Code59 Tech Session

Code59 101
SyTy Nats 2009
Bowling Green, KY.
Big Thanks!
What is Code59?
What is needed to run Code59?
How to install Emulator and ALDL Cable
What COM Port is my ALDL Cable on?
How to Use TunerPro
Exploring the Code59 XDF
Basic Code59 Tuning Tables
Closed vs Open Loop
How to tune – Drivability before WOT
How to Use Autotune
What’s Code59?
• Code59 is free stuff to help you tune
your truck for better power, reliability,
mileage, and drivability.
• Code59 includes
– Tools to help with tuning
– Base binary images (chip files) to
get started with, for various builds
and injector sizes
– Definition files for TunerPro RT so
that it understands Code59
Why use Code59?
• We made it better – improvements to the base GM
“operating system” to make it easier to tune, with
integrated Wide-Band o2 capabilities. Also, tools like
AutoTune to do a bunch of the heavy lifting for you to get
• Purchased “chips” are hit-n-miss; some will work ok on
your truck, some won’t.
• Does what the aftermarket systems (FAST,DFI) do, for a
lot less.
• You can do this stuff! Tune it yourself to
save $, and get better results than what
you can buy off the shelf.
What do I need?
• Wide-Band o2 sensor setup
– Recommended units:
• Innovate LM-1 (LC-1 is ok, too)
• Many others supported
– check the website for list
– Wide Band sensor outputs must be wired into the
ECM, Pin F14 for the Wide-Band signal and any good
ECM ground for the signal ground. (Pin B9 in the
center connector is a good place for ground or ECM
– Good Install Guide
What do I need?
• TunerPro RT:
– Only $30
• ALDL Cable
– Moates XtremeALDL –USB to Serial adapter and ALDL Cable
– AKM Cables
• ECM MEMCAL adapter
– Moates G1
What do I need?
• Ostrich, or chip burner
– Huh? Ostrich WTF is that?
Moates Ostrich – Allows you to make tuning changes “on the fly”
while the vehicle is running
• Burner
– Unlike the Ostrich, this won’t do changes while running;
you have to shut it off, pull the chip, re-burn the chip,
put the chip back in… lather, rinse, repeat.
The upside - cheaper.
• Laptop - with USB
• MS Office or OpenOffice to run AutoTune.
What do I need?
• Code59 XDF for TunerPro bin editing
• Code59 ADS for TunerPro logging
• Code59 Bin file for your Injector Size
• All of these can be found at
Getting Started
• I’ve got all of the above…now what?
– First things first, get it all hooked up. Wide-band,
Ostrich, Scan Tool cable.
– Download a suitable starter bin (one for your injector
size) for your truck from download area.
Put it in the TunerPro bin directory <location>
– Download the code59 ads and xdf files, and put them
in the appropriate directory.
– Start TunerPro
– Make a few data logs in TunerPro to make sure it all
How to hook up Ostrich
to your ECM
What COM port is my ALDL
Cable on?
1. Before connecting your
USB ALDL Cable, Right
click on My Computer and
go to Properties.
2. Click on Hardware Tab
and then go to Device
Pictures are for XP, Vista will look slightly
different but how you look up the COM
Port is similar.
What COM port is my ALDL
Cable on? - Continued
3. Expand the Ports
(COM&LPT) section
4. Connect your USB ALDL
5. The New Com Port will
Show up in Ports section
6. Remember the COM port
number as you will need
to put this in the COM port
setting in the TunerPro
ALDL connection.
In this example it is
What exactly is a Bin, ADS
and XDF?
– The actual code and information on the chip.
– Translator to laptop on what words the ECM is
speaking (english, spanish, canadian, etc.)
– Road Map to where info is on the chip, and
how to display numbers so us dumb humans
can understand it.
• Make sure XDF and ADS are in the same
How to use TunerPro
Load XDF, ADS and Bin
Set COM Port for ALDL cable
TunerPro Interface and Toolbar
How to edit Tables, Constants and Flags
How to use Toolbox in Table Editor
View Graphs
Find an item to edit (ctrl-f is your friend)
Connect/Record ALDL
Enable Datatracing to see the Bubble
How to log and export a log file for Autotune
Load XDF and BIN
• Goto XDF menu
and then select
XDF to load it
into TunerPro –
Best to load
XDF before BIN.
