Topics for the Spring 2009 Bachelor Theses Wafik Lotfallah Department of Mathematics German University in Cairo General Research Area The following thesis topics are taken from two different fields: 1) Deterministic/Probabilistic Search in Artificial Intelligence; and 2) Finite Model Theory, which is the branch of mathematical logic studying the logical properties of finite mathematical structures, and forms the main connection between logic and theoretical computer science. Thesis Topics 1. A guide for city driving. (1 student) Driving in Cairo is sometimes very frustrating. First, one may miss some shortcuts in the shortest distance path from Point A to Point B. Also, one may end up waiting too long in a crowded street, while other routes could be faster. The student should write a documented program, which takes as input a mathematical model of a city street map with maximum speed assigned to each street at each time, together with a starting configuration (A, t 0), with t0 being the starting time, as well as an endpoint B. The program output should be the path that the driver should take to minimize: a) the distance travelled, b) the time spent, or c) the fuel consumed (this assumes the knowledge of the fuel rate/speed function). The student should examine different search techniques (typically studied in courses on Artificial Intelligence), and analyze the time/space complexity of his/her program. Also, s/he should implement the program with a reasonable model of greater Cairo city, and examine different statistical (and other) techniques to find the expected maximum possible speed for a given street at a given time of the day/week/year. 2. A game capturing first order logic. (1-2 students) The so-called Ehrenfeucht game is played on two graphs G and H by two players, Spoiler and Duplicator. Roughly speaking, Spoiler wants to show that G and H are different, while Duplicator wants to show that they are actually the same. For more details, see: In this game, Duplicator has a winning strategy in the n-round game iff G and H agree on all sentences of first order logic of quantifier depth n. The student(s) should write a documented program that implements this game with a graphic interface. The program should be able to make up a well chosen pair of graphs G and H, and play against the user. The tasks are divided as follows: Student #1: Is responsible for designing and writing the internal structure of the program. Student #2: Is responsible for the user graphic interface.