MODULE 12 The Computation of Molecular Structure and Electronic Configurations Before reading this Module you might find it useful to refer back to Module 9 where we introduced the Hartree-Fock procedure for calculating the energies of many-electron atoms. The ultimate aim of quantum chemistry is the solution of the non-relativistic, time-independent Schrödinger equation for a molecular system, and to calculate the electronic structure of polyatomic entities. All computations necessarily involve heavy usage of powerful computers. With molecular systems everything is done within the confines of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation wherein the electronic Schrödinger equation is solved at a fixed value of R (internuclear distance), and a succession of eigenvalues are obtained as a function of variations in the parameter R. The electronic Schrödinger equations for the ith electron can be written as Hˆ j (ri ; R) E j j (ri ; R) (12.1) where the j’s refer to the set of orbitals that are eigenfunctions of the hamiltonian. Solutions of this equation are found for a set of values of R (nuclear positions). The hamiltonian is: n N 1 n 1 1 n 1 Hˆ i2 2 i 2 ij rij i I rIi (12.2) where n and N are the numbers of electrons (index i) and nuclei (index I), respectively; rIi is the set of electron-nucleon distances, and rij is the set of electron-electron distances. We are interested here in ab initio calculations where a trial function is chosen for the wavefunction (r;R), and the Schrödinger equation is solved using only fundamental constants and atomic numbers. It is a serious challenge to compute E(R) to within 1 kJ mol-1 of the experimental value. The Hartree-Fock Self Consistent Field Method The Formulation of the Approach The complicating feature of all calculations is the electron-electron repulsion term (1/rij) in the hamiltonian. We saw in Module 9 that the effect of electron correlation is difficult to estimate. We start by supposing that the true electronic wavefunction that we seek () is similar in form to an idealized wavefunction without electron-electron repulsion ( 1 The Schrödinger equation for the idealized wavefunction is given by Ĥ 0 0 E 0 0 (12.3) where n Hˆ 0 hˆi (12.4) i 1 The hˆi terms are core hamiltonians for the ith electrons (total n). Equation (12.4) is an n- electron equation that is separable into n-one electron equations, and 0 is the product of one electron wavefunctions (orbitals), each of which is a solution to the Schrödinger equation hˆi a0 (i) Ea0 a0 (i) (12.5) where a denotes orbital index and i denotes electron index. The eigenvalue Ea0 is the energy of an electron in orbital a. This is an independent electron model. This leads to the relationship 0 a0 (1). b0 (2)... z0 ( n) (12.6) The wavefunctions depend on all electron spatial coordinates, but the nuclear locations are taken as a parameter within the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. So far we have confined our attention to spatial wavefunctions, without considering spin explicitly. This can be taken into consideration by redefining equation (12.6) in terms of spinorbitals. Remember that a spinorbital is the product of spatial and spin functions and we will write it here as a i ; R where i represents the joint space and spin coordinates of electron i. Finally we write out our orbital as a Slater determinant 0 ( ; R) (n!)1/ 2 det a (1)b (2)...z (n) (12.7) where the principal diagonal only has been written. The u functions, with u = a,b,c,...,z are spinorbitals and are taken to be orthonormal. In equation (12.7) we have arrived at our idealized wavefunction, which is to be our trial function and the starting point of a variational calculation. We need to remember, however, that it is idealized and electron-electron interactions have been ignored (independent electron approximation). The Hartree-Fock approach will go part way to accounting for the 1/rij potentials. H-F treats electron repulsions in an average way. Each electron is taken to be moving in the electrostatic field of the nuclei and in the time-averaged field of the other electrons. 2 The Hartree-Fock equation The Hartree-Fock equation is defined as Fˆ1a 1 aa 1 (12.8) for electron 1 in orbital a of energy a, and F̂ is the so-called Fock operator. This operator is defined as follows: Fˆ1 hˆ1 J u (1) K u (1) (12.9) u where h1 is the core hamiltonian for electron 1 and the sum is taken over all the u (a through z) spinorbitals. The J and K terms are the Coulomb and Exchange operators respectively. These are defined (in au) by the equations 1 Jˆu (1)a (1) u* (2) u (2) d 2 a (1) r12 1 Kˆ u (1)a (1) u* (2) a (2) d 2 a (1) r12 (12.10) the d elements refer to combined space and spin coordinates. The Coulomb operator accounts for electrostatic repulsion between electron 1 and one of the other electrons (#2) in equation (12.10)). The exchange operator represents the way the Coulomb potential is modified according to electron correlation. Thus the sum in equation (12.9) represents the average energy of electron 1 due to the presence of n-1 other electrons. Since Jˆa (1)a (1) Kˆ a (1)a (1) the sum in equation (12.9) includes contributions from all spinorbitals except the one being computed. [Note that in Lowe 11-5 the J operator is taken twice, but only once here in equation (12.9). The Lowe treatment is for spatial orbitals each being doubly occupied whereas here we are dealing with spinorbitals that, by definition, carry only a single electron.] To arrive at the expression for the spinorbitals we solve equations like (12.8), after first evaluating the Fock operator, which depends on the spinorbitals of the n-1 other electrons, and, as before, it seems we must know the solutions before we can find the solutions. The selfconsistent field method detailed earlier allows this to be performed. Thus the n occupied spinorbitals in the determinental wavefunction (12.7) all contribute to the Fock operator. 3 Once arrived at, the Fock Operator is like any other Hermitian operator inasmuch as it has an infinite number of eigenfunctions, i.e. there is an infinite number of spinorbitals u having energy u. An infinite number is an impracticable number so it is usual to find m solutions where m>n, the number of electrons. The m optimized HF-SCF MOs are arranged in order of increasing energy; the n lowest are termed “occupied” and the m-n remaining are termed “virtual” orbitals. Some Definitions Restricted Hartree-Fock The wavefunction is a single determinental function where and spin electrons have identical spatial wavefunctions. Unrestricted Hartree-Fock Different spatial orbitals are allowed for the and spins. This is useful in free radicals where n > nfor example. The Roothaan-Hall equations The HF procedure outlined above is straightforward to use in situations where the Coulomb field is spherically symmetrical, viz., atoms. However it is not, in this form computationally feasible for molecules that are not spherically symmetrical. Hall and Roothaan (1951) independently devised a way out of this. They suggested using a known set of basis functions to expand the spatial parts of the spinorbitals. This transformed the coupled HF equations into a resolvable matrix problem. We express each spatial wavefunction in the Slater determinant as a linear combination of a set of M basis functions, j. M i c ji j (12.11) j 1 where cji are unknown coefficients (so-called MO coefficients). Substituting equation (12.11) into the Fock equation and performing some manipulations leads to M M j 1 j 1 Fij c ja a Sij c ja where 4 (12.12) Fij i* (1) Fˆ1 i (1)dr1 Sij i* (1) i (1)dr Fij and S ij are elements of the Fock matrix and the overlap matrix, respectively. Equation (12.12) is one of a set of M simultaneous equations (one for each value of i) and known as the Roothaan-Hall equations. The entire set can be written as a single matrix equation Fc =Sc (12.13) c is a M x M matrix composed of elements cja and is an M x M diagonal matrix of the orbital energies, a. The Roothaan-Hall equations have a non-trivial solution if, and only if, the secular equation is satisfied, i.e. det F-ε aS 0 The matrix elements Fij involve Coulomb and Exchange integrals which themselves depend on the spatial wavefunctions. Therefore a direct solution evades us and we need to employ the SCF method. The end result is a set of energies a, and coefficients, cja. Basis Sets At this point it is necessary to consider the basis set to use for evaluation of i. In other words, what shall be the nature of j and how many shall be taken? The two that dominate today are composed of either STO’s or Gaussian type orbitals. Here you are referred to Lowe, 11-8, for a discussion of the pros and cons and for becoming familiar with the current jargon of quantum calculations. Table 12.1 presents some results for small molecules using HF calculations with different basis sets. Koopman's Theorem Although the sum of all the one-electron energies calculated by the HF-SCF method is not yet equal to the total electronic energy of our molecule, it is possible for relationships to physical properties to be made. For example if we wish to know the energy of a molecule after one electron has been removed (the radical cation), we use Koopman’s theorem. This states that the ionization energy of an electron in an orbital (r) is the negative of the calculated one-electron energy of that orbital (r) I r r 5 This identity assumes that the distribution of the remaining electrons does not relax after the removal (see the discussion in Lowe, 11-11). Electron Correlation At this point we have arrived at a method for evaluating our idealized function through the HF method, which attempts to account for inter-electron repulsion through the J and K operators. However HF relies on averages and does not consider instantaneous electrostatic interactions. Electrons in motion tend to avoid each other. We summarize the situation by saying that HF ignores electron correlation. TABLE 12.1 Equilibrium bond lengths (as multiples of a0) for some polyatomic molecules, comparing experimental values with those calculated employing two types of basis sets compound STO-3G 6-31G** observed H2 1.346 1.385 1.401 CH4 2.047 2.048 2.050 NH3 1.952 1.897 1.912 H2O 1.871 1.782 1.809 Configuration State Functions and Configuration Interaction The HF method generates a finite set of spinorbitals when a finite basis set expansion is used (in equation (12.11), for example). A basis set with M spatial members provides 2M different spinorbitals. With n electrons occupying the n lowest of the set, we have generated our HF ground state, . These n orbitals define a particular Slater determinant. However 2M-n virtual spinorbitals remain, and many Slater determinants can be formed from the 2M total; is just one of them. We can readily generate other determinental wavefunctions by promoting one, or more electrons from the occupied set to the virtual orbitals. A Configuration State Function (CSF) is a linear combination of determinental wavefunctions having the correct electronic symmetry. A CSF containing 0 and some appropriate singly (or multiply) excited determinants can be employed to improve the representation of the ground state function. An ab initio calculation in which the wavefunction is expressed as a linear combination of determinants is a Configuration Interaction (CI) calculation. CI has emerged as one of the ways of including the 6 effects of electron correlation. Sections 11-14 and 11-15 in Lowe reveal many details of ab initio calculations and some useful approximations to the SCF methods. 7