(radiology 4)

SCORE – Standing Committee On Research Exchange
(SCORE Project Form 2009)
General Information
Name of the research project: Routine preoperative chest X-ray: do we need it? A
retrospective review.
Name of the department: Radiology and molecular imaging.
Tutor(s): Dr. Anupam Kumar Kakaria.
E-mail: anupam@squ.edu.om
Phone: 24144853
Description of the project
Please, provide project background information for the interested students:
Many patients have a preoperative chest X-ray as a routine before proceeding to surgery.
Many medical centers and hospitals worldwide are not doing a routine preoperative chest Xray unless there is another clinical indication to do the same. I want to review our practice at
SQUH and see if it adds anything to the patient management.
What is the aim of the project?
To see if any unnecessary routine preoperative chest X-rays are being done and if they can
be eliminated, leading to a reduction in cost and radiation exposure.
What techniques and methods will be used?
Retrospective review of images and patients’ clinical charts will be done to correlate the
physical findings and clinical assessment with the patients’ chest X-ray. We will also see the
yield of significant unexpected radiographic findings.
Type of the project (check only one option)
 Basic Science
√ Clinical Research without lab work
 Clinical Research with lab work
What should be the outcome of the student’s participation on the research project (paper,
poster etc)?
What skills are required? Is there any special knowledge or certain level of studies needed?
The student should have exposure to clinical scenarios and should have some
understanding of medical research.
Will you accept to the project:
 Pre-clinical students
√ Clinical students
What is the maximum length of duration of the research period?
Two to three months.
How many students can you accept to the project?
Special remarks: ___________________________________________________________
Thank you for your contribution!