Bridging the Gap Between Evidenced Based

Formulation of a question
Target Audience
Literature review
Expert opinions
Conclusion and recommendation
Nurses may not be familiar with effective
search strategies
Lack of knowledge of what a database is
Choosing the correct data base,ie; “we are
beyond google”
Negative attitudes regarding “research”
Fear of practicing differently from their peers
Lack of experience with research
Time constraints
PICO is a method of putting together a search strategy that
allows you to take a more evidence based approach to your
literature searching when you are searching bibliographic
PICO stands for:
Who or What?
What is the main alternative? (If
What are you trying to
accomplish, measure,
improve, effect
Choose key words closely
 Recent less than ten years
 Quality of publication- peer reviewed
 Country it was published in
 Qualifications of the authors
 Gold Standard randomized controlled trial
Steps to a literature review on the CareGroup
Click on:
• Clinical Tab
• Medical library resources (found on the left)
• Databases
• Ebsco
• Pick at least two – we tend to use
CINAHL,Cochrane hit continue
• Another that we use is pubmed you may get an
abstract and you can ask the hospital librarian
to obtain the article if you find it is pertinent
(Cherie Haitz ext :5109)
Evidence Based practice is the way of the future
Questions that you have can evolve into projects
that can positively affect your nursing practice or
Clinical Evidence empowers nurses to provide the
best practice
You ,as the staff nurse, have the clearest viewpoint
on your unit concerns
This information provides you with the evidence to
communicate and support a change for best
Keep questioning what is the best practice
Begin the research process
Your Research Ambassador is:
Cygan, H. (2011). Taking Evidence-Based Care to the Bedside. Nursing Spectrum , 14.
Kleinpell, R. (2009). Promoting research in clinical practice: strategies for implementing research
initiatives. Journal of Trauma Nursing, 114-119.
Larking, M., Cierpial, C., Vanderboom, T., Anspach, K., Grealish, K., Ball, S., et al. (2009). Research
Ambassadors: Bringing findings to the bedside. Nursing Management , 20-22.
Royle, J. (1998). Promoting research utilization in nursing: the role of the individual, organization,
and environment. Retrieved February 9, 2011, from Evidence-Based Nursing:
Adams,Jeannette S.(2010). Utlizing Evidenced-Based Research and Practice to support the
Infusion Alliance. Journal of Infusion nursing 32 273-277
Chatburn RRT-NPSFAARC (2009). How to Find the Best Evidence. Respiratory Care 54 1361-1365
Fmakic, M., Vonrueden,K., Rauen,C., Chadwick, J.,(2011). Evidenced-Based Practice Habits: Putting
more Sacred Cows Out to Pasture. Critical Care Nurse, vol 31 no 2. 38-61
Grimes, D., Schulz,K., (2005)Clinical Research in Obstertrics and Gynecology: More Tips for Busy
Clinicians. Obstertrical and Gynecological Survey.