In general, any topic about social entrepreneurship and solidarity economy might be interesting, and propositions are welcome. Some ideas might be: In-depth case studies of various actors in the Canton de Vaud (e.g., Mobility, proximity agriculture, fair-trade milk at Riponne market, organizations combining social objectives (e.g., inserting people back in 'traditional work market) with economic activity…) Social entrepreneurship in European countries: Comparison of key actors and public policies Marketing in Social Enterprise: Does it fit with their 'corporate image'? Do they want it? Do they believe in it? Do consumers want it? More theoretical development: A lot of topics can be developed from a theoretical perspective regarding social enterprise, solidarity economy, and people's desire to find new meaning in their work and consumption styles. If you are interested in such topics, please feel free to contact or pass in his office (Internef 623 – phone 021 / 692 36 79)