9th Grade general Science guidelines – L-1

Instructor: Mr. Samilenko
Phone extension: 6393
Email: msamilen@rtm.org
9th Grade general Science guidelines – L-1
Please place these guidelines in your notebook.
What will we be doing in science class?
The curriculum for this class will have a strong emphasis on environmental science,
ecology, and earth science. The structure of this class is a mixture of lecture, discussion,
group activities, and laboratory experiences. We will be conducting a field study in the
fall followed by extensive data analysis. In addition to a very broad curriculum, this
course will also provide you with study skills, test preparation techniques, experimental
design, and laboratory writing skills.
1. Introduction to Science and Planet Earth
2. Ecology – Population Ecology
3. Ecology – Energy in the Ecosystem and Cycles
4. Ecology – Environmental Issues
5. General Chemistry
6. Fossil Fuels and Renewable Energy
7. Geology and Geo-history
8. Soils and Agricultural
9. Water as an Ecosystem
10. Meteorology
How challenging is this course?
This is a level one high school science class. It will be different in many ways from your
previous classes. Your success will depend primarily on your commitment to this class.
Previous good grades and level one status does not ensure good grades in high school.
Good grades are rarely achieved without hard work. A lot of time and effort will be
expected of you. If you are not willing to complete the assignments or review your notes
daily, then this probably is not the course for you.
How can I do well in this class?
You must start with a positive attitude about this class and yourself. You may not find
everything we do to be exciting; however, keeping a good attitude will make it much
easier to learn the material and master any required skills.
Pay attention in class. Taking detailed notes and doing homework is essential but not
enough. In order to fully understand concepts, you need to pay attention in class and
participate in discussions by asking and answering questions.
You must learn to manage your time. Test preparation should being as least a week in
advance. If a written assignment is not given for homework, you still may have
homework. Studying is homework. A daily review of your notes is essential to being
Try not to miss class. Sometimes it is unavoidable. If you do miss class, it is your
responsibility to make up all assignments. You will be given a monthly calendar that will
also be on my web site. Assignments will be posted daily in class and on my web page
in the homework section. The majority of the class material can be found there. If you
know you are going to be absent, see me.
If you are struggling in the course please come in for help after school. This service is
provided for you, but it is your responsibility to take advantage of it when needed.
How are grades determined?
Your grades will be determined by your total points earned in a marking period. These
totals will vary among marking periods. Approximately 50% of your grades will come
from exam scores. Exams will cover material learned over a two to three week period.
Expect three to four exams a marking period. You will be informed of exams several
days in advance. The other half of your grade is determined by quizzes, laboratories,
class work, and homework assignments. Projects and research papers will be conducted
throughout the year and may replace other forms of grading.
*Class participation and cooperation is required and is part of your grade. Failure to
cooperate will result in a reduction of your overall grade.
What will I need for this class?
You need to bring your science notebook, charged I-pads, pens, and pencils everyday.
Your notebook should consist of a folder to hold handouts and blank lined paper for note
taking. We will be using two textbooks this year, but you will only have to bring the one
specified for each unit. The two books are Modern Earth Science by Holt, Reinhart, and
Winston, Inc. and Environmental Science by Person.
General classroom rules.
Be respectful to your teacher and fellow students. Be prepared and on time for every
class. Science class should be used to only work on material related to this course.
If you have a concern or problem regarding this class or this course, come and discuss it
with me. Don’t be afraid to address your concerns and solve your own problems. I am
available most days after school.