August - Tidewater Community College

Tidewater Community College
Chesapeake Campus Faculty Senate Meeting
August 26, 2008
Attending: Carolyn Satz, Kim Edwards, Stacey Deputy, Forrest Crock, David Kiracofe,
Robert Harrison
Called to order 2:00 p.m.
1. Old Business.
There was none.
2. New Business.
a. Forrest Crock has a time conflict and can not facilitate the Faculty
Roundtable professional development opportunity scheduled for
September 3rd at 1pm. The time can not be changed. Stacey Deputy
will substitute.
b. Motion to changed monthly meeting times to 1:30pm on the third
Tuesday of the month was approved.
c. New procedures for online classes were discussed. A request for a
professional development workshop on the pedagogy of using
Blackboard was sent to Dr. Loope. Carolyn Satz highly recommends
the VCCS TOP class for online and face to face instructors alike. Lois
Radford in the library has an Online Information Literary document
which can be downloaded into Blackboard for students to use. This
will help them find appropriate sources online.
d. Faculty Evaluation Plan was discussed. The steering committee will
hold an open session on campus September 9th from 1:30-3:00pm to
answer questions. Location TBA
e. There is software available to the faculty through the VCCS. We will
request that Dr. Rice create a link on the Chesapeake Campus
Blackboard site to the list of software available.
f. The meeting minutes format will change to more closely resemble the
format used on other campuses. The minutes will be posted on the
Chesapeake Faculty Senate website.
g. The creation of individual Chesapeake senator websites was discussed.
Help in design can be found from IT student projects.
h. Kim Edwards will take over the matrix.
i. The next college wide faculty senate meeting will be held on the
Chesapeake campus on September 4th from 2-4pm in 2057B.
j. The Chesapeake faculty senate has had a lot of input in planning
professional development activities on campus. We will draft a formal
memo thanking Dr. Rice for her commitment to professional
k. At Convocation Dr. Rice asked the faculty at large to provide her with
lists of things we’d like to have on campus. Faculty senate discussed
the creation of a survey to gather and consolidate faculty input on
future purchases and improvements to the campus. Kim Edwards will
create the survey.
l. The question of the college’s liability insurance was discussed. A new
faculty member asked if we would be covered if we were sued. The
college does offer prepaid legal insurance through human resources.
More information should be obtained from them.
m. The tutoring center budget was discussed. Their budget is based on
the number of FTEs that visit the center. The more we as faculty
encourage students to use the center, the more money they will be
allocated to serve students.
Next College-wide Senate meeting is September 4th on the Chesapeake campus room
Next Chesapeake Senate meeting is September 16th.
Meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Stacey Deputy