List of "FATAL ERRORs", XBTF internal errors Nr Description 23 Not enough memory to display a page or a window 26 Acces to page by default impossible 42 Number of objects out of the limits 43 Number of objects out of the limits 44 Object description unknown or description area too big 62 Problem during the search of the number of objects for a page 63 Problem during the search of an object on a page 64 Problem during the search of a dynamic function key 66 Object creation impossible, too many dynamic function keysor too many variable fileds on a page 71 Too many objects application page creation impossible 72 Too many objects in the model page 73 Error during the model creation 74 Error during the page creation 202 Impossible to create a window, too many objects 203 Impossible to create a window 442 Impossible to animate a variable, the variable manager is overflowed 447 Impossible to find a system variable , problem between a system page and the run time. 982 Error with the Metawindow file (graphic librairy ) 983 Error during the closing of Metawindow flie 984 Error during the opening of Metawindow file 985 Error during the writing of Metawindow file 986 Erreur during the creation of Metawindow file 987 Erreur during the moving of Metawindow file 988 Erreur during the destruction of Metawindow file 1091 Overflow during the treatment of the protocoles requests Impossible to open the file confexpl.xdf 1183 Impossible to open the file equipmnt.xdf 1184 Impossible to open the file conftfs.xdf 1185 Impossible to open the file repvar.xdf 1186 Variable not found into the file repvar.xdf 1187 Impossible to open the file datavar.xdf 1188 Impossible to open the file conftdia.xdf 1189 1191 Error during the variable name search Impossible to open the file reppappl.xdf 1193 Impossible to open the file reppsys.xdf 1194 Impossible to open the file reppalrm.xdf 1195 Impossible to open the file reppaide.xdf 1196 Impossible to open the file reppform.xdf 1197 Impossible to open the file repmappl.xdf 1198 Impossible to open the file repmaide.xdf 1199 Impossible to open the file repmalrm.xdf 1200 Impossible to open the file datpalrm.xdf 1201 1202 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1233 1485 1486 1487 1506 1602 4000 + xx 6000 + xx Impossible to open the file repfont.xdf Impossible to open the file repimg.xdf Impossible to open the images file Impossible to calculate the images file size Impossible to read an images file Impossible to open a data file (page appli, alarm, help ; model appli, alarm, help) Error during the search of objects into a data file Impossible to open the file palette.xdf Impossible to open the file confalrm.xdf Impossible to open the file datmappl.xdf Impossible to open the file datpappl.xdf Impossible to open the file datmalrm.xdf Impossible to open the file datpalrm.xdf Impossible to open the file system.xdf Default in the protocol area in the file confexpl.xdf Impossible to open the file listfile.xdf Impossible to open the file listfile.xdf Impossible to work with the directory appli Impossible to find the good .xex file No suitablility between the xex and the application -> non interchangeability version No suitablility between the xex and the application -> non interchangeability version Impossible to open the file logfile.xdf DI09841E Application size Bad files manager used Disk Error Directory error System Stack overflow ( real time system ) Error during the loading of the font Application file is missing regarding the file Listfile.xdf ; xx is the order number in the list Attribut problem regarding the file Listfile.xdf ; xx is the order number in the list