Test 1 - Scryptions

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Total 70 Marks
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Evaluation Theory Test
A: Sound-alike exercise: (10 marks)
Read each sentence carefully and circle the word in parentheses that correctly completes
the meanings.
1. (Aural, Oral) examination revealed cerumen in the canal.
2. Examination of the mouth reveals no (Aural, Oral) lesions.
3. The patient complains of tenderness around the (Auricle, Oracle)
4. Examination of the neck revealed a few (Shotty, Shoddy) nodes.
5. I feel great. I (Past, Passed) my examination!!
6. The patient thinks his (Tinnitus, Tendinitis) and headache symptoms maybe associated
with his high blood pressure.
7. Examination of the face revealed only (Supple, Subtle) changes in the pigmentation of
the skin.
8. NECK: (Supple, Subtle) without masses.
9. We will be adding three new medical (Assistance, Assistants) to the staff this month.
10. A sore throat with (dysphagia, dysphasia) made the child uncomfortable with any
solid foods.
B: Choosing words from context. (10 marks)
When transcribing dictations the medical transcriptionist frequently needs to determine
the word that correctly completes the sentence based on the situation. From the list of
words below, select the term that meaningfully completes each statement.
Node, Otitis,
1. On examination of the external ear, a periauricular lymph _______ was noted.
2. DIAGNOSIS: Upper respiratory infection, with acute bilateral _______ media.
3. The central line was changed from her right subclavian to her right internal
4. Her throat is slightly red; however, no drainage or ________ is noted.
5. The patient’s throat _________ came back positive for strep.
6. On examination, there was a (an) __________ mass in the abdomen.
7. The tympanic membrane on the right is __________ and bulging.
8. The en bloc _________ to remove the tumor left a large scar.
9. I instructed the patient to call us promptly if she develops any ________ drainage
from the wound site.
10. Mr. Johnson had large open sores on his gingiva and __________ cavity on the
right side of his mouth.
C: Visual Proof Reading Review: (15 marks)
Read the following partial medical report and look for errors in word use, spelling, the
use of comas, pronoun and reference agreement, and subject and verb agreement. Also,
check for complete sentences and circle the errors. Write down the correct words under.
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: Plus of 120, respertory rate of 30, temperature of 99 and
wait 40.6 kg. She is a tin pale adolesence female in mid respiratory distress. Head is
normosephalic and a traumatic. People are equal, round, and reaction to light. Extra
auricular moments are full. Sclera are anicteric. Conjunctivae is not injected. Nose is
without discharge. No flareing. Her mouth have pink and moist mucosa with no lesions.
His lips are cyanotic. His face has a flush over the cheak bones. Her neck is supply,
without palpable limph nodes.
D: Expand the abbreviations: (10 marks)
1. ASD:
2. CABG:
3. EKG:
4. MI:
5. AIDS:
6. KUB:
7. TURP:
8. CAT:
9. CSF:
10. OTC:
E: Using Medical Terms: (10 marks)
1. Removal of kidney surgically: ___________
2. Difficulty, painful urination: ____________
3. Related to liver: _____________
4. Blood in urine: ___________
5. Disease of the lymph glands: ____________
6. Urination during the night: ____________
7. Region between the urethral opening and anus: ___________
8. Removal of testicles: ___________
9. Inflammation of the kidneys: ________
10. The area above the pubis: __________
F. Find the meanings of bolded American slangs from the words mentioned below and
fill them. (15 Marks)
1. My sister has three rug rats.
2. She is a psycho. She should be in a hospital.
3. At the wedding he had a flashback of his old girlfriend.
4. I am really a goof at times.
5. I feel like I am going to croak.
6. If you don't hustle, we will be late again.
7. I was really bummed after I heard the news.
8. Try not to get smashed at the beer party.
9. He kept his cool when his house burned down.
10. The police nicked the shoplifter as he was leaving the store.
11. John is a loser.
12. The raw office workers were not getting much done.
13. He put the cuffs on the killer.
14. Your idea is really red hot.
15. I am glad you got yourself out of that jam.
Annoying and useless
Hurry up
Mentally ill
Remained calm