TABLE S1. Results of the Bayesian inference analyses by partition, the number of generations the chains were run (values in millions), the number of generations discarded as the burn-in period, and the marginal log likelihood (lnL) scores of each run based on bootstrapped values (see text). _______________________________________________________________________ Data No. generations Partition Burn-in Marginal lnL _______________________________________________________________________ BRCA1 16.8 none 1,678,700 –52,054.793 BRCA1 35.9 codon 3,596,600 –51,884.078 GHR 21.5 none 2,146,800 –26,052.013 GHR 33.3 codon 3,332,700 –25,722.724 IRBP 20.7 none 2,070,800 –31,216.657 IRBP 23.5 codon 2,353,200 –29,633.921 RAG1 28.4 none 2,842,200 –39,427.366 RAG1 30 codon 3,000,000 –39,105.281 Concatenated 11.1 none 1,110,100 –147,388.717 Concatenated 15 codon 1,501,900 –146,670.543 Concatenated 15.1 gene 1,510,700 –146,836.256 Concatenated 19.4 gene & codon 1,940,500 –146,839.924 _______________________________________________________________________ FIGURE S1. Biogeographic regions used in ancestral-state estimations. Colors of biogeographic regions correspond to those in Figure 5. FIGURE S2. Maximum-likelihood phylogram of the BRCA1 gene reconstructed with the general time reversible (GTR) plus invariable sites (I) and gamma distributed rates () (GTR+I+) substitution model. Values at nodes represent Bayesian posterior probabilities greater than 50%. FIGURE S3. Maximum-likelihood phylogram of the GHR gene reconstructed with the GTR+I+ substitution model. Values at nodes represent Bayesian posterior probabilities greater than 50%. FIGURE S4. Maximum likelihood phylogram of the IRBP gene reconstructed with the GTR+I+ substitution model. Values at nodes represent Bayesian posterior probabilities greater than 50%. Grey vertical bars denote clades with inconsistent reconstructions among all gene trees. FIGURE S5. Maximum-likelihood phylogram of the RAG1 gene reconstructed with the GTR+I+ substitution model. Values at nodes represent Bayesian posterior probabilities greater than 50%. Grey vertical bars denote clades with inconsistent reconstructions among all gene trees. FIGURE S6. Time-calibrated subsampled tree from the Beast analysis and diversificationrate shifts from the Medusa analysis. Nodes 1–8 are supported with a corrected Akaike information criterion cutoff of 6.5–8, and nodes 1–9 by a cutoff of 4–6.4. Letters in squares at nodes represent biogeographic transitions. Af, Africa; NA, North America; SA, South America; S, Sahul; A, Southeast Asia; EA, Eurasia; M, Madagascar. The number following the biogeographic transition corresponds to the chronological order of colonizations.