• Goto File Menu
and Open BIN to
load the chip
you want to
Load ADS File
• Hit F4 to get to the ALDL Setup Menu
– or go to Tools, ALDL Menu then Setup
• Click on Browse button to Load the ADS
Loaded ADS File
• ADS File loaded – It should look like this
Setting the COM Port in
TunerPro for ALDL Cable
• Goto Tools then Preferences on the Menu
• Set Interface to MAX232
• Change COM port Number to the one you
saw in the Device Manager
TunerPro Interface
• Broken up into Sections
(left side of the screen)
– Constants
– Flags
– Tables
Values, ALDL Flags,
XDF Notes, etc. at the
bottom of the TunerPro
TunerPro Interface
• Located at the bottom tool bar in TunerPro
Emulator Detected
Emulation On
ALDL Connected for Monitoring
Logging in progress
• Above File Menu
– XDF you using – If you change the XDF it will have *
next to it.
– Name of Bin
– Bin Changed?
• It will have * next it and means you have NOT Saved changes.
TunerPro Toobar
• Top Bar below File Menu
– Connect to Emulator Button
– Initialize Hardware
– Upload/Download/Verify Bin in Emulator
TunerPro Toobar - continued
– Enable Emulation – Allows you to make changes in real time
– Emulation Bank – Only works with Ostrich, add to toolbar to see
– ALDL Buttons – ALDL Interface, Connect to ALDL,
Enable Datatracing “AKA the Bubble”
TunerPro Toobar - continued
– DASH Board buttons – Gauges, Values, Flags, Monitors
TunerPro Toobar - continued
– Log Record/Play Back Control
Record ALDL
Slider to move through log
If paused, you can click on slider and use arrow keys on keyboard to
step through log frame by frame.
TunerPro Toobar - continued
– Item Comments (Hit F10) – We have added notes to
some XDF items. Goal is to eventually add all Notes
from the P4 Document into the notes for each item.
TunerPro Toolbox –
• Located in table editing menu
• With range of cells in table
selected you can:
– Add/Subtract Offset to all values
– Multiply/Divide to all values
– Smooth Selection – Very helpful
– Etc.
TunerPro Graphs
• Graph Button available when
tables are opened
• Does 2D and 3D Graphs of
table values
• Can Rotate and Zoom In/Out
on 3D Graphs
• Can Click and edit points on a
TunerPro Graphs
Finding an Item in TunerPro
to edit– Ctrl+F is your friend
• If you can’t find something, hit Control F to
bring up the find box
– You can search for phrases in the titles,
descriptions, etc.
– Help you locate item
Example: Do a Search for
Closed to Find all items with
closed in title.
It will help you locate the
Closed Loop Enable Temp Setting
How to Edit an Item
• Double click Constant, Flag or Table to open
up editor.
– Slider
– Type Value
– Check Box (Flags, on or off)
– Toolbox (Mass changes to a table)
• Click Save to save changes to item edited
– If button says UPDATE, you are emulating and
the change will be sent immediately to the
How to Connect and
Record ALDL
1. In the ALDL Interface
make sure ADS File
2. You need to have a
file created to be
able to record and
3. Click on Select Log
file and tell TunePro
where you want to
save the log file.
How to Connect and
Record ALDL - continued
4. Now that you have told TunerPro where to save
the file, we are ready to record.
How to Connect and
Record ALDL - continued
5. Click on the ALDL Connect Button in the toolbar
6. You should see you are now connected to the
ECM in the bottom tool bar
7. Hit Record on the Log Record/Play back tool to
start to record
How to Connect and
Record ALDL - continued
• Hit STOP on the Log Record/Play back tool to
Stop recording. to record – It will ask you to enter
in some comments for the session you just
• You can now EXPORT your log for Autotune or
play it back again using the Play Button.
How to Enable Data
1. Once you connected to ALDL
2. Click on the Data Trace button to turn Data
Tracing on.
How to Enable Data
Tracing - continued
3. You will now see
where you are exactly
in each table.
This also works when
you play back an
How to Export your Log
file for Autotune
1. Load Log you want to Export in the ALDL
Setup and select the session you want to
How to Export your Log
file for Autotune - Continued
2. Click on the Export
Session to CSV Button
3. TunePro will ask you
where you want to save
the file.
4. You will see status bar
below showing you the
progress of the export.
5. You should now have a
CSV of your log to
import into AutoTune
and can open in Excel
Show hookup, data collection.
Exploring the Code59 XDF
• In each section we have Organized all the
Constants, Flags and Tables in common
– Fuel, Spark, Boost, WBo2, etc.
Common Constants
• Closed Loop Temperature Enable
• RPM Limit
• EGR Shut Off
Closed Loop vs Open Loop
• CLOSED LOOP - allows the ECM to make
fuel corrections. You never want to tune
your vehicle in Closed Loop. You will be
chasing your tail.
• OPEN LOOP – ECM runs the VE numbers
in your F29x table without making any
How to put ECM in
• Do a find in TunerPro (CTRL+F) for Closed
and look for the item labeled Temperature
for Closed Loop Enable (KCLTC)
• Set this to 151°C to Force
the ECM into
RPM Limit/Fuel Cutoff
• Cutoff– Injectors are
turned off at this RPM
• Resume – Once
RPMs drop to this
setting, injectors will
turn back on
• Make sure you set it
for the correct number
of Cylinders you have.
