ESL 33B Syllabus - Pasadena City College

ESL 422 Syllabus – CEC/XL Summer Bridge (June 27-Aug 5)
Shelagh Rose
Telephone: 585-7263
Office: C156B
Mailbox: C247
Classroom: C151
Texts and Materials
 First Steps in Academic Writing 2nd Ed. by Ann Hogue (ISBN# 0132414880)
 Fundamentals of English Grammar 4th Ed. by Betty Azar (ISBN# 0130136352)
 Sarah, Plain and Tall by Patricia MacLachlan (ISBN# 0064402053)
 Sarah, Plain and Tall Discussion Guide (PCC bookstore only)
The Longman Dictionary of American English.
8 ½ x 11 inch Blue Book (PCC bookstore)
3-ring binder, white-out, a stapler, 8 ½ by 11 inch college-ruled paper, blue/black pen
Student Learning Outcomes
Reading: Students will be able to identify
the main and supporting ideas of a levelappropriate text.
 Quizzes
 Reading responses
 Summaries
Writing: Using process techniques,
students will be able to write a paragraph
developing a single idea with a clear
beginning, middle, and end.
Timed in-class writing
Multiple-draft writing
Prewriting & editing techniques
Self-assessment techniques
Information Competency: Students will
be able to check out a book from the library
and use a books and the Internet to find
basic information.
Find a word in the dictionary.
Find an encyclopedia article.
Language: Students will use correct
grammar, vocabulary, and sentence
structure for this level to communicate
appropriate basic information.
Paragraphs and other writing tasks
Sentence structure and grammar
General Information
1. Students must keep a notebook containing all material for the class and bring it to class daily.
2. Students are expected to take notes in class.
3. Students are required to spend a minimum of 12 hours, 2 hours per week, in the Learning
Assistance Center (LAC-D300) doing work from an approved list of materials. You will be
required to write down what you do in the lab each time and turn that record sheet in at midterm
and final time.
4. All homework must be completed before class begins. No late homework will be accepted unless
permission is requested before it is due.
5. Students are responsible for any work missed because of absence. You should get the telephone
number of several classmates in order to get any missed assignments. If you miss a test or a
writing assignment, see me in the next class to schedule an immediate make-up.
6. All students are required to spend a minimum of 2 hours on homework to prepare for the next
class. Students who come to class unprepared will be marked absent and may be asked to leave.
7. Regular and punctual attendance is necessary. If you miss 10 class hours (3 days) you may be
dropped from the class. Three tardies will be counted as one absence.
8. Cheating is not allowed. Anyone caught cheating on a test or composition will be given an F on
that assignment. If you allow someone to copy your assignment, you will also receive an F.
Anyone caught cheating twice will automatically be dropped from the class.
9. Turn off your cell phone before you come to class. If it rings during class, you will need to bring
snacks for the class the next day. If you do not speak English or use an electronic dictionary
without permission from me, you will also have to bring snacks for the class.
Writing and Homework Assignments - 75%
Quizzes - 25%
To pass, you will need to pass both the Writing and the Test portions with a 70%
or better.
Grading Scale -
The following letter grades will be assigned to your work:
A - Excellent
100 - 90%
B - Very Good
89 - 80%
C - Average
79 - 70%
D - Poor
60 - 69%
F - Failing
Below 60%
Important Dates
Monday, July 4th
Independence Day (No School)
Summer Schedule (This may change.)
Parts of Speech
Nouns and Pronouns
Present tenses
Past Tenses and Time Clauses
Future Tenses
Sarah, Plain and Tall
Reading Quiz Schedule
(This may change.)
July 1
July 8
July 15
July 22
July 2
Sentence Structure
Paragraph format
Description - People
Time order transition signals
Compound sentences
Description - Places
Prepositional Phrases
Topic Sentences and Support
Reasons and Examples
Complex Sentences
Chapter 1
Chapters 2-3
Chapters 4-5
Chapters 6-7
Chapters 8-9
LAC Materials for ESL 422
Grammar software
1. Focus on Grammar software – Basic/Intermediate levels
2. Elementary Anecdotes in American English
3. Heinle Illustrated Classics, Level B
4. Cambridge Readers, Level 3
5. Penguin Readers, Level 3
Grammar books
6. Side by Side Beginning
7. Graded Exercises in English (answer key in back)
8. Mastering American English (answer key in back)
9. Connect with English (video series)
10. Crossroads Café (video series)
11. Listening activities in Focus on Grammar (software) – Basic/Intermediate
Listening and Speaking
12. Whaddaya Say? (reduced forms or “relaxed English”)
13. Basic Everyday Spelling Workbook