school of nursing

Student's Name __________________________________________ Date of care ________________________
Patient's Initials ___________ Marital Status _________ Age _______ Height __________ Weight __________
Date of Admission ____________T ________ P ________ Apical _________ Resp. ________ BP ___________
Allergies (Drugs, Food, Tape, Dyes and others) ____________________________________________________
Reason for Admission ________________________________________________________________________
Definition of Diagnosis _______________________________________________________________________
Past Medical and Surgical History:
A. Previous hospitalization; injuries; surgeries_______________________________________________
B. Childhood/Adult illnesses_____________________________________________________________
C. Immunization history (especially note rubella status)______________________________
D. Current health habits:
1. exercise
 Identify: _________________________________________
2. smoking
 PPD __________________
3. alcohol
 Frequency? _______________ How Long? _____________
4. caffeine intake
 Identify? _________________Frequency ______________
E. Current medications:
Name, Dose, Frequency and reason for use: _____________________________________________
Patient’s Family Medical History: **___________________________________________________________
Prenatal History:
**not always used BEFORE DELIVERY
A. G: _______; P:________; ** ( T:________; P: ________; A: ________; L: _______)
B. Blood Type & Rh ________Pertinent Lab Data: H&H ________ WBC _________PLTS__________
C. Describe prenatal care
1. Date prenatal care began______________
2. Type of care (e.g.;  clinic;  private physician;  nurse midwife,
3. Client perception of prenatal care experience:
 satisfactory
 unsatisfactory  other:
Explain _________________________________________
D. Nutritional status during pregnancy
1. Weight gain (include pre-pregnant and pre-delivery weights)____________________
2. Typical dietary patterns during pregnancy___________________________________
3. Use of vitamin/mineral supplementation. Identify
E. Describe any health problems encountered during pregnancy and duration
1. Hypertension ______________________________________
2. Diabetes
3. Bleeding
4. Infections
5. Accidents
F. Childbirth Preparation Classes: Were they attended?
 NO  YES
G. Describe family response to pregnancy
1. Planned/unplanned _________________________________
2. Family support_______________________________________________________________
Describe: _________________________________________________________________________
Intrapartal History
A. Describe Labor
1. Time of Onset _____________ Duration _______________ Contraction pattern _______________________
2. Rupture of Membranes: Time __________ Spontaneous  Artificial Color ________ Odor _______FHR 3.
Type of pain management used ____________________4. Type of anesthesia used _____________________
5. Use of augmentation (Pitocin; Prostaglandin gel) _________________
6. Support system in labor __________________
B. Describe Delivery
G________P________ (post delivery)
1. Type: _________________ Time: ______________Outcome: __________________________________
2. Immediate post-delivery attachment experience ______________________________________________
3. Medications used immediately following delivery _____________________________________________
4. Client's perception of experience ___________________________________________________________
5. Complications __________________________________________________________________________
Fundal height: Expected location/position this postpartum day (reference to umbilicus, as above or below in fingerbreadths.) ___________________________________________________________________________
Consistency (firm, boggy, firm with massage) ____________________________________________________
Lochia: Color (rubra, serosa, alba) __________________ Expected color _______________________________
Amount (scant, moderate, heavy, constant ooze, trickle, clots) ______________________Odor______________
Describe safety concerns and patient learning needs related to amount of and expected duration of lochia.
NURSING DIAGNOSIS _________________________________________________________ NONE
Episiotomy: ________ Type ________________________________ Laceration __________________________
Discomfort (location, intensity, duration) __________________________________________________________
Inspect perineal area (edema, ecchymosis, hematoma) _______________________________________________
Comfort Measures (medications, ice, tucks, sitz baths, perineal sprays, correct position when sitting, etc.)