Hey why does my V8 Ty
shut off at 4000 RPMs…
Did you check the V8 Fuel
Cut off and Not the V6 Cut
off……………JEFF 
Disable EGR
• EGR - Temperature Level for EGR Enable
(KEGRTEM1) – Set this to 151°C to
Common Flags
• Wideband Flags
– Select the correct WBo2 flag for your sensor.
– Make sure only one Wideband flag is selected.
Basic Fuel/Timing Tables
• F28 – This is essential our BPC – Constant
amount of time the injectors will opened.
• F29x – Main Fuel Table
• F77x – Boost Multiplier
• F1 – Main Timing Table
Base Pulse Constant vs- Desired EGR (F28)
• This table is always used
regardless if your EGR is
disabled or not. If disabled
the 0% setting will be used.
Best to set it the same for all
• This is essential our Base
Pulse Constant (BPC).
F29x – Main Fuel Table
• F29x – This is the main fuel table. This is the
table Autotune works with.
• Can’t go over 99.69VE in a cell
• Now you can fine tune
the boost cells.
F77x – Boost Multipler
• Used to add fuel when in
addition to the F29x table.
• F77x is for big fuel changes
across a MAP range.
• F29x is for fine tuning fuel
• Used when you run out of VE in
F29x (99.69 is max VE)
95% of all your work will
be in the F29x table
F1 – Main Timing Table
• F1 – This is the main timing table. This is where
you would do 95% of your timing changes.
• Goes from 600 – 4800 RPMs and vac to ~30 PSI
Ideal Fuel Ratio
• What is the ideal ratio?
• Cruise 14.0-15 : 1
• Boost 10.5-12.0 : 1
• Deceleration 15-20:1
• These are guidelines, based on knock and how
the truck reacts you will want to adjust for YOUR
vehicle. There is not a perfect answer here.
Where to begin?
Driveability before WOT
• Adjust F28 Table in the base bin for you injector size until idle is
somewhere in the 14.0 – 15.0 AFR Range and then leave this table
alone. – Set all values in this table to the same number
• Put ECM in OPEN LOOP so it no longer controls fueling
• Idle – Now fine tune idle cells to make sure it idles smooth
• TIME TO LOG – Take it out for a drive. Get Driveablitily correct
before boost
• Driveablity – Drive while logging different conditions.
– Cruise
– Different conditions (uphill, different gears, level)
– Different loads (more people in the car)
– Put log and F29x TABLE into Autotune
– Copy new F29x table back into Chip and save chip
– Examine new F29x graph
What is a good tune?
• Smoother is better
– Make sure you don’t have big VE changes
between MAP/RPM cells. More than 5 VE
difference between cells then look at those
• Trust your WBo2 Sensor but use your
NBo2 as a sanity check – If you can
– WBo2 Says 12 AFR, NBo2 says 900mv,
TRUST Sensor
– WBo2 Says 12 AFR, NBo2 say 300mv,
Examples Fuel Maps
Not too good – Lots of
Peaks and Valleys
Better – Smoother
Transition between cells
• Excel spreadsheet that groups data
samples together, averages them and
gives you a suggested new fuel table
based on inputs.
• Basically a lot of math to HELP you.
• Warnings
– Its just math, it can’t see if a sensor is bad,
garbage in garbage out, or other issues. Only
works off the F29x table.
*Before Starting you need to make sure the Excel Analysis
Pack installed and turned on in the ADD-ONs
1. Copy F29x table from your BIN
2. Paste Into the FROM TunerPro Section in
3. Make Sure AFR table in Autotune matches
F29_AFR in your Chip
4. Open Exported LOG into Excel
5. Highlight All Cells in the LOG and copy
6. Click on the Upper Cell of the NON_AE_PE
Tab and paste the LOG file
7. Wait for Autotune to Calculate – Will take
some time depending on the number of cells.
8. Copy the new Calculated Table from
Autotune into the F29x table of your Chip
9. Save Chip with a new descriptive file name.
10.View new Graph of F29x. Hand adjust cells
that don’t look right. WAY HIGH or WAY
LOW. Need to look at surround cells and
even them out. You don’t want a lot of peaks
and valleys.
TunerPro 5 PREVIEW
• New Bubble
• Improved ALDL logging – Goal is to no longer
need a separate tool like Datamaster for analyzing
• Histograms – Very Powerful Feature, step closer to
TunerPro having Autotune builtin.
• Create your own Dashboards
• Improved Monitor Graphing – Graph as many
items on a monitor as you like. No Limit on the number of
items you want to graph
• Ostrich 2.0 Address Tracing