Curriculum Committee Representatives Job Description (4 positions

Curriculum Committee Representatives Job Description (4 positions per class):
The role of a Student Representative of the Curriculum Committee is to be a link between
students and the administration. This is accomplished by participation at meetings with
administration, faculty, and students and by drafting reports for each medical school course. A
rare and rewarding opportunity, it allows exposure to the important players of the medical
school, insight into the medical educational system, and the chance to make a difference in your
education and that of your peers.
Meetings - These are great ways to learn about medical education and are essential to better
serving your classmates.
Full Committee Meetings: Mondays from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m (biweekly)
Meetings feature presentations regarding various curriculum works-in-progress like the
Scholarly project, intersession courses, means of evaluating and improving the curriculum. In
addition, reps are allotted time during each meeting to discuss topics of concern to students. The
meetings are held on.
Lunch with Drs. Ryan and Mahoney: Tuesdays from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. (biweekly)
These lunch-time meetings are an informal way to talk with Dr. Mahoney and Dr.
Ryan regarding student concerns and issues affecting the curriculum.
IPC Block Meeting: Thursdays from 7:00 to 8:00 a.m. (biweekly)
Meetings for Introduction to Patient Care Block allow reps to discuss issues specific to this set of
Executive Committee Meetings: Mondays from 12:00 to 1:00pm (monthly)
Dr. Kanter has invited CC reps to sit in with this inner circle committee to get a better grasp on
what kinds of issues they deal with. These are not limited to classroom issues but are farreaching and lend an appreciation for the complexity of medical school administration.
SEC meetings: Wednesdays from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. (monthly)
Curriculum committee members should be present at all Student Executive Council meetings to
update student leaders on curriculum issues and to become aware of new issues.
Course Evaluations - These can be time-consuming but are very important to course directors
and curriculum improvement.
Representatives collectively condense student evaluations for each course into a report
and discuss findings and suggestions with course directors. CC reps use these reports to
encourage course directors to address chronic issues and new problems and make suggestions for
improvement and innovation. A written copy of these course summaries as well as an
addendum documenting the conclusions reached during the discussions with the course directors
are placed on file with OMED. CC reps should also follow-up on their reports to ascertain
whether in subsequent years the course director made the changes that were suggested and
agreed upon.