Unit V - Care of the Patient with Respiratory Disorders

VNSG 1509 – Nursing in Health & Illness II
Unit V – Care of the Patient with Respiratory Disorders
Behavioral Objectives
Define terms associated with disorders of the
respiratory system.
Terms Associated with Respiratory Disorders
A. Atelectasis
B. Cheyne-stokes
C. Cor Pulmonale
D. Cyanosis
E. Dyspnea
F. Empyema
G. Epistaxis
H. Hemoptysis
I. Hyperventilation
J. Hypoventilation
K. Hypoxia
L. Kussmaul
M. Pleural effusion
N. Pleurisy
Discuss assessment of patient with respiratory
II. Assessment
A. History
B. Physical assessment
1. Breath sounds
a. Crackles
b. Wheezes
2. Clubbing of fingers
3. Cyanosis
4. Cough
5. Dyspnea
6. Chest pain
7. Subcutaneous emphysema
8. Sputum production
C. Risk factors
D. Developmental variations
Identify clinical significance and nursing
implications of various tests and procedures used for
diagnosis of respiratory function.
III. Diagnostic Tests
A. Lab tests
1. CBC
2. Arterial blood gases
3. Sputum exam
B. Diagnostic/imaging tests
1. Chest x-ray
2. Pulmonary angiography
Learning Opportunities
Hopper… Chapter 29, 30, 31
Review A & p
VNSG 1509 – Nursing in Health & Illness II
Unit V – Care of the Patient with Respiratory Disorders
Behavioral Objectives
3. Lung scans
C. Other
1. Endoscopy procedures
a. Bronchoscopy
2. Thoracentesis
3. Pulse oximetry
4. Pulmonary function tests
5. PPD/TINE skin tests
Describe the etiology, pathophysiology, and clinical
manifestations of the selected respiratory disorders.
IV. Selected Respiratory Disorders
A. Upper Airway
1. Infections
a. Common cold
b. Sinusitis
2. Obstructions
3. Laryngeal cancer
B. Chest and Lower Respiratory Tract
1. Infections
a. Pneumonia
b. Tuberculosis
2. Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome
3. Pulmonary embolism and infarction
4. Tumors
a. Lung cancer
5. Trauma
a. Fractures
b. Penetrating wounds of the chest
1.) Pneumothorax
2.) Hemothorax
Use the nursing process to describe care for patient
with selected respiratory disorders, including
treatments, medications, teaching plans and
V. Implementation
A. Dependent Interventions
1. Medications
a. Respiratory stimulants
b. Respiratory depressants
c. Drugs that affect :
1.) Mucous membrane lining
2.) Asthma
Learning Opportunities
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Pulmonary Edema
VNSG 1509 – Nursing in Health & Illness II
Unit V – Care of the Patient with Respiratory Disorders
Behavioral Objectives
Discuss nursing care for the patients having surgeries
involving the respiratory system.
d. Cough suppressants
e. Bronchodilators
f. Inhalation drugs
g. Antitubercular/antibiotics
h. Corticosteroids
2. Oxygen therapy
B. Independent Interventions
1. Promote rest and energy conservation
2. Patient education
a. Breathing exercises
3. Refer to community resources
a. American Lung Association
b. Lost Chord
c. Lost Voice
d. New Voice
C. Interdependent Interventions
1. Improving airway clearance
2. Chest physiotherapy
3. Promote adequate nutrition and fluid intake
4. Home care
5. Mechanical ventilation
6. Endotracheal intubation
9. Suctioning
10. Postural drainage
11. Nebulization
Learning Opportunities
VI. Surgeries
A. Thoracotomy
1. Chest tube drainage systems
B. Tracheostomy
C. Laryngectomy
D. Lung resection
1. Lobectomy
2. Pneumonectomy
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