9) Find the spectrum of two cosine impulses. x(t) 。 0 τ0 t Fig 2-11 (10) Find the spectrum of the periodic modulated signal by use of graphic method: x(t ) e at cos 0 t (a 0, t 0) x(t) … t 0 Fig 2-12 2-5 Signal x(t ) and its frequency spectrum are shown in Fig 2-13. An oscillatory signal cos 2f 0 t ( f 0 f m ) is multiplied with x(t ) . (In this case, signal x(t ) is called the modulating signal , and the oscillatory signal cos 2f 0 t is called carrier .) Find the Fourier transform of the modulated signal x(t ) cos 2f 0 t , and plot its time waveform and frequency spectrum. What will be the situation if f0 fm . 6 x(t) x(f) I 0 -fm fm t I t fm 0 0 Fig 2-130 2-6 Two signals, x1 (t ) and x2 (t ) are shown in Fig 2-14 x1 (t ) has the frequency spectrum X 1 ( f ) . Determine the frequency spectrum of x2 (t ) . x2 (t) x1 (t) t0 t t0 t Fig 2-14 2-7 Find the convolution of x1 (t ) and x2 (t ) using graphic method. X1(t) X2(t) * t t T1 -T2 Fig 2-15 2-8 Find the Fourier transform of the signal spectrum (a 0, b 0, t 0) . 7 e e , at bt and plot its Chapter 3 Analysis of Measuring system 3-1 A piezoelectric transducer with a sensitivity S cp 9.00 PC / N is connected with a charge amplifier of a sensitivity S vc 0.005V / PC , which are then connected to a light trace oscilloscope of a sensitivity S xv 20mm / V . Draw the whole system using block diagram, and determine the resultant sensitivity. 3-2 A micro-ammeter with a measurement range of 60 A is calibrated. The following are the obtained data: number of measurements 1 2 3 4 5 readings of calibrating meter 10 20 30 40 50 readings of calibrated meter 10 20.5 29.5 39 50.5 Calculate the linearity of the meter (using the least-square regression). 3-3 Find the total sensitivity S for the following systems formed by elements connected in series, in parallel , and with negative feedback loop. Assuming that all elements in the figure are linear ones. x S2 S1 y Sn S1 S2 y y x S2 S1 x S3 Sn Fig 3-1 H s 1 and a time 1 s constant 0.35s is used to measure sinusoidal signals with period of 1 s , 3-4 A first-order device with a transfer function 8 2 s and 5 s . Determine the relative amplitude error for each case. 3-5 A gear box with a reduction ratio of 5 : 1 has unbalances on its two shafts. A signal y (t ) of the vibration caused by the unbalances is picked up by a sensor on the box case, whose frequency spectrum is Yf . y(t) t |Y(f)| f( Hz) 10 20 30 40 50 Fig 3-2 Question: (1) What are the input and output of the whole system? (2) Is the system a linear one? (3) What are the two frequency components in the spectrum that are caused by the unbalances of the two gear shafts? Assume that the meter has a rotation speed of 3000 rpm . 3-6 A periodic signal x(t ) 2 cos100t cos(300t / 4) ) passes through a first-order system whose frequency response H ( j ) 1 /( 0.05 j 1) . Find its steady-state frequency response. (1) Design a procedure for evaluating the output response; (2) Use graphic method to determine: ①the synthesized wave forms of the input and the output; and ②the amplitude spectra and the phase spectra of the input and output respectively. 3-7 Second-order measuring devices usually have a damping ratio 9 0.6 ~ 0.7 . Explain the reason. 3-8 A second-order device has the transfer function 2n H s j 2 2 n j 2 n . Its damping ratio 0.7 and the natural frequency f n 50Hz . What is its steady-state output y (t ) under the excitation x(t ) shown in Fig 3-3. x(t) 1 · · · t 0.025 0.05 Fig 3-3 3-9 A measuring device has its amplitude spectrum shown in Fig 3-4. The phase spectrum shows a phase-shift of 75 for 125.5rad / s , a phase-shift of 90 for 150.6rad / s , and a phase-shift of 180 for 626rad / s . The device is used to measure the following two signals: x1 (t ) A1 sin 125.5t A2 sin 150.6t x2 (t ) A3 sin 626t A4 sin 700t Is it possible to obtain a distortionless measurement of x1 (t ) and x2 (t ) using the device? Indicate the reason. A(f) 14 19 f(Hz) Fig 3-4 10 3-10 Find the steady-state response of the device with a transform function 1 H s when its input signal x(t ) 0.5 cos10t 0.2 cos(10t 45 ) . 0.005s 1 3-11 Insert suddenly a thermometer from the air of 20℃ into the water of 80℃. If the thermometer has a time constant 3.5s ,what is the reading indicated by the thermometer after 2 seconds? 