Policy Approved By - Metropolitan State University of Denver

Professional Development applications will only be accepted via e-mail. Please submit the form electronically to
Requestor’s Information
Requestor’s Name:
Requestor’s E-mail Address:
Campus Phone:
Box #
Employee ID #
Date Hired:
Job Title:
Request for:
Name of Event:
Undergraduate Course
Name of Course:
Graduate Course
Name of Course:
Registration/Tuition Fee
Miscellaneous Expense (Specify)
Total Requested
Supervisor’s Authorization: Supervisor’s Approval/Account Information
Supervisor’s Name:
Campus Phone:
Administrative Use Only
Approval Code:
Amount Authorized: $
Amount Funded (with receipt verification): $
Professional Development
December 8, 2008
The policy is designed to provide guidelines for administering a program of professional development and education for its
staff. It reaffirms that Metropolitan State University of Denver’s commitment to education extends to its staff as well as its
As part of MSU Denver’s commitment to staff development, the University offers a variety of programs and services designed
to help staff achieve professional and personal growth and greater job satisfaction. These include:
University-wide Workshops and Seminars. These development opportunities are generally offered through the Office
of the President, Academic Affairs, Students Services, and Administration and Finance in various forms.
MSU Denver Tuition Aid Program. Employees of the University may take courses at MSU Denver to improve or
enhance their job skills.
Professional Development Fund. Employees may apply for reimbursement for educational related activities.
Departmental Development Activities. Departments at MSU Denver may, at their discretion, also fund employee
related training programs. This may include individual and group training sessions.
A commitment to continuous learning and innovation will enhance MSU Denver’s ability to fulfill its mission. In support of
that commitment, the university has developed a Professional Development policy to ensure that its staff continues to grow
as professionals.
The focus and means of an employee’s professional development activity should be guided by university, department, and
employee goals and objectives. Conferences, seminars, academic coursework, and work related training opportunities are
some of the ways our staff may pursue professional development. While funding is limited, every effort will be made to
enhance job skills and job satisfaction for the university’s staff.
In all cases, employees must receive approval from their supervisors before taking advantage of the different professional
development related opportunities. If an employee chooses to participate in professional development on their own time,
these activities are not considered as time worked and are not eligible for university funding.
Policy Statements
University Wide Workshops and Seminars
Workshops and seminars are offered throughout the year by all the major areas of the university, including the Office of the
President, Academic Affairs, Student Services, Institutional Advancement, Information Technology, and Administration and
Finance. These workshops are intended to help improve basic areas of management, work-skills development,
communication skills, career and personal development, life skills, health, safety issues, etc.
Upon employment with the University, employees are eligible to participate in the workshops and seminars with supervisor
approval. Certain programs may have special prerequisites or eligibility restrictions.
Release Time
Training and development programs are usually offered during normal work hours. Once attendance is approved, hours spent
in this activity are considered normal work hours.
MSU Denver Tuition Aid Program
The MSU Denver Tuition Aid Program allows permanent full and part-time employees to take MSU Denver offered university
courses. Employees may receive a scholarship equivalent to six credit hours per year using this program. This scholarship is
prorated by the individual’s employment percentage. The scholarship will only pay for in-state tuition. Employees are still
responsible for university assessed fees and any course-related costs (textbooks, course fees, etc.). More information can be
found at www.mscd.edu/. If the course is not offered at MSU Denver, the employee may qualify for reimbursement of the
tuition if they take the course at another institution. The reimbursement will be for tuition only at MSU Denver’s tuition rates
for up to six credit hours.
All full and part-time university employees that have completed at least one year of service are eligible for this benefit.
Employees must receive supervisor approval to take University courses with this program. Certain courses may have
prerequisites or other restrictions. Eligible employees must apply for the College Opportunity Fund stipends for these credit
Release Time
It is expected that employees will take courses during nonworking hours whenever possible. In the event that no courses are
offered during nonworking hours, and when the course benefits the employee and the university, employees may take the
class during working hours. In this circumstance, employees will be granted release time for hours in class, as well as the time
to travel to and from the class. Release time cannot exceed 3 hours per week per semester.
Professional Development Fund
Employees of the university may identify professional development opportunities outside of the normal workshops, seminars,
and Tuition aid scholarships offered by the University. These opportunities include academic coursework at other institutions
of higher education which is not offered at MSU Denver, as well as conferences, seminars, and work related training courses.
The monies in this fund are limited and dispersed on a first come, first serve basis. Employees may be reimbursed up to $750
each fiscal year from the fund for qualified professional development activities. More specific information may be found at
www.msudenver.edu/ .
All full-time employees completing at least one year of service to the university are eligible to participate in this program.
Employees are required to obtain supervisor approval to qualify for this program. Only courses or educational activities that
will benefit the state and enhance the employee’s performance will be approved.
Release Time
Conferences, seminars, or work related training are generally offered during normal work hours. Hours spent in these
activities are considered normal working hours. In the event that the activity takes place after hours, employees are not
eligible for overtime benefits.
Employees using the fund for academic coursework at other institutions of higher education are expected to take courses at
times other than normal work hours. In the event that the course is only offered during work hours, employees are granted
release time for the course, as well as travel time to and from the class. Employees may only receive 3 hours of release time
per week per semester for academic courses.
Departmental Professional Development
University departments may determine to use departmental funds to provide training opportunities to their employees to
improve job related skills. This may include conferences, seminars, and work related training courses. Departmental funds
may not be used to reimburse employees for academic coursework at institutions of higher education. If a department
requires that an employee obtain or maintain job or field-related certifications, it is expected that the department will fund
activities related to the certification.
All full and part-time employees are eligible for this benefit. Departments have the discretion of establishing their own
policies governing eligibility.
Release Time
Training and development programs are usually offered during normal work hours. Once attendance is approved, hours spent
in this professional development activity are considered normal work hours. In the event that the opportunities are offered
during non-work hours, the employee is not eligible for overtime benefits.
The Office of the President delegates authority to the Vice President of Administration and Finance to oversee compliance
with this policy.
Questions regarding this policy, or requests for variances from the policy, should be directed to the Vice President of
Administration and Finance.
Related Documents and Policies
Policy Approved By
President’s Cabinet on December 8, 2008
Revision History
Origination Date: December 8, 2008
Last Amended Data:
Next Review Date: September 1, 2010