
Date & Time: November 28, 2012 12:34 PM
Location: Room JC-16 of the Science Bldg.
Virginia Beach Campus
Senators Attending:
2012-2013 Senators:
Mark Greer, Chair, Natural Sciences; Mike Adams, Secretary, Adjunct; Thomas Richards, Adjunct; Robert
Maynard, Engineering, Math & Industrial Technologies; Anne Mach, Health Professions; Ellyn Hodgis, Health
Professions; Cheryl Blythe, Humanities; Diane Ryan, Humanities; Monica McFerrin, Humanities; Lou Tinaro,
Information Technology & Business; Brittany Horne, Learning Resources; Kathy Buhrer, Natural Sciences;
Susan Day, Social Sciences & Public Services; Rick Dienst, Social Sciences & Public Services; Sandra Dunn,
Senators Not in Attendance:
Steve DeLong, Vice-Chair, Engineering, Math & Industrial Technologies; Gary Noah, Information Technology &
Business; Tim Konhaus, Social Sciences & Public Services; Dawn Walton, Learning Resources (CFS rep).
Call to order:
a. The meeting was called to order at 12:34 pm by Mark Greer, Chair.
Review/ Approval of the Minutes:
a. Minutes accepted as published
Campus Report:
Notes from Executive Staff meeting:
a. Development Office is promoting Annual Campaign for Spring 13 – Currently looking for campus
“cheerleaders”; orientation reception to be scheduled for February 8 th.
b. Possible higher profile for Dual Enrollment due to HB 1184 – Consideration being worked on is discounted
c. Placement testing of all juniors in VBCPS will begin in February – Waiving testing fee
d. Enrollment numbers for Fall & Spring semesters – rationale was that the drop was due to MTE courses, but
college is 23% down on November 23, 2011 compared to Spring 2012; equates to 2,000FTE’s
e. Strategic Recruitment Task Force formed w/ Dr. Summers as chair – goal towards student recruitment.
f. Work beginning on next draft of Capital Outlay Plan – Executive Staff now involved in the overall plan
development. Building deficit of 64% is required to qualify for new construction;
g, Facilities update – renovation on Bayside to begin at the completion of transfer of assets to JUL; Princess
Anne building is to expand from 30 – 50%; Student center now scheduled to open between late June/Early
July with “Grand Opening” in early August; The JUL is slated for a late May opening; the meeting of
architects for the Bayside will take 15-18 months with an $18 million budget
OF NOTE: Rooms F130 and FR108 have black mold; Pungo Bldg. needs rehab; Pungo Bldg. has a faculty
printer shortage, impacting student success.
h. Campus Holiday Party 12/13 in ATC atrium
Old Business
a. Follow-up actions re: 11/1/12 CFS meeting – Virginia Beach Adjuncts volunteer for Standing Committee’
Seeking volunteers for Audio Visual ad=hoc committee
b. Bumping of adjuncts by FT faculty – data from Deans – VB Senate recommends collection of data to
determine the necessity of need for policy.
c. Report on Ad Hoc Committee on CFS Reapportionment from last CFS meeting – committee effectiveness
in question; committee members have NO feedback, discussion. VB Senate recommends no change,
recommend considering a change to the by-laws IRT re-evaluation of realignment on a 5 year basis.
d. VCCS Faculty Evaluation Plan – there is a college committee forming, to include the CFS executive
committee. Initial meeting with the College President in January
e. College Faculty Veterans – CMVE seeking ALL faculty armed service veterans be identify to expand
services. Request that the Provost send an all faculty message seeking /tabulating data.
New Business
a. Question from Provost’s Staff Meeting about level of faculty concern with A/V problems and response time
on the campus – many horror stories; many difficulties are software related, could the faculty be given
instruction on this fix? – ALL felt that their class could be interrupted for fix.
b. Faculty opinion on change from current software to VCCS provided software for Academic Alert system. –
Not very informed on the subject. From what Sandra Dunn offered, this is a beneficial switch
and would enhance the Student Success effort.
Next Senate Meetings a. Next College Senate Meeting- December 6, 2012 @ 2:00 PM –Room JC=16, Science Bldg.,
Virginia Beach Campus.
b. Next VB Senate Meeting-Thursday, January 31, 2013 12:30 PM in the Provost’s Conference
Close: the meeting closed at 2:24 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Michael B. Adams
Secretary, Virginia Beach Campus Faculty Senate