3-12 A meteorological balloon with a thermometer having a time constant 15 (t he t he rm om et er c an be consi de red a s a fi rst -o rde r s yst em ) is passing through the air at a speed of 5m/s. The temperature decreases 0.15℃ for every 30m increase in altitude. The balloon transmits the altitude and the temperature data to the ground .By calculation , the temperature at the altitude of 3000m is -1℃.What is the altitude when a temperature of -0.1℃ is practically reached.? Chapter 4 Transducers 4-1 A steel plate with a length of L 1m and an strain gage elastic modulus E 2.1 10 6 kg f / cm 2 is pulled by a force P . The recorded tensile strain by an HP-3 foil strain gage ( R 120 ,sensitivity coefficient K 2 ) is 300 .Calculate the elongation L of the plate, its stress and R / R of the strain gage. If a strain of 1 must L steel plate P Fig 4-1 be measured what is the related R / R ? 4-2 A resistance strain gage has a sensitivity S 2 and a resistance R 120 .If its strain is 1000 when it operates. What is the mA resistance change R ? If the strain gage is connected in a circuit ma 11 (see Fig 4-2), determine: (1) the current indicated when there is no strain; Fig 4-2 (2) the current indicated when there is a strain; (3) the relative variation of the current indication; (4) whether it is possible to read out this variation from the ammeter. 4-3 A capacitance micro-displacement measuring workpiece instrument has an initial gap d 0 0.3mm between its two plates in an air medium. Each plate has a diameter r 4mm . Determine : (1) the capacitance variation when the gap has d Fig 4-3 a displacement d 1m from its initial position;and (2) the variation in graduations of the instrument . Assuming that the amplification factor of the measuring circuit K 2 1mV / PF , the sensitivity K 0 5graduations / mV , and the displacement d 1m . x b 4-4 A planar plate-capacitor displacement sensor with a width b 4cm and a plate gap 0.2mm is used to measure displacement .What is its sensitivity? Fig 4-4 4-5 A platinum-resistance thermometer is used to measure temperatures from 0 ~ 200 C .The resistance-temperature relationship is RT R0 (1 T T 2 ) . For R0 100 , R100 138.5 and R200=175.83, determine: (1) values of and ;and (2) the nonlinearity the thermometer displays at 100 C . 12 4-6 A capacitance liquid level gage has two metal cylinders located in a liquid tank. The outer cylinder has an inner diameter of 2 R and the inner cylinder has an outer diameter of 2 r . If the liquid ε1 L constant is 0 ,the total length of the plate is ε0 L1 dielectric constant is 1 ,the air dielectric L and the level height is L1 , determine: 2r 2R (1) the relationship between the level height L1 and the capacitance C ;and Fig 4-5 (2) the sensitivity S . Are L1 and C linearly related ? 4-7 Use the following two self-inductance transducers to show the sensibilities for δ1 Δδ δ0 δ0 Δδ L1 L L2 Fig 4-6 differential and nondifferential transducers. 4-8 An inertial velocity pickup of a natural frequency f n 15Hz ,and a damping ratioζ=0.7 is used to measure the following two vibrations: x1 (t ) 5a sin( 2f1t ), x2 (t ) a sin( 2f 2t ) ,where f1 10Hz ,f 2 100Hz Calculate the pickup’s output. If a piezoelectric accelerometer is used for the measurement, what is its output? 4-9 A velocity transducer is designed for measuring vibrations of frequencies higher than 30Hz . The maximum amplitude error should not be larger than ±5%. For a damping ratio ζ=0.6,find the natural frequency of the transducer . 13 4-10 What are the working frequency ranges of velocity transducers and accelerometers ? Describe the influence of m , k and ζ on frequency range. 4-11 A pressure transducer (considered as a second-order vibration system) has a natural frequency f 0 800 Hz and a damping ζ =0.14. It is used to measure a sinusoidal force of f 400 Hz . Find its amplitude ratio A( ) and the phase difference ( ) . If ζis changed to 0.7,determine A( ) and ( ) again. 4-12 A Hall-element,whose sensitivity is K H 1.2mV / mA KGS ,is placed in a magnetic field with a gradient of 5KGS / mm . If the rated control current is 20mA and the element vibrates about its equilibrium position with vibration amplitude of 0.01mm ,calculate its output voltage. 