Long Branch High School 12th Grade AP Calculus Course Description and Classroom Policies Mr. Raleigh Woodruff Overview of the course: Calculus is an advanced mathematical course that concentrates on an analysis of functions, graphs, limits, derivatives, applications of derivatives, integrals and application of integrals. Emphasis is placed on career related applications of calculus content. Mathematical concepts to be learned: ♦ Linear, Quadratic, Polynomial, Even, Odd, and Higher Order Functions ♦ Symmetry of a Graph ♦ Linear, Quadratic, and Trigonometric Regressions ♦ Limits and Their Properties ♦ Continuity ♦ Differentiation ♦ Integrals ♦ Riemann Sums ♦ Logarithmic and Exponential Functions ♦ L’Hopital’s Rule ♦ Career Based Applications of Content Grading Policy: Remember, students earn their grades. The students’ grades are calculated quarterly using the following distribution: 5% Homework 15% Formative Assessments (Quizzes, Mathematical Writing and Reflections) 85% Summative Assessments (Tests, Section Projects) *Some quizzes given in class will not be announced beforehand. These quizzes are designed to assess student understanding, preparedness, and responsibility. All academic material on these quizzes will have been presented and discussed in class prior to the distribution of the quiz. Student Portfolio or Three Ring Binder: All students will be required to have their own three ring binder, which will serve as their portfolio, by September 11th, 2012. The three ring binger must be at least 1.5 inches wide. Textbooks: All students are required to cover the textbook issued to them. Students are not permitted to use another student’s textbook for any reason. Lost or stolen textbooks must be replaced by the student at full retail price. Assignment of Letter Grades: The assignment of letter grades is based on student achievement and follows the table below as described by the Long Branch High School Student Handbook. Percent 97- 100 92-96 88-91 84-87 81-83 77-80 71-76 70 Below 70 Outstanding Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory/Fair Fair Poor Minimum Grade for Credit Failure A+ A B+ B C+ C D D F Preparedness: Successful learning cannot take place without the necessary tools. Therefore, all students are asked to come prepared to class and bring all the necessary materials requested by the teacher. A lack of doing so will result in a 1% reduction in the student’s quarter grade for every day they come to class unprepared. Late Assignments: No late work will be accepted. Consideration will be given for absences and other exceptional circumstances under the discretion of the teacher. Cheating: Cheating is not tolerated. If a students is found to be cheating on tests, on projects, or on homework they will receive a score of zero for that particular assignment and a conference may be scheduled with the student, administrators, and parents/guardians. Calculators: The use of calculators in the classroom is permitted. It is recommended that each student own a graphing calculator (TI-89 preferred) or have access to the use of one for this course. Students: By signing below, you agree that you understand all of the policies and procedures outlined in this course description. _________________________________________ Student’s Signature ___________________ Date Parents: Parents/Guardians, by signing below, you agree that you understand the policies, procedures, and expectations of your child/dependent as a student in my class. You also give your permission for Mr. Woodruff to contact you by phone or in person with any concerns or recognition regarding the progress, behavior, and achievements of your child/dependent. _________________________________________ Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature ____________________ Date