Describe patient's learning needs related to care of the perineum (perineal care, pad application, healing of
episiotomy, etc.) _____________________________________________________________________________
NURSING DIAGNOSIS ________________________________________________________ NONE
Cesarean Section
Incision (low transverse, classical) __________________ Dressing (dry, intact, drainage) __________
Discomfort (location, intensity, duration)__________________________________________________
Inspect Incision for REEDA ____________________________________________________________
Abdomen (soft, distended, rigid) __________________________________
Bowel Sounds (present, not present) __________________________
Flatus (passing, not passing)____________ _________________________
Lungs (auscultation, percussion) _____________________________________
Legs (tenderness, edema, condition of pulses) _____________________________________________________
Epidural/Spinal site (bleeding, ecchymosis, erythema) ______________________________________________
NURSING DIAGNOSIS _________________________________________________________NONE
A. Healthy History:
1. Usual urinary and bowel pattern: color, consistency, odor _______________________________________
2. Elimination habits: frequency, timing, presence of discomfort _________________________________
first voiding ____________________ second voiding _______________________
B. Presence/condition of hemorrhoids _________________ Comfort measures __________________________
C. Use of stool softeners/laxatives ______________________________________________________________
NURSING DIAGNOSIS _________________________________________________________________
Nutritional/Metabolic Pattern
A. Health History: Understands importance of postpartum (and lactation) nutritional needs (explain)
Desired post-pregnant weight __________Diet order __________
B. Condition of oral cavity _______________________C. Condition of skin, hair, nails ___________________
D. Condition of abdomen __________________________________E. Auscultate bowel sounds_____________
F. Inspect color, contour, presence of scars and striae ________________________________________________
NURSING DIAGNOSIS __________________________________________________________________ 
Sleep/Rest Pattern:
Describe pattern as it currently exists:
A. Ability to:
1. fall asleep:
 good  fair  poor
2. stay asleep:
 good  fair  poor
3. awake & feel rested:  good  fair  poor
B. Patterns of sleep disturbance (e.g. awakened for infant feeding; awakened for nursing procedure; awakened due
to noise, etc.) __________________________________________________________________________________
C. Use of sedatives (Identify)
D. Include objective data (e.g. circles under eyes, inability to concentrate, mood changes, fatigability, drowsiness)
NURSING DIAGNOSIS ________________________________________________________________ 
A. Describe pattern as it currently exists including significant others, lifestyle, residence, safety measures in home,
education, occupation/profession, social/recreational activities, communication ability.
B. Describe role changes resulting from pregnancy _________________________________________________
C. Describe maternal/infant relationship:
1. Maternal role attainment _________________________________
2. Perception of infant _____________________________________
D. How does mother relate to infant (rooming in, touching, eye contact, unwrapping, holding close, smiling,
talking, calling by name)?
Identify if she is in "taking in" or "taking-hold" phase? (circle one)
Describe family/infant interaction. _______________________________________________________________
NURSING DIAGNOSIS ______________________________________________________________  NONE
Sexual Reproductive
A. Health history
1. Date and results of last Pap smear _______________________________________________
2. Knowledge of SBE (self breast exam) ____________________________________________
3. Perception of resumption of sexual activity ________________________________________
4. Plan for birth control (type) ____________________________________________________
5. Breasts (soft, engorged, firm, discomfort, redness)___________________________________
6. Nipples (redness, prominence (everted/inverted), pain, cracks, fissures) _______________________________
B. Describe present care of the breasts (hygiene, support, schedule and duration of breast-feeding, use of
nipple shield, creams and ointments used, etc.) _____________________________________________
C. Describe patient's learning focus related to care of the breasts (films viewed, hygiene, support, breast feeding,
diet, use of shields, manual expression, feeding schedule, etc.) _____________________________
__________________________________________________________________________  NONE
Knowledge Deficit
Based on your assessment, list parents' learning focus, and describe your nursing interventions in the following
areas: Infant Care (bathing, feeding, circumcision care, normal newborn characteristics, sleeping, clothing, bowel
movements, need for contact and stimulation)
A. Teaching performed and method
B. Patient and family response
NURSING DIAGNOSIS ________________________________________________________________
Revised 9/08