4-13 Fig 4-7 shows the equivalent circuit of the combination of a piezoelectric transducer and a change amplifier, where C is the sum of the inherent capacitance of the transducer, the stray capacitance of the cable ,and the input capacitance of the amplifier. The transducer has a sensitivity S q 100 PC / g , and a feedback capacitance C f 1000 pF . Find the amplitude voltage of the amplifier for a measured acceleration of 0.5 g . Cf q C v 14 Fig 4-7 Chapter 5 Signal Conditioning 5-1 A bridge consists of a resistance strain gage having a resistance R 120 ,a sensitivity S 2 and a fixed resistor of 120 .The bridge is powered with an excitation of 3V . Assume that the load resistance is infinite . For a strain of 2 and a strain of 2000 ,determine the output voltage of a single-arm bridge and a double-arm bridge respectively, and compare their sensitivities. 5-2 Someone found in using a strain gage that the sensitivity of the gage is insufficient. To raise the sensitivity,he increased the number of strain gages. Can the sensitivity be raised under the following conditions when (1)a strain gage is connected in series with each of the two arms of the half bridge;and when (2)a strain gage is connected in parallel with each of the two arms of the half bridge? Z2 Z1 5-3 An a. c. bridge is shown in Fig. 5-1. Z3 Z4 For Z1 R1 500 , ey Z 2 R2 1000 , e0 Z 3 j 1 / 0.2 , and the power supply e0 10V of f 1000 Hz , Fig 5-1 calculate: (1) Z4 when the bridge is balanced, and tell whether the reactance Z4 is a capacitive one or an inductive one; and (2) Z4 when Z 2 and Z 3 are interchanged. 5-4 A Wheatstone bridge composed of resistive strain gages is used to measure a 15 structure’s strain . The strain (t ) A cos10t B cos100t . The bridge has an excitation voltage e0 (t ) E sin 100000t . Find the spectrum of the output. 5-5 An amplitude-modulated signal xa (t ) (100 30 cos t 20 cos 3t )(cos c t ) , where f c 10KHz and f 500Hz . Determine : (1) the frequencies and amplitudes of the frequency components contained in xa (t ) ; (2) plot the frequency spectra of the modulating signal, the carrier and the modulated signal respectively. 5-6 Two strain gages are connected in the opposite arms of a bridge (see Fig 5-2). The excitation voltage e0 cos 2f 0 t ,where f 0 1000 Hz . Strain gage sensitivity K 2 and R1 R when the bridge is initially balanced . Find (1)the bridge output and plot its time waveform; (2)plot the amplitude spectrum of the output. ε(t) ε(t) R R1 u(t) ε(t) R 0 R1 t e0 Fig 5-2 5-7 A signal x(t ) e at (a 0, t 0) is used to modulate a carrier cos 0 t ,The modulated carrier is again used as a reference signal for synchronous demodulotion and phase-sensitive detection. Determine the time waveform and the amplitude spectrum of the signal after synchronous demodulation and phase-sensitive detection. What is the cut-off frequency of a filter if it is used to recover the original waveform. 16 5-8 Determine the output voltage e L when the load RL is connected to the following bridge, and the relation between e L and the output for an open circuit ey . R1 R2 RL eL R3 R4 e0 Fig 5-3 5-9 Determine the amplitude spectrum of the signal f (t ) A(1 m cos 2ft) sin 2f 0 t . 5-10 The following graph shows the strain curve measured by an a.c. bridge, determine: (1) the modulated time waveform; (2) the waveform after a phase-sensitive detection; (3) the amplitude spectrum of the signal after being modulated and phase -sensitive detected. ε(t) 1 t 0 Fig 5-4 5-11 A cosine wave signal of frequency f is used to modulate a sine wave carrier of frequency f 0 . The modulated signal x(t ) A(1 m cos 2ft) sin 2f 0 t where m is the modulating factor, and f 0 f 17 Determine (1) the spectrum of x(t ) ; and m2 (2) prove that the average power of x(t ) is P P0 1 2 where P0 is the average power of the unmodulated carrier . 5-12 Two band-pass filters, one is an octave filter and the other is a 1/3-octave filter, have the same lower cut-off frequency. How many times is the center frequency of the former filter larger than that of the latter one? 5-13 A 1/3-octave band-pass filter has a center frequency f 0 80 Hz . Calculate its lower and upper cut-off frequencies f c1 and f c 2 . 