Regular Biology 2015-2016 Teacher: Mrs. Cheryl Wooldridge email. Welcome To Biology This is an introductory course which focuses on fundamental concepts in biology. Throughout the semester the following unifying themes will be explored: the nature of biological science as a discipline, biochemistry, the cell and homeostasis, genetics, the diversity of life, ecology, and human biology. Students in Biology will model the process of scientific investigation through inquiries, fieldwork, and lab work. They will design investigations and experiments, make observations, and formulate theories based on evidence. In addition to the assigned textbook, I will supplement this course with notes, lab activities, videos, computer animations, and a variety of internet sources. Resources: Textbook: Glencoe Biology (Zebra Book) 2008 You’re Interactive Notebook: Organization and good study skills are important objectives in this introductory science course. You will be expected to keep a 3 ring binder, Interactive notebook for Biology. Your notebook will be important evidence of your participation, and I will ask to see it. It should contain all class notes, homework assignments, lab reports, and handouts. All entries should be dated and titled. For assignments completed in class, please write in black or blue ink. Return graded assignments to your notebook. We will set up notebooks together so you will give a more specific format. Participation: Regular and punctual attendance is expected. Be prepared for class: read assignments when they are given, listen in class, ask questions, take notes, cooperate, and engage in daily activities in an appropriate manner. Grading: You should follow your progress in this class by visiting our online grade book called Ed Line. You will be given a username and password for this system within the first few weeks of school. After that, you can access grades for all your classes. NINE WEEKS: Daily Work, Homework, Laboratory Exercises, Interactive notebook check: 40% Tests/Projects/Lab write ups/Final notebook grade: 60% SEMESTER: Regular Biology Syllabus 2015-2016 1st nine weeks: 40% 2nd nine weeks: 40% Semester exam: 20% Extra credit is not available. Grade Categories: 90-100%=A 80-89%=B 70-79%=C 60-69%=D below 60%=F Class Expectations: Be on time. All Tardies are recorded and sent to office unless notification from another teacher or office has it excused. Students are expected to stay in the classroom during the instructional period. Extended or frequent departures will affect your grade in the class. Absences should be kept to a minimum. Please avoid scheduling outside appointments during class time. Any absence during lab time will require an alternative assignment. Labs can not be made up. Make-up work will not be accepted for unexcused absences. Make-up tests will not be administered to students for unexcused absences. . Excused Absences: Work that is late due to an excused absence will not be penalized but should be made up immediately upon return. For each day that you are absent, you will get one extra day to turn in your missed work. If you miss a test due to an excused absence, you should plan to take the test within 48 hours of your return. Makeup test will be administered during Intervention following day of absence, it is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements. Students that make a pattern of being absent on test days will find me less cooperative each time. Biology is a lab-based course. All labs are assessed as a test grade. Classroom performance and participation are dependent on regular attendance. Late Work Policy: In this class, late work is defined as any assignment not turned in or finished by the beginning of the period on the due date. For homework, labs, and other written assignments, late work will be accepted up to one day after the due date, but with a 20% reduction in the grade. After one day, you will not receive credit. While I understand that computer problems occur randomly, they are not an acceptable excuse for late work. Learn to avoid late-work issues by completing your assignments before the due date. Regular Biology Syllabus 2015-2016 I will emphasize safety procedures frequently. Safe behavior in the laboratory is a must. Students who violate safety rules will be asked to sit out the lab and take a zero for the assignment. A separate safety contract must be read and signed by both students and their parents. Important: Laboratory safety concerns require that all students report for class each day with appropriate clothing. Burns and chemical spills are ever-present hazards. Opentoed shoes, bare midriffs, and baseball caps are three examples of inappropriate clothing for a laboratory setting. Please be responsible for your own safety and dress appropriately. Not permitted in my classroom: Cell phone, food, drinks (INCLUDES WATER BOTTLES), headphones, and hats. Appropriate behavior is expected at all times. Students are expected to speak to the teacher, visitors, and other students with respect. Academic Dishonesty Cheating will not be tolerated. Cheating includes (but is not limited to): copying someone's answers on a test or quiz, letting someone copy answers from your test or quiz, copying someone's assignment and calling it your own, letting someone copy your assignment, and informing other students of quiz or test material. If you are caught cheating you will receive an "F" for that particular assignment/exam/quiz and further discipline action will be taken. Regular Biology Syllabus 2015-2016 Please sign the form below and return it to me. Biology Contract Student Name (please print): _____________________________________Period______ I have read and understand the course description and student expectations described in the Biology 2015-2016 syllabus. Students: I intend to uphold the honor code at Magnet Cove High School. I will only turn in work that I have done myself. I will credit all sources in my research. I will respect the confidential nature of test material and I will not share it with other students who have not taken the test. I will use the Ed Line website to access my assignments and grades. I will strive to do my best work. Student Signature: __________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________ Parent/Guardian Phone #: _____________________________________________________ Parent Email (s): ___________________________________________________________________________ Regular Biology Syllabus 2015-2016