1 Homework 2 Fall 2015 EE 573 Due 9/18(F) SOLUTION Problem 1. (20pts) [Similar to Book Problem 2.1] Often times, the noise that corrupts a given signal is assumed to be white noise. Consider a bandlimited white noise random process N (t ) that has mean N 0 and standard deviation N 0.1volts . Its bandwidth (BW) extends to 10 MHz. (a)(10pts) Plot its power spectral density (psd), including numbers related to the above given information. Moreover, explain how you arrived at those numbers. [Also, plot the 2-sided psd, and be sure to include units.] Solution: The noise power is N2 0.01volts2 . This must equal the area associated with S N ( f ) . Hence, SN ( f ) N2 2 BW .01 2(10 7 ) 0.5(10 9 ) volts2 . Hz S N ( f ) 0.5(10 9 ) 10 6 Hz f volts2 Hz 10 6 Hz Figure 1.1 Plot of the noise psd. (b)(10pts) Recall that RN ( ) S N( f ) e i 2 f df . Use this formula to compute an explicit expression for RN ( ) . BW Solution: RN ( ) ce i 2 f df c ei 2 BW i 2 c ei 2 BW c e i 2 BW i 2 BW BW Now, recall that ei cos i sin c RN ( ) f ei 2 BW e i 2 BW i2 c ei 2 BW e i 2 BW i2 . e i e i sin . And so, we have: 2i c sin( 2 BW ) 2 . sin( 2 BW ) c 2 BW 2 BW N Sa(2 BW ) and e i cos i sin . Hence, Inserting the numbers gives: RN ( ) .01Sa(2 BW ) .01Sa(2 107 ) (c)(5pts) Extra Credit Compute a plot of your expression for RN ( ) . [Include your code in the Appendix.] Then validate your plot by noting the value of RN (0) . Answer: 10 x 10 -3 Noise Autoc orrelation Function 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -5 0 Time (sec ) 5 x 10 -6 Figure 1.2 Plot of RN ( ) . Note that RN (0) .01 N2 , which validates (in part) the plot. 2 RY ( ) Problem 2. (15pts) [Book Problem 2.5] It is suggested that a certain real process, Y (t ) , has the autocorrelation function shown at the right. Is this possible? Justify your answer by calculating and then plotting the psd. Y2 1 1 Figure 2.1 Plot of the process autocorrelation. Solution: Plot of Sa(w) 1 1 SY ( ) Y2 e i d Y2 e i 1 Y2 i 1 1 e i ce i i 2 Y2 sin 2 Y2 Sa( ) . 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 The plot of Sa() at the right includes negative values. Since any psd must have no negative values, the suggested autocorrelation function Is impossible. 0 -0.2 -0.4 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 Frequency , w 10 15 20 Figure 2.1 Plot of the process psd for Y2 .5 Problem 3. (15pts) [Book Problem 2.12] A wss process, X (t ) , has RX ( ) X2 e | | . For Y (t ) aX (t ) b , obtain the expression for RY ( ) . Solution: Using the linearity of E(*): E[Y (t )Y (t )] E{[aX (t ) b][aX (t ) b]} a 2 E[ X (t ) X (t )] abE[ X (t )] abE[ X (t )] b2 . Since X2 lim R X ( ) lim X2 e | | 0 , we have X E ( X ) 0 . Hence, E[Y (t )Y (t )] a 2 E[ X (t ) X (t )] b2 , or RY ( ) a 2 RX ( ) b2 a 2 X2 e | | b2 . 3 Problem 4. (30pts) When using an atomic force microscope it is essential that the scope base be as stable as possible. This problem addresses two wss discrete-time random process models for the vibration, X (k ) , of the base. (a)(5pts) Assume that X (k ) is zero mean white noise with variance X2 9 . Compute (i) R X (m) , and from your expression compute (ii) S X () . [This is a typical model choice of researchers not familiar with random processes.] Solution: (i) RX (m) E( X k X k m ) X2 for m 0 , and is zero, otherwise. (ii) S X (m) R X ( m) e i m X2 for any [ , ) . m (b)(10pts) Assume that X (k ) is zero mean non-white noise with variance X2 9 . Specifically, assume that: X (k ) 0.8 X (k 1) W (k ) (1) W2 where W (k ) is a white noise process. Find the numerical value for in the following manner: First, multiply (1) by X (k ) , and then take the expected value of this equation. Second, multiply (1) by X (k m) for