5-14 A band-pass filter has a lower cut-off frequency f c1 and upper cut-off frequency f c 2 ,and a center frequency f 0 . Are the following statements correct ? (1) for an octave filter, f c2 2 f c1 (2) f 0 1 2 f c1 f c2 ; (3) f 0 f c1 f c2 ; (4) the cut-off frequency of a filter is the frequency at which the -3dB magnitude of the passband is located; and (5) the center frequency of an octave filter is 3 2 times that of a 1/3-octave filter, when the two filters have the same lower cut-off frequency . 5-15 Two RC filters are shown in Fig 5-5. If the upper cut-off frequency of the low-pass filter is to be f c 2 440 Hz ,and the lower cut-off frequency of the high-pass filter f c1 360 Hz , select the resistor values, when the following 18 capacitors are available :4700 PF ,0.15 F , 0.01 F ,0.022 F ,0.033 F , 0.039 F ,0.047 F ,0.082 F . (calculate only one pair of data for each filter) C R R C low-pass filter high-pass filter Fig 5-5 5-16 For a filter with multi-channel negative feedback(shown in Fig 5-6), (1)determine its frequency response; and (2) identify what kind of filter it is , and calculate its cut-off frequency. C1 R3 R1 Vin Vout C2 R2 Fig 5-6 5-17 For a filter with limited voltage amplification , determine (1) its frequency response; and (2) identify what kind of filter it is , and calculate its cut-off frequency. 19 C1 R1 R2 Vout Vin Rf C2 R3 Fig 5-7 5-18 A low-pass filter x(t ) has its amplitude shown in the following figure and its phase angle characteristic ( ) 0 . The input signal to the filter is a periodic square wave of magnitude 1 and period T 1ms . Determine its output y (t ) and the related frequency spectrum Y ( f ) , sketch the waveform of y (t ) and its spectrum. x(t) H(f) 1 t T 2 0 T 2 0 T 1 2 3 f(KHz) Fig 5-8 5-19 A measurement system is shown in block diagram. The first stage has a form of an exponential signal e ax and the second one is an amplifier. Determine the characteristic of the third linear correction stage f. If f is now placed in a feedback 20 loop, what is its characteristic ? x x1 ax e x2 K y f Fig 5-9 5-20 If a high-pass filter and a low-pass filter are connected in series (shown in Fig 5-10), is it possible to form a band-pass filter? Derive the frequency response function of the total network. Analyze its amplitude phase spectra. C1 R2 R1 Vin Vout C2 Fig 5-10 5-21 How to distinguish between the two signals x(t ) and y (t ) (see Fig 5-11) by both their time and frequency waveforms after they have been first amplitudemodulated and then demodulated. x(t) y(t) T t t T 2 T 2 T Fig 5-11 5-22 Calculate the output of the network (see Fig 5-12) for the input of sin 10t . 100k Sin10t 1 f 21 ey Fig 5-12 5-23 The difference between two neighboring quantized levels of an A/D converter is equal to the quantization unit q . Prove that the quantization unit q for an N-bit A/D converter is q Vm 2N where Vm is the maximum converted analog voltage of the converter. 5-24 Fig 5-13 shows a cantilever beam made of steel with a Young’s modulus E 20 1010 Pa . Four resistive strain gages are cemented on the beam to form a full bridge. Each strain gage has a rated resistance of 200 and a sensitivity factor of 3.5. The bridge is powered by a dc power supply of 5.6V . Find the output of the bridge when the load is 100N . 15 R1(R2) R3(R4) R1 R2 e0 F R3 R4 R1,R3 6 R2,R4 60 70 Fig 5-13 22 ei Chapter 6 Recording Instrument 6-1 The vibrator of an SC16 Light Trace Oscilloscope has a unit step input i (t ) and gives an output (t ) (see Fig 6-1). What are the damping ratio and the natural frequency n of the vibrator? Deduce its transfer function. (t) i(t) mi =0.15 3 1 0 t t2 t1 0 t 6.28ms a Fig 6-1 6-2 Several vibrators are used to record sine wave signals of different frequencies and analyze the relationship between these different signals. How should one choose the vibrators? 6-3 An FC6-1200 Vibrator is used to record signals from a velocity transducer. Determine its working frequency range. If signals from piezoelectric accelerometer are to be recorded, what is the working frequency range of the accelerometer. 