FMLH Preoperative Guidelines for Off-Campus Providers Preoperative H+P Template PREOPERATIVE HISTORY AND PHYSICAL CHIEF COMPLAINT: HISTORY: This is a _____-year-old who complains of ____________(as dictated). ____(He/She) now presents for ________(procedure). Dr. ______ (Surgeon) has requested that I provide preoperative consultation before this procedure. PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: 1. 2. 3. etc (physician mentions if old/outside records were reviewed) PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: 1. 2. 3. etc Patient (denies/complains of) previous surgical or anesthetic complications. MEDICATIONS: 1. 2. 3. etc ALLERGIES: 1. 2. etc SOCIAL HISTORY: (married/single) (Smoker/non-smoker)(drugs/no drugs) (alcohol use) FAMILY HISTORY: REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: HEENT: Constitutional: Cardiovascular: Respiratory: Gastrointestinal: Genitourinary: Musculoskeletal: Skin: Updated May 2012 Slawski FMLH Preoperative Guidelines for Off-Campus Providers Preoperative H+P Template Neuro: Psych: Endocrine: Heme/Lymph: Allergic/Immune: ( FUNCTIONAL CAPACITY: (less than 4 METS) OR (greater than 4 METS). Explain justification for functional capacity (i.e. can run two miles) PHYSICAL EXAM: GENERAL: VITAL SIGNS: P ___, BP___, R____, wt___, ht____, pulse ox ____ SKIN: HEENT: Note Mallampati class (I,II,III, or IV) airway NECK: LYMPH: LUNGS: CARDIOVASCULAR: ABDOMEN: MUSCULOSKELETAL: PSYCH: NEUROLOGIC: DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES: ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: 1. CARDIAC EVALUATION: A. Ischemic Cardiac Risk. B. Ventricular function. C. Valvular heart disease. D. Arrhythmias. E. Beta blockade. Patient (does/does not) meet criteria for beta blockade. F. Hypertension 2. PULMONARY EVALUATION: 3. HEMATOLOGIC EVALUATION A. Bleeding Risk. B. VTE Prophylaxis/Thrombotic risk and recommendations.: 4. ENDOCRINE EVALUATION (only if dictated): A. Diabetes mellitus. B. Adrenal insufficiency risk. 5. MEDICATION Instructions 6. . (other) (Additional medical problems addressed) Updated May 2012 Slawski