m 1 , and then take the expected value of this equation. For m 1 you should end up with two equations in the unknowns RX (1) and W2 , from which you can easily arrive at a numerical value for W2 . Solution: Step 1: E( X k2 ) E( X k X k 1 ) E( X kWk ) where E( X kWk ) E[(X k 1 Wk )Wk ] E(Wk X k 1 ) E(Wk2 ) W2 . Hence, RX (0) X2 RX (1) W2 . (2a) Step 2: E ( X k X k m ) E ( X k 1 X k m ) E ( X k mWk ) .Hence, RX (m) RX (m 1) . In particular: RX (1) Substituting (2b) into (2a) gives: X2 2 X2 W2 . Hence: X2 . (2b) W2 (1 2 ) X2 0.36(9) 3.24 . (c)(15pts) Overlay plots a sample realization of {X (k )}1000 k 1 for each model. Then comment on how they visually differ. [Note: Include your code in the Appendix. Also, choose the initial condition so that the process is, indeed, wss.] Solution: Sample Par tial Realizations of X1 and X2 15 x1 x2 10 5 0 -5 - 10 - 15 0 200 400 600 k Figure 4.1 Plots of an n=1000 partial realization for X1 (model 1) and X2 (model 2). COMMENT: The model 2 data varies more slowly than the model 1 data. 800 1000 4 Problem 5. (20pts) This problem addresses the data generated in Problem 4 in greater detail. Recall that the autocorrelation function for a wss process is defined as: R X (m) E ( X k X k m ) . The process is said to be ergodic if: 1 n n lim n X k X k m k 1 lim R X (m) n pr (5.1) R X ( m) where the equality in in relation probability. The quantity RX (m) is called the lagged-product estimator of R X (m) . (a)(15pts) Write your own Matlab code for computing R X (m ) . Then use it to obtain plots of RX (m)m20 for each data 20 set in Problem 4. Then overlay plots of R X ( m )20 m 20 . Solution: Plots of True (dashed) & Estimated (solid) Ac orrs 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 Lag 5 10 15 20 Figure 5.1 Plots of the lagged-product autocorrelations (solid lines) and true autocorrelations (dashed lines) for the models in Problem 3. (b)(5pts) Discuss how the plots give a more rigorous basis to your comment in Problem 4(c). Discussion: The autocorrelation plot for Model #1 dies out slowly; indicating the nearby pairs of random variables are more correlated with each other. This correlation is evidenced by a more slowly varying time series. 5 Appendix %PROGRAM NAME: hw2.m % PROBLEM 1: varN=.01; BW=10^6; taup=10^-9:10^-9:5*10^-6; taun = -fliplr(taup); tau = [taun , taup]; d = 2*pi*BW*tau; R = varN*sin(d)./d; figure(1) plot(tau,R) title('Noise Autocorrelation Function') xlabel('Time (sec)') grid 'minor' pause %================================ %Problem 2: w=-20:.015:20; Sa = sin(w)./w; figure(2) plot(w,Sa) title('Plot of Sa(w)') xlabel('Frequency , w') grid pause %================================ %PROBLEM 4: varX=9; a=.8; varW=(1-a^2)*varX; X1 = normrnd(0,varX^.5,1000,1); X2 = zeros(1000,1); X2(1) = normrnd(0,varX^.5,1,1); W = normrnd(0,varW^.5,1000,1); for k = 2:1000 X2(k) = a*X2(k-1) + W(k); end K = 1:1000; K=K'; figure(3) plot(K,[X1,X2]) legend('x1','x2') xlabel('k') title('Sample Partial Realizations of X1 and X2') grid pause %================================ %PROBLEM 5: nlags = 20; [Rhat1,mvec]=LaggedAcorr(X1,nlags); [Rhat2,mvec]=LaggedAcorr(X2,nlags); figure(4) plot(mvec,[Rhat1 , Rhat2]) R1p = zeros(nlags,1); R1 = [ R1p;varX;R1p]; mpwr = 1:nlags; mpwr = mpwr'; R2p = varX*(a*ones(nlags,1)).^mpwr; R2 = [flipud(R2p);varX;R2p]; hold on plot(mvec,[R1 , R2],'--') title('Plots of True (dashed) & Estimated (solid) Acorrs') xlabel('Lag') grid hold off function [Rhat,mvec]=LaggedAcorr(z,nlags) %Lagged-Product Estimate of R: n = length(z); M = nlags; mp = 1:M; mvec = [-fliplr(mp),0,mp]'; R0 = mean(z.^2); Rp = zeros(M,1); for m = 1:M z1=z(1:n-m); zm = z(m+1:n); Rp(m)=((n-m)/n)*mean(z1.*zm); end Rhat = [flipud(Rp);R0;Rp]; end