6-4 An FC6-30 vibrator is used to record a 100Hz sine wave signal of a magnitude 2V . The desired deflection on the recording sheet should be 50mm . Determine the values of the resistors to be connected in series and in parallel. (Assume the inner resistance of the power supply is 200 ) 6-5 A vibrator with a natural frequency of 1200Hz is used to record a squarewave signal with a fundamental frequency of 600Hz . Calculate and analyze the recorded results , and sketch the recorded waveform. 23 Chapter 7 Signal Processing and Analysis 7-1 Design a spectrum analyzer with multi-channel filters for a signal frequency range of 0 ~ 8KHZ . Ten octave band-pass filters are employed to cover the whole frequency range. Determine :(1) the center frequency of each filter, f 0 ; (2) the band width of each filter. 7-2 A tracking filter spectrum analyzer is used to analyze a square wave signal of a period of 0.1s . Calculate the band width of the band-pass filter. 7-3 Ideal sampling with a sampling rate f s 4 Hz is performed to three sinusoidal signal x1 (t ) cos 2t , x2 (t ) cos 6t and x3 (t ) cos10t respectively. Determine and compare the sampled output sequences of the three signals, sketch the time waveforms and the sample positions, and explain the frequency aliasing phenomenon by use of frequency spectra. 7-4 Calculate the DFTs of the following discrete sequence . ( 0,1 2 ,1,1 2 ,0,1 2 ,1,1 2) 7-5 Calculate the frequency spectrum of the sequence in Problem 4 using FFT algorithm. Compare and explain the two results. 7-6 Calculate the probability density function of signal x(t ) A sin t ,sketch the result graph. 7-7 Calculate the autocorrelation and the power spectrum of a periodic cosine wave x(t ) A cos 0 t . Sketch their graphs. 7-8 Calculate the cross-correlation of a square wave signal and a sine wave signal (see Fig 7-1). Compare the result with that of the autocorrelation of a sine wave signal and explain the reason. 24 x(t) Sinωt 1 t 0 -1 y(t) 1 t 0 -1 Fig 7-1 7-9 For y x 2 and the sequence x 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , calculate the cross-correlation coefficient xy of x and y . Explain the result. 7-10 Deduce the DFT of the exponential function x(t ) e t (t≥0) The waveform of x(t ) and its amplitude spectrum X f are shown in Fig 7-2. x(t) |X(f )| 1 1 0 t 0 f Fig 7-2 7-11 Digital Fourier transform is to be made with a stationary random signal which has been low-pass filtered before hand. If the components with frequencies 25 lower than 500Hz are to be analyzed, and the spectrum resolution must be 0.5Hz , determine (1) the sampling frequency f s ; (2) the number of samples N ; and (3) the bandwidth of the window function , T . Comprehensive Practical Problems Use your knowledge to solve the following practical problems. You are required to (1) put forward plans for measuring systems, their fundamental arrangements and the necessary explanations ; (2) put forward solutions to the problems these systems might encounter with in practice, such as temperature, variation, and vibration , etc. P 1.Truck deadweight gage The truck body is fixed on the chasis through springs. Indications of the gage must be seen by the driver in driver’s cab. Work out two possible solutions. 2.Rail-breadth measuring instrument : The inner width of rails is defined to be within A where A is the width , and is the tolerance. Width larger than the value will cause abnormal operation. Put forward two possible schemes for measuring width using patrol train. A 3.Automatic thickness measurement of rolled steel: The thickness of rolled steel-plate must be ensured within . Propose a solution for automatic measurement of plate thickness during rolling process. 26 δ 4.Steel cable is made by twisting several strands of wire. How to detect the wire breakage on-line. 5. It is found that a workpiece has vibration trace on its machined surface after being processed by a grinding machine. To find the possible source for the vibration, transducers and spectrum analysis are employed. Design a scheme for the vibration source detection. (Assume that the grinding machine has 3 motors: one for the spindle with a rotation speed of 1500rpm , one for the grinding wheel with a rotation speed of 3000 rpm , and one for the cooling oil pump with a rotation speed of 750rpm . No other vibration source is present.) 27