A.D.A.M Interactive Anatomy Blood Vessel Review Prof. Will Kleinelp, Fall 2004 Name I. T H E A R T E R I E S 1. Start your PC and open A.D.A.M Interactive Anatomy. 2. From the dialog select Dissectible Anatomy, male, anterior 3. Position the image so that the head is in the center of the screen and the view is anterior. 4. Position the slide to level 79 and locate right common carotid artery. 5. Follow the artery superiorly and answer the following questions A. HEAD AND NECK 1. At the level of the hyoid bone the common carotid splits into which two vessels 1 2 2. Change the position to lateral and move the slide to level 49. Locate the right external carotid artery and answer the following questions; 3 Just above the hypoglossal nerve identify the vessel that exits anteriorly B. ARM 3. Return to the anterior position and position the right upper arm in the center of the screen. Position the slide to level 88. Find the beginning portion of the right subclavian artery. 4 What vessel does the right common carotid emerge from 5. From the origin point identify the first superior branch off of the right subclavian 6 Follow the right subclavian; what vessel does it become next? 7 Continue to following this vessel, what vessel does it now become 8. Find and locate the deep brachial artery. Identify the nerve located above this vessel 4. Position the slide to level 123 at the level of the forearm 9 At the level of the elbow identify the lateral branch off of the brachial artery 10. Identify the medial branch C. ABDOMINAL CAVITY 5. Return to anterior view so that the abdominal cavity is in center view. Move the slide to level 240. Identify the beginning of the abdominal aorta. 11 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18 19 20 21 Identify the first central branch off of the abdominal aorta What organ does the vessel identify in #11 supply Identify the next inferior branch off the abdominal aorta What organ does this vessel supply Identify the next inferior branch off the abdominal aorta What organ do these pair of vessels supply Identify the next pair of inferior vessels What organ do these pair of vessels supply Identify the next inferior single vessel Identify the organ this vessel supplies Identify the pair of vessels that the abdominal aorta gives rise to 6. Move the slide to level 217 and locate the celiac trunk coming off of the abdominal aorta. Now, move the slide to level 216 to view the branches of the celiac trunk 22 Identify the organ in the left hypochondriac region 23 Identify the blood vessel leading to this organ 24. Identify the superior branch medial and superior to the duodenum 25. What organ does this supply 26. Identify the inferior branch 7. Return to the lower abdominal cavity, anterior position and move the slide to level 240. Locate the right/left common iliac arteries. 27. Identify the first medial branch off the common iliac 28 Identify the name of the vessel below the internal iliac (the continuation of the common iliac) 29 At what point does the external iliac become the femoral artery D. LEGS 8. Return to the posterior view with the back of the legs in view. the slide to level 132. Locate the femoral 30 31 Follow vessel As the vessel Position the femoral artery inferiorly. What does the femoral artery become? femoral artery emerges identify the to lateral aspect 9. Position the image so that the backs of the thighs are in view. Position the slide to level 156. Locate the popliteal artery. 32 Identify the name of the vessel that the popliteal vessel transitions into 33. Identify the lateral vessel at which point this transformation occurs 34. Identify the major lateral branch off the posterior tibial 10. Return to the anterior view, centering the tibia and foot. the slide to level 296. Locate the anterior tibial artery 35. Identify the vessel over the instep that emerges from the anterior tibial; Position II. A. T H E V E I N S HEAD AND NECK Position the image so that the head is in the center of the screen and the view is anterior. Position the slide to level 169 and locate superior vena cava as it enters the right atrium. 36. Identify the name of the vessels that converge to form the superior vena cava 11. Reposition the slide to level 76 and find the jugular vein. the superior thyroid vein Locate 37. What vessel joins with the superior thyroid vein to form the jugular vein B. ARM 12. Locate the distal end of the basilic vein in the right arm 38. As the basilica vein ascends towards the heart it becomes which vessel 39 The Axillary vein converges with the cephalic vein to form which vessel 40 Which vessel joins with the subclavian vein to form the brachiocephalic vein 41 In the right arm which two vessel converge to form the brachial vein 13. Reset the position to lateral arm and set the slide to level 29. Locate the Brachialis muscle 42 43 Identify the vein just posterior to this muscle Using the slide bar determine which two vessels converge to form the deep brachial vein C. ABDOMINAL CAVITY 14 Return to the anterior position with the abdominal cavity in the center of the screen. Position the slide to level 228. Locate the top of the inferior vena cava. 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 14. 51 52 53 54 Identify the three large vessels that enter the superior viewed portion of the inferior vena cava What organ structure do these vessels emerge from Identify the two smaller vessels that emerge laterally What organ structure does these emerge from Locate the left renal vein and identify the small vessel that enters the renal vein from the superior aspect What organs structure does this vessel emerge from Does the lower inferior vena cava pass in front of or behind the aorta Move the slide to level 241. Which two vessel converge to form the inferior vena cava What two vessels converge to for the common iliac vein Identify the large vessel that precedes the large external iliac vein At the level of the pubic symphysis two vessel drain into the femoral vein, what are they D. LEGS 15. Position your figure posteriorly with the legs in the center of the field. Position the slide to level 130. 55 56 Identify the two vessels that converge to form the femoral vein Identify the position of the small saphenous vein in the lower leg 16 Move the slide to level 140 and locate the popliteal vein 57 58 The popliteal vein is from by the convergence of which two vessels What is another name for the fibular vein E. HEPATIC PORTAL SYSTEM 17. Return to the anterior position and place the abdominal cavity in the center of the field. Position the slide to level 217 and locate the point at which the right and left lobes of the liver are separated by a fissure. 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 Identify the large vein located just beneath this point Identify the lateral vessel that converges into vessel #59 Identify the organ from which vessel #60 emeges Identify the inferior vessel and merges with vessel #60 Identify the organ structures from which vessel #62 arises What vessel does the inferior mesenteric vein drain into What organ structure does the inferior mesenteric vein drain