NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS CURRICULUM SUPPORT Chemistry Organic Chemistry Support Materials [REVISED ADVANCED HIGHER] The Scottish Qualifications Authority regularly reviews the arrangements for National Qualifications. Users of all NQ support materials, whether published by Education Scotland or others, are reminded that it is their responsibility to check that the support materials correspond to the requirements of the current arrangements. Acknowledgement © Crown copyright 2012. You may re-use this information (excluding logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence. To view this licence, visit or e-mail: Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. Any enquiries regarding this document/publication should be sent to us at This document is also available from our website at 2 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (AH, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Contents 1(a) Molecular orbitals 4 1(b) The bonding continuum 6 1(c) Hybridisation 7 3(m) Aromatic hydrocarbons 12 4(a) Absorption of visible light by organic molecules 15 4(b) Chromophores 18 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (AH, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 3 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 1(a) Molecular orbitals Orbitals can be used to explain bonding between atoms. Atomic orbitals are the volume of space in which the electrons are likely to be found. The atomic orbitals containing the valence electrons (outer electrons) are the ones that are important here. When atomic orbitals overlap, they combine to form molecular orbitals. In the case of two hydrogen atoms, the overlap of the two 1s atomic orbitals results in the formation of a σ (sigma) molecular orbital. σ bonds are covalent bonds formed between atoms when end-on overlap of orbitals occurs. H + H H H Figure 1 Two 1s orbitals overlapping to form a σ molecular orbital. The resultant molecular orbital is more stable than each of the separate atomic orbitals and contributes to the shape of the molecule. In the above case this results in hydrogen molecules being linear, with the bonding electrons most likely to be found between the atoms. Molecular orbitals encompass the whole molecule and are not simply found between atoms inside a molecule. 4 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (AH, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY The molecular orbital formed is a lower energy arrangement than the separate atomic orbitals. σ* anti-bonding molecular orbital Increasing energy 1s orbital 1s orbital σ bonding molecular orbital Figure 2 Comparison of the energies of atomic orbitals with molecular orbitals. The anti-bonding molecular orbital is a higher energy molecular orbital. It is usually empty as higher energy orbitals are less stable and so electrons fill the more stable lower energy state. The anti -bonding orbital is used when electrons that are excited are promoted into it. These arrangements are often unstable. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (AH, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 5 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 1(b) The bonding continuum The shape of the molecular orbital formed from overlapping atomic orbitals will govern the type of intermolecular bonding that is observed. Non-polar covalent bonds or pure covalent bonds are formed between two atoms of the same element, or two atoms with a very low difference in electronegativities. The molecular orbital formed from overlapping atomic orbitals is symmetrical around a mid-point where the bonding electrons are most likely to be found. H F H F Figure 3 Symmetrical σ bonding orbitals of non-polar covalent bonds. As shown above, in hydrogen and fluorine molecules, or any non-polar covalent bond, the σ bonding orbital is symmetrical. This is not always the case. When there is a large difference between the electronegativities of the two elements involved in the bond, the bonding molecular orbital will be asymmetrical. Water molecules contain highly electronegative oxygen atoms. Because oxygen has a greater attraction for the bonding electrons than hydrogen, the molecular orbital formed will be asymmetrical. Figure 4 shows that because the bonds in water molecules are polar, bonding electrons are more likely to be found around the δ– oxygen atom. O H H Figure 4 Asymmetrical bonding orbitals exist in polar covalent bonds . When ionic bonds form, there is extreme asymmetry and the bonding molecular orbital is almost entirely around one atom. 6 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (AH, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 1(c) Hybridisation In its ground state, an isolated atom of carbon has the electron arrangement 1s 2 2s 2 2p 2 . 1s 2p 2s Figure 5 Orbital box notation for an atom of carbon in its ground state. The orbital box notation for an unexcited atom of carb on suggests that only two electrons are available for bonding. Clearly, carbon atoms are capable of forming four covalent bonds thus the shapes of the atomic orbitals involved cannot explain the bonding observed in hydrocarbon compounds such as alkanes and alkenes. H H H C C H H H H C C H C H H H H Figure 6 Hydrocarbons show carbon atoms exhibiting four covalent bonds . We can explain bonding in hydrocarbons by hybridisation. Hybrid theory assumes that the 2s and 2p orbitals of carbon atoms can combine to form new orbitals. In the case of alkanes such as ethane (Figure 6, above), the 2s orbital and the three 2p orbitals of carbon combine or mix to form four degenerate orbitals (i.e. orbitals of equal energy). ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (AH, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 7 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY z z y y x x 2s orbital 2px orbital z z y y x x 2pz orbital 2py orbital Figure 7 These four orbitals combine to form four new orbitals of equal energy. We describe these hybridised orbitals as degenerate. The hybrid orbitals found in the carbon atoms of alkane molecules are formed from one s orbital and three p orbitals. These are known as sp 3 orbitals. Increasing energy 2p sp3 hybridised orbitals 2s Figure 8 Energy diagram showing the formation of the new orbitals. 8 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (AH, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Figure 9 An sp 3 hybridised orbital. The sp 3 orbitals formed are all half-filled, with the electron far more likely to be found in the larger lobe. When drawn, the smaller lobe is often omitted. Since electrons repel each other, the four sp 3 hybridised orbitals surrounding a central carbon atom result in a familiar tetrahedral shape, with a maximum possible angle between each orbital of 109.5°. Figure 10 Four sp 3 hybridised orbitals arranged around a central carbon atom. In methane, all four hybrid orbitals are used to form σ bonds between the central carbon atom and hydrogen atoms. Carbon-to-carbon single bonds in alkanes result from overlapping sp 3 orbitals forming σ bonds. σ bonds are covalent bonds formed by end-on overlap of two atomic orbitals and since σ bonds must lie along the line joining both atoms, there will be free rotation around these orbitals. In alkenes the bonding observed is also due to hybridisation. As with alkanes, an electron from the 2s shell is promoted to the empty 2p orbital. This results in the formation of three hybrid orbitals, with one remaining unhybridised 2p orbital. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (AH, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 9 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY unhybridised 2p orbital Increasing energy 2p sp2 hybridised orbitals 2s Figure 11 Energy diagram showing the formation of hybrid orbitals in alkenes. The hybrid orbitals formed in alkenes from one s orbital and two p orbitals are called sp 2 orbitals. The three sp 2 orbitals repel each other, resulting in a bond angle of 120° between them. The hybrid orbitals overlap to form σ bonds joining their central carbon atoms to both carbon and hydrogen. 2p orbital Three sp2 orbitals Figure 12 An sp 2 hybridised carbon atom showing the unhybridised p orbital. + σ bond Figure 13 sp 2 orbitals overlap to form σ bonds. 10 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (AH, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY The unhybridised p orbitals are perpendicula r to the plane of the molecule. The p orbitals of the carbon atoms are parallel and close enough to overlap sideways. This sideways overlap between the 2p orbitals produces a new molecular orbital between the two carbon atoms. This new orbital is called a pi (π) orbital or more commonly a π bond. A π bond is a covalent bond formed by the sideways overlap of two parallel atomic orbitals. Figure 14 Sideways overlap of p orbitals results in formation of a π bond. Looking at information comparing σ and π bonds, we can see that double bonds are stronger than single bonds, but not twice as strong. This is because the sideways overlap (π bond) is weaker than the end-on overlap (σ bond). Bond type Bonding orbitals present Bond length Mean bond enthalpy C C 1σ 154 pm 370 kJ mol –1 C C 1σ+1π 134 pm 602 kJ mol –1 C C 1σ+2π 121 pm 835 kJ mol –1 Table 1 A comparison of the length and strength of various carbon -to-carbon covalent bonds. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (AH, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 11 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 3(m) Aromatic hydrocarbons Aromatic compounds differ to other hydrocarbons as they contain de localised electrons. The simplest aromatic compound is benzene (C 6 H 6 ). Chemists initially represented a molecule of benzene as shown in Figure 15 but this structure does not accurately depict the nature of the bonds within the molecule. H H H C C C C C H C H H Figure 15 An early representation of benzene. Benzene is a very stable, saturated structure that does not undergo addition reactions. The structure in Figure 15 would suggest addition reactions were possible and it does not show the delocalisation of electrons within the molecule. This model also does not explain why all the bonds in benzene are observed to be the same length. From the structure above, it could be (wrongly) assumed that analysis of benzene would show three shorter double bonds and three longer single bonds. In benzene, each carbon atom has used three of its four valence electrons to form σ bonds. The fourth electron of each carbon atom is delocalised over the entire ring, and is not involved in forming double covalent bonds. The σ bonding can be described as existing between six sp 2 hybridised orbitals. 12 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (AH, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY There are six C–C σ bonds in the molecule and so each carbon atom has two σ bonds to adjacent carbon atoms and every carbon atom also has a σ bond to an atom of hydrogen. This results in a planar molecule with the unfilled 2p orbital of each carbon atom above and below the plane of the mo lecule. Figure 16 Benzene showing the unused 2p orbitals. These unused 2p orbitals all combine to form a set of delocalised π molecular orbitals above and below the plane of the mole cule, each containing three electrons that are spread over the whole system. Figure 17 Delocalised electron clouds above and below the plane of the molecule in benzene. