Miss McConnell - North Penn School District

Mrs. Weizer
11th grade English, 5.0
weizerer@npenn.org or NPWeizer@gmail.com
215 – 368 – 9800 x 4883
Twitter: @NPWeizer
North Penn High School
2012 – 2013
Grading Policy and Course Outline
General Classroom Expectations: I have high expectations in regards to your behavior in my
classroom as well as your dedication to the study of English. It is expected that you will
1. Enter the classroom quietly and timely with all of your required materials (including
2. Follow directions the first time they are given.
3. Respect the right of your classmates to learn and be dedicated English scholars.
Course Content
1. Literature/Reading
2. Vocabulary
3. Grammar
4. Writing
The grading scale that will be used in all courses will include a “plus” designation for grades of C
or higher. The grade of D will be the equivalent of 65% - 69%.
Grading Scale for Marking Periods
97 – 100%
90 – 96%
87 – 89%
80 – 86%
77 – 79%
70 – 76%
65 – 69%
Below 65%
Final Course Grades
A+- D course avgs parallel the marking period grade
50 – 64% (Remediation permitted)
Below 50% (Remediation not permitted)
The midterm exam will count at 10% of the second marking period grade.
Final Grade:
1. For year-long courses, each marking period grade will have a weight of 21 percent and the
final examination, a weight of 16 percent. For year-long courses without a separate final
examination, each marking period grade will have a weight of 25 percent.
2. For semester courses, each marking period grade will have a weight of 40 percent and the
final examination, a weight of 20 percent.
All numeric averages will be rounded to the nearest whole number.
Determination of Quarterly Grades: Quarterly grades will be a compilation of test grades, quiz
grades, composition grades, and homework completion as well as class participation. Each of
the factors contributes to a quarterly grade in the following manner:
Tests & Quizzes:
Class Participation:
50% of grade
30% of grade
+2% possible of grade
10% of grade
Students who contribute regularly will earn one
percentage point per marking period.
Homework: Homework will be checked randomly. If all homework assignments are
completed, your marking period grade will increase by 2%. If one to two
assignments are missed, your grade will not be affected. If you miss more than two
assignments, you grade will decrease by 1% for each missed assignment.
Completing homework will strengthen your skills and will lead to your success in
the course.
Make-Up Work: If a student has an excused absence or tardy for only one day, any test or quiz
missed should be taken on the first day back in school. Generally, the time allocated for makeup work will equal the number of school days missed. If a student absence is unexcused, or the
student cut class, s/he will receive a zero for the missed assignment/quiz/test. All class work can
be found on my website through www.npenn.org
Tally Sheets: Each student is expected to maintain an accurate record of test, quiz, and project
scores on a tally sheet which is provided by the teacher and which is to be kept, at all times, in
the front of his/her English notebook.
English Notebook: Each student is expected to keep an English notebook with the following
dividers: Literature, Writing, Vocabulary, and Grammar.
Critical Paper: Written expectations and requirements for the critical paper project are provided
at the beginning of the research project. Students must hand in a critical paper to pass the
marking period. Failure to hand in the critical paper the day it is due will result in a failure for
the marking period. A copy of the paper MUST be submitted to turnitin.com.
Plagiarism: Any assignment that is plagiarized, including homework, will result in a zero for the
assignment and referral to your HOOF.
Extra Credit: Students who complete all homework assignments may earn extra credit in order
to raise their quarterly percentage. Each marking period a 5 or 10 point extra-credit assignment
will be offered. Extra credit is not a substitute for completing class work.