
Class title: Chest and arms
Summary of content
Written Swedish routine for massaging the chest and arms (Pa I: 26-30)
Instructional Objectives
Students will perform chest and arms routine as dictated by the instructor, while
using correct body mechanics, and applying appropriate chest draping.
Students will demonstrate attentiveness and sensitivity to their partners and to the
class as a whole.
15 minutes
10 minutes
30 minutes
10 minutes
10 minutes
45 minutes
10 minutes
45 minutes
10 minutes
10 minutes
Roll & Stretching
Intro of topic, Q & A
Set up tables
Practice 1 & feedback
Practice 2 & feedback
break down tables
Media/ supplies to be used
Massage table , sheets and power point
Swedish Lesson Plan
Class title: Massage of the Chest and Arms
Course and Hours: Swedish 3.5
Stretching Guidelines
Overall warm up with emphasis on chest & arms (triceps, lats, pecs, flexors and
extensors of forearms, hand/finger stretches, any relevant yoga movements, etc.)
Intro to topic and Q & A
Before the demo, the class will briefly review the chest & arm muscles on power
point presentation. (pec. major, biceps, triceps, deltoids, flexors/extensors of
forearm, latissimus dorsi, upper trap., posterior cervical erectors, clavicle, sternum,
a/c joint, spine of scapula, palmar aponeurosis, muscles of digits)
Demo Guidelines
Re-demo the transition from the abdominal work to chest (gentle, specific melting
along origins of pec. major, at sternal edges, and out under clavicles) through sheet.
See draping guidelines in power point and demo appropriate draping for chest
work, both for males and females. Demo written routine from packet. Emphasize
how to move the arms fluidly for draping purposes and specific muscle work.
Assistant or student will call out the written routine for the demo.
Practical Guidelines
Instructors give touch comparisons at every table, give feedback about body
mechanics, draping and stroke mechanics while student practice the written
routine. Have students apply “female chest drape” to all partners regardless of
gender. Students will then practice gender appropriate routine, as needed (remove
chest drape on males)
Discussion Guidelines
Encourage student pairs to give appropriate feedback regarding the sense of
connection, the pressure of the techniques, ease of handling the limb, the flow of the
routine, and the effectiveness and coverage of the chest draping.
Media Usage
Power point
Swedish Course Outline