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (AH, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 13 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY The structure of benzene is drawn as shown below to represent the delocalised electron clouds. Figure 18 A modern representation of benzene. Benzene is an important feedstock for the chemical industry. While it does not undergo addition reactions, substituted benzene rings (called phenyl groups) are found in many medicines, antiseptics, drugs and other useful products. R Figure 19 A phenyl group (C 6 H 5 ). 14 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (AH, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 4(a) Absorption of visible light by organic molecules While many chemical compounds are coloured because they absorb visible light, most organic molecules appear colourless. Energy from photons is used to promote electrons from bonding or non -bonding orbitals into higher energy anti-bonding orbitals. Several transitions are possible. The σ* and π* antibonding orbitals are normally empty. When absorptions occur, electrons are excited and promoted from a filled orbital (an electron in a σ or π bonding orbital or from a lone pair in a non-bonding orbital) into a higher energy anti bonding orbital. π* anti-bonding orbital σ* anti-bonding orbital Increasing energy non-bonding orbital π bonding orbital σ bonding orbital Figure 20 The two possible transitions in a compound containing only σ bonds. Organic compounds that contain only σ bonds are colourless. The σ bonding orbital is the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO), and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) is the σ* anti-bonding orbital. The transition between these orbitals (as shown above) is quite large (high energy) and corresponds to the UV part of the spectrum. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (AH, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 15 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY π* anti-bonding orbital σ* anti-bonding orbital Increasing energy non-bonding orbital π bonding orbital σ bonding orbital Figure 21 Four transitions are possible in a compound containing both σ bonds and simple π bonds. Excitations of electrons in compounds containing simple π bonds still involve a large transition to promote an electron from HOMO ( π bonding orbital) to LUMO (σ* anti-bonding orbital) , and thus these compounds also absorb in the UV region of the spectrum. Organic molecules that are coloured contain delocalised electrons spread over a number of atoms. These molecules are known as conjugated systems. Previously we have considered conj ugation in small molecules such as benzene. H H H H H H Figure 22 Benzene exhibits a small degree of conjugation. 16 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (AH, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Coloured organic compounds contain a larger degree of conjugation. For bonds to be conjugated in long carbon chains, alt ernating double and single bonds must be present, as shown in the structure of vitamin A (Figure 23). H3C CH3 CH3 CH3 OH CH3 Figure 23 Vitamin A. Vitamin A contains a long chain of alternating σ and π bonds. The molecular orbitals contain delocalised electrons which stretch along the length of the conjugated system. The greater the number of atoms spanned by the delocalised electrons, the smaller the energy gap will be between the delocalised orbital and the next unoccupied orbital . Exciting the delocalised electrons will therefore require less energy so light of a lower frequency is absorbed. If this falls within the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum, the compounds appear coloured. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (AH, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 17 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 4(b) Chromophores A chromophore is a group of atoms within a molecule that is responsible for the colour observed. Coloured compounds arise because visible light is absorbed by electrons in the chromophore, which are then promoted to a higher energy molecular orbital. By comparing chromophores, we can find out about the energy of light that is being absorbed. We can explain different colours being observed in different organic molecules by considering the length of the conjugated system. The colours we observe are not absorbed by the molecule. If the chromophore absorbs light of one colour, then the complementary colour is observed. Compound Number of C=C in conjugated system Main colour absorbed Colour compound appears Vitamin A 5 Violet Yellow β-carotene 11 Blue Orange Lycopene 11 Green Red Table 2 A selection of organic compounds exhibiting colour and the length of their conjugated system. 18 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (AH, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY H3C CH3 CH3 H3C CH3 CH3 CH3 H3C CH3 Figure 24 β- carotene. Figure 25 Lycopene. If a compound absorbs any portion of the spectrum in the visible light region, it will exhibit an observable colour. Since violet light has higher energy than blue or green, when it is absorbed we observe the yellow light that is transmitted. As molecules with greater conjugation absorb lower energy light, the greater the degree of conjugation, the more likely the compound is to have a red colour. Similarly, less conjugation would result in compounds appearing yellow. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (AH, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 19 CH3