High Risk Nursing Diagnoses

Risk Nursing Diagnoses
Read the data for each case study below and write a two-part nursing
Case Study 1
Mr. Reardon has been confined to bed with casts on both his legs. He seems
angry and has stated that he does not want to talk to anyone. You are aware
he has had a fight with his girlfriend. You suspect he may have the diagnosis
of Ineffective Individual Coping related to confinement to bed or possibly
problems with significant others. However, you are not sure if Mr. Reardon’s
withdrawal is a temporary method of coping that works for him.
Nursing Diagnosis:
Risk for ineffective coping related to problems with his girlfriend and
possibly related to confinement to bed.
Case Study 2
Mr. Cappelli has a temperature of 1010 F. He sleeps a lot and has a poor
appetite. He drinks approximately 2000 mL a day if you offer frequent
fluids and encourage him to drink. You recognize that fever is a contributing
factor for Fluid Volume Deficit.
Nursing Diagnosis:
Risk for fluid volume deficit related to insufficient fluid intake and fever.
Case Study 3
Mr. Rogers has just had his gallbladder removed today under general
anesthesia. His nursing assessment form has documented he has smoked a
pack of cigarettes a day for the past 20 years. He has no productive cough
at present, but you recognize his smoking and recent general anesthesia are
contributing factors for Ineffective Airway Clearance.
Nursing Diagnosis:
Risk for ineffective airway clearance related to history of smoking and
recent general anesthesia.
Case Study 4
You see Mrs. Jackson in the clinic 6 weeks after a hysterectomy. She states
she feels well physically, but emotionally, she just does not feel like herself
yet. She states she gets angry easily and cries a lot. She states she “feels
she gets no support from her husband”. You note her nursing assessment
form from her admission to the hospital for the hysterectomy 6 weeks ago
recorded she had expressed concern about the effect of hysterectomies on
sexual functions. You suspect she may have the diagnosis of Sexual
Nursing Diagnosis:
Risk for sexual dysfunction related to perception of recent hysterectomy
and/